Capitalism doesnt care about workers. Capitalism doesnt care about PoC. Capitalism doesnt care about ppl w/disabilities. Capitalism doesnt care about LGBTQ+. Capitalism doesnt care about women. Capitalism doesnt care about the environment.
Some of those things are needed for profits to happen.
Easton Martin
Why should it care about anything else?
If people were equal then they wouldn't need state, unions or anything else to equalise them, it would happen naturally over time, however they aren't equal and therefore don't deserve equality.
Isaiah Powell
The only part of that list I care about is the environment, and I'm not retarded enough to think that resitricting the flourishing of 8% of the world's population while Africa and Asian populations grow unmitigated with no environmental restrictions, is a functional sort of problem solving.
Hunter Perez
The poor should die more frequently to decrease the surplus population.
Brody Jenkins
sounds more like you failed capitalism
Ryder Bennett
You've unironically identified what makes capitalism great.
Julian Russell
Communists don't care about workers. It only cares about fighting dissidents of capitalist Jewish order. Prove me wrong
Parker Sanders
Economic systems don't have emotions. Why would you think economic systems have emotions? Are you insane?
Christopher Williams
>capitalism has failed because niggers don't know how to farm and can't create a functioning society LEL
Zachary Hernandez
>malaria caused by capitalism >lack of medication to cure certain diseases caused by capitalism
Cool misinformation graphic! Post more! Keep grasping at straws. You can post about things that can VAGUELY be misconstrued by a misinformed mind as having been caused by capitalism while I can post dozens of examples of actual socialist, ideological policies that resulted in the deaths of millions of people.
Do you know how many examples there are of one guy literally saying, "Yea, everyone go to the fields now because fuck wealth and capitalism!" and then 3/4 of those people died? You'd be hard pressed to find me an example where a guy went, "Yea, I'm reducing trade and tax regulations because fuck socialism!" and the same result happened...
Angel Carter
Why would I want to prove you wrong? You've made a damn good pro-capitalist piece.
Parker Smith
you are a fucking idiot
Cooper Watson
>economic systems have emotions You are retarded.
Zachary Davis
literally btfo by a fucking marxist anime cat on twitter.
You know those falsely God appointed ones at the top say they deserve those large amount of cash from profits because they say they are risk takers. Nope, those workers at the bottom are one true risk takers. Those workers deserve more money from the top ones. Those so called risk takers at the top still acting like children! Only those people at the bottom must act like an adult. Fuck those CEOs.
Liam Harris
You know rome had capitalism, right? They had more ruthless capitalism and money in politics than we have now. You are a dumb fuck.
Capitalism doesn't care about nonworkers. Capitalism doesn't care about white folk. Capitalism doesn't care about able-bodied people. Capitalism doesn't care about cisgender heterosexuals. Capitalism doesn't care about men. Capitalism doesn't care about the nation. Capitalism only cares about prifits.
Capitalism is the great equalizer that doesn't see color or genitals.
It's wonderful.
Jason King
You're not wrong. Capitalism cares about profits, which derive from ability and achievement. All that other shit presupposes that rights derive from "need" instead of ability. Ability produces positive results (goods, services) for which others can trade voluntarily and set a value upon according to their individual desires. "Need" is always a negative, a lack, and therefore at best nebulously defined and never provable, which makes it perfect for political manipulation. The looters will always find a new "need" that needs satisfying—and can only be satisfied by taking goods and services from those who produce and giving it as a bribe to the constituency that "needs" today. Fuck anyone who claims that we should care about anything but profit. Fuck anyone who says that "need" or "disability" or "guilt" should motivate us to alienate from ourselves the products of our own achievement or allow anyone to take them from us. Fuck looters.
Benjamin Nelson
The default state for humanity as a whole is death and famine. You're complaining that capitalism has not yet conquered the default state of humanity that has plagued us since the beginning of our existence.
Well, we're actually rapidly getting there, relatively speaking, and it's thanks to capitalism.
Carter Allen
>8 million die of starvation >another 8 of dehydration ROOKIE NUMBERS FOR ANY COMMIE SOCIETY
Mason Brown
>capitalism doesn't care about the environment
Wrong! Because of the innovations brought on by capitalism (primarily hydraulic fraturing and energy efficient appliances) we consume more energy as a society and emit less C02 than we did 20 or 30 years ago
Gabriel Myers
Everyone deserves the freedom to capitalize
It's their right as well as their prerogative whether they want to enjoy it or squander it
Jackson Reyes
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Lincoln Roberts
>Capitalism only cares about profits. Without profits nobody eats or works. If you worked you’d understand
Only people can care for another people. A person has feelings. No ism would ever care or love you. At least in a free country you are not force to act in oposition to your values
Charles Campbell
you are a moron
Nicholas Myers
I Welcome this post,marek
Im all for stop sending EU Money to shitholes like p*land.They will never be the same,let alone equally as west-europeans.
Cameron Cook
True those things are because white people and capitalism a mix of two
Jack Brooks
Would you work for free? without profits nobody works. Nobody works then how can government feed the needy? They don’t, they kill them, it’s easier than feeding them