The Mexican elections are today and it looks as ALMO, a far leftist, will win the Mexican presidency...

The Mexican elections are today and it looks as ALMO, a far leftist, will win the Mexican presidency. Mexico is about to go full Venezuela

>pic related is ALMO

Attached: 10B589D5-8581-4027-8623-5BF4396DA961.png (1200x1678, 2.23M)

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The commie hates NAFTA.
This is perfect.

Attached: 754A876E-5038-4BA8-BA54-D9EDDA0BD2CD.jpg (600x608, 67K)

>The Mexican elections are today

>red pill me
>green text
>quick run down

That plus the chicanos are saying they’ll go to Mexico if he wins, I see no problems for America

Mexico is about to elect AMLO who wants to
>end nafta
>wants to double minimum wage
>believes in open borders
>Mexicans in America support him as well, and say they’ll return to Mexico when he wins
>his closest opponent Anaya is 30 points behind him

Thought they were calling all the Mexicans back when Trump won.
So why are they still here.
They aren’t going anywhere

So, good news for everyone then?

AMLO is promising free stuff, so they might

Doesn't look fully Mexican, almost has a Spanish look to him.

>muh Venezuela