Should women be allowed to become policemen?

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Fuck no.

It shouldn't be a question of them being allowed. If your society even considers women to be anything other than mothers and wives, you have big problems.

In weak beta countries like Western and Northern Europe yeah everywhere else no

arrest me!
open bob, pls

Only if they're cute.

Only if they are roided up and ugly.


> Police men

Pick one?

really makes you think

The roided up part is enough for me.


Only if they stop me for a vigorous body search.

Obviously no. They are a burden to male officers

Not in the US. The police women we have are all fat, watching them chase after Jamal in the hood is pretty entertaining, they'll never catch them.

got my dick hard

To be a cop you should have the physique of a bouncer. Anything less is a liability.

t. Cop

Officers are not just there for law enforcement, it's a civil-servant's duty to maintain community peace and order. Some may not do that, they're bad cops, maybe not even necessarily bad people but just bad at their job.

Female officers help with a myriad of things which males would be ill-equipped to handle. Performing strip searches on women is best left to female officers, women have an easier time comforting children and other women, women are more successful in prostitution stings than men, and although you might think women can't do jack shit in a fight they can be useful in some situations because most men will be hesitant to hit a woman over hitting another man.
There's a difference between being a police officer and being on the front lines in the military. Just because they cannot be as efficient as men physically does not mean they can't be useful more than enough to justify their position.
The criminal justice system is severely overburdened and underbudgetted. Many places cannot even afford to run modern rape-kits. If women didn't work, we wouldn't have them regardless of any kind of political pressure.

This. Watch a guy called ThinkLikeACop on Youtube. He's an ex-cop that breaks down these Youtube videos, and whenever a female cop shows up to the scene he always tears into her. It's usually
>female officer can't do shit so is polite
>only reason she isn't getting wrecked is because the other person doesn't want to wreck her
>person isn't complying though, female officer calls for backup
>male officer shows up
>person begins to comply
>female officer starts running her mouth because a man is there and escalates the situation

Ok, t. Cop, gender isn't a social construct so why aren't there any genderfluid officers? Maybe you live in a facist nazi police state?

>nonsensical leaf rambling


Yeah but then they'll probably be a lefty and do you want those selectively enforcing your laws?

>f women didn't work, we wouldn't have them regardless of any kind of political pressure.

Nonsense. That doesnt even make sense, if there was political pressure, you would have them even if they didn't work. Take your head for a dump.

How often do police in the US care about political pressure? We have specific officers for handling the media and manipulating them into fucking off. 99% of the time you see a cop get laid off over public outrage they're brought back into the force within the month.
Most people seem to forget that our arrest authority extends all the way to the President, if the criminal justice system had to worry about politics as much as everyone else it would no longer exist.

They can be dispatchers and paper pushers, walking the beat is a one way ticket to a raped officer or a wrongful death suit

Uhh, yeah, no.

BASED BLACK GUY Patrice O'Neal knew what was up.

I mean sure, they can work in the back office when you need to interview small children etc. but then they shouldn't be paid as much as men who do the dangerous work.

Yeah this is basically how it used to work in the UK, female officers were armed with a handbag, explicitly classed as being different from regular police (WPC / WPS), didn't even have handcuffs or arrest powers at first and used only for things like deterring prostitution, helping rape victims and other "women's issues". It worked pretty well at the time, although of course everything works better when your country is overwhelmingly white. There are stories of them managing to stop brawls just by shaming the perps with "whatever would your mother think" scolding, good fucking luck with that approach in today's bongistan.

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Yes there are some crimes where it is necessary for a woman to be involved in the investigation.

nope. women are physically weak and also mentally stupid and susceptible to stress

Just put them on the street, leftism doesn't survive impact with niggers.

This. They want to do a mans job? Might aswell be more man then female while your at it.

>nonsensical posting diarrhea
women are not physically capable for the job and should never be allowed to serve, your mindset is weak, you're not a cop but a shit eating kid

Should men be preschool teachers?

I think all police should be women so when they come to subject me to the king's tyranny they are that much easier to step over.

I agree with this statement.

A fair point. Let's do that instead. we'll also ban roided women for being too manly too alright?

Yes, for searching female suspects, some non patrolling work and some types som investigative work that doesn't suit male investigators with other priorities, like investing child molesting charges and child pornography and some other crap like that.
They should not be allowed to deal with violent and dangerous things.

No. Every time I hear about some cop getting overpowered by a criminal it's almost always a female cop.

There was a story recently about a dude IN HANDCUFFS overpowering a female officer, taking her gun, and killing her male partner with it.

Pretty much true

Probably not.

Funny how morons like you constantly "forget" that Spain started the abomination of sodomite "marriage" in 2004, about ten years before other countries which had more Christian populations than heathen Spain has.

Why is she posing with a gun and vest when the only kind of police work she can effectively do with that long hair is office work?

Nope, men are statistically poorly psychologically equipped to deal with annoying preschoolers.
Women are much better baby carers and early educators.

there was a video years ago, it was just acting, but it was a female cop in a parking garage with a mob of large men approaching. She hesitates to shoot them and they knock her down and rape her.
the video isnt showing up, I suspect its been purged from the internet. I know one of you sick fucks still has a copy though.

A woman's sphere is the home: public life is the man's sphere. If a preschool is held in the home then a woman could work there, but in other situations then she couldn't.

>should women be allowed to become men
This is what you're asking

Got any video in particular?


They're called a policeperson, you shitlord.

no lol

Sure, but only as a community service officer or other support roles.

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Sure they can do desk jobs

But in all seriousness how do you suppose to body search women without harassing them

"Allowed" by who, slav boy? You?

Eh, sure.
First, they have to be allocated according to their actual abilities. If they are weaker and less able in physical altercation - and most of them are - they can still be useful in office work, managing communications etc.
Second, they need to be fit for th job on the basis of their actual traits and abilities. Not gender quotas. If a woman can do police work well, then she can be a policewoman. If not, then she shouldn't be one, no matter how many of such women already got the job.

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Officer Im hiding drugs inside of my underwear and anus, I will cooperate search nao!

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Actually non meme answer: yes

It appears she is a non-western women, so she might not be such a deluded cunt about it.
But for western women, who delude themselves into believing they are strong and independent, no.


They can't be effective police, firefighters, or soldiers. Which means they really shouldn't have the right to vote.

But they should be allowed to be policewomen.

Also this of course means they shouldn't be politicians either.

I'm a woman with autism. I'm not risking giving birth to some screaming nonverbal child for the sake of your morals. I'm also better at technological tasks than socializing. I'm not giving up a chance for economic security or risking making the mistake of birth.

Yea. A properly trained and armed person will be able to do law enforcement regardless of sex. But they need to be fit and not lardasses

This. Good post.

>1 post by this ID

absolutely not
Have you ever seen one of these hormonal creatures think clearly under any kind of stress ?
Thats why this guy got shot in the back laying on the ground.

I dont want to trust my life in the hands of a woman.

Womwn should be allowed to become police if they want to pursue it but they should not be able to pass the rigorous enteance requirements to become a police officer, nor should anyone fat, stupid or lazy.


Sure, in America. We have a lot of fairly good female cops. The job isnt always about beating up niggers

No. Only stay at home moms and nurses.

>I'm not giving up a chance for economic security
It will be taken from you when white-men are finally overthrown - something you cunts are making damn sure will happen.
When islam or the chinese take over women who act the way modern white women act will simply be shot on sight.
It really is ironic, that white men - who you spend your whole lives bitching about - are the only things stopping you from being brutally put back.

you should have been stoned to death for being a LARPing faggot

you actually need a few of them for when women are arrested. cant have a man doing the strip search

would they be racist and corrupt as men?

If I have kids they could be screeching and nonverbal. What then?

no. allowing women to make decisions is a bad idea.

and while we're at it, men should have to pass the physical every couple of years.

I dont get why to join the cops you have to be able to run and do x number of pushups and jump over a wall, but 5 years later you can be 300 pound fat ass than can walk up a flight of stairs and its ok.

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>If I have kids they could be screeching and nonverbal. What then?
Yeah yeah, we all have a 50% risk of having daughters.
You might have a son though?

This bitch is there for a glorified photoshoot while the men do the actual work in the back

Only if they're hot and on my dick so I can fuck the law.

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the answer is in the question

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Well, if we take it literally, then yeah, but at the same time someone may open even bigger can of worms regarding gender identification. But I'd rather have that shit left in /leftypol/.

No they simply risk lives.

this is a sound statement

> screaming nonverbal child.
wtf is wrong with you.

oh my

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there are no white people in america

Hi Aydin

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>married police goy
Simon says ensues..

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i give an ok to the painted nails , the fucking spandex , but what fucking triggers me is that fucking wedding ring . putting her family at risk . and the lack of cap and sunglasses her coworkers use

>How often do police in the US care about political pressure?
Literally every time there's a political rally for the left or right, for example.

Sure. It's not every male police officer is fucking SOF material. Just don't put them on tac teams if you're really worried.

No, their physical disadvantage alone is reason to prevent them from being police.

Women belong at home, birthing and raising children

Of course not, same goes for military