Friend bought a $5000 Rolex watch yet has a $900 car

that is almost falling apart and can barely even drive faster than 80 km/h. He hardly pays his rent on time as well.

Why do wh*te people do this and why does it seem ever more common place in western society? Basically incurring debt for materialism? The economics side of me is saying my friend truly believes the $5000 watch, the utility or happiness he receives from it is worth the price and he derives $5000 worth of "happiness" from it.

Meanwhile I don't know why he'd neglect the actual necessities like food, clothing and housing.

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>that one t*rk behind the vpn

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>Friend bought a $5000 Rolex watch yet has a $900 car
if you have a minimum of decency, you will say: ex-friend.

>inb4 every response blames (((teh juice)))

There is something nice about buying something that was crafted well with good materials but there is diminishing returns when you get into high end brand names.
Not many things are crafted very well these days and usually are shoddy materials.

Sounds like your friend is a nigger

Kek, I have some retarded friends like this. They're living paycheck to paycheck and don't have enough in the bank to buy their shitty car a new set of tires if it needed it but just bought 2 matching top of the line smartphones at just over $1000 each out of contract.

And all they do is facebook.

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Friend is white. I'm a chink

user-approved reply.

im white yet never do this . . .

>why do "wh*te" people do this one annoying thing (that is actually more common among non-white people)

Oh look, it's another one of these shit threads

probably thinks his rolex will get him laid

I use facebook but I don't know why when I enter normie land (my university), all I see is facebook 24/7. And it's not like Messenger, it's just normie facebook with the meme pages, friend statuses or facebook marketplace. To normies is facebook like reddit, CNN, amazon and youtube all in one??

real rolex watches start at $20,000

your friend got ripped off on a chink bootleg unless it was stolen

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I met a chink chick last year. After I fucked her, I introduced her to some of my national front mates. A couple of weeks later she had fucked all of them and was getting put on the block at parties.
It feels good knowing I ruined that bitch. A foreign whore living off daddys money.

If they're anything like people over here, facebook=the internet. It's all they use besides the occasional google search.

It's called being a normalfaggot. I have about 6k in the bank and still feel poorfag (because I am, 6k ain't shit.) I live like a jew miser and spend as little as possible. I don't even have furniture and sure as hell don't spend money on decor or status symbols.
I do eat fancy health food, though. But I can cook so I still spend less than most people do on their ramen and hotdogs tier normie "cooking".
>owning a car
>not living somewhere you don't need to own a petrol jew
>not getting around by bicycle for free

Modern society rewards materialism, vanity and ego

Sure he could have bought $5k worth of food but then he'd only get fat and probably depressed and shunned by society

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If your story is remotely factual, unfortunately this type of "spoiled child" trope among the Chinese is very common, especially if they are from the mainland due to the one child policy, corruption and China's emerging middle class.

I'm not surprised at all. Have met many many spoiled chinks, the sons and daughters of wealthy parents.

why do people censor white? I dont get it.... are you a fucking retard? or what

No they don’t , submariners start at 9k

Obvious bait thread, but I’ll bite. This isn’t a white-exclusive problem. Most people are fucking awful with money. They don’t even know how to budget. They think paying their credit card payment each month is fine, even though it costs thousands extra over the original cost of whatever they charges. Then they use credit cards to pay off debt, which puts them into a deeper hole. Your friend is a dumbass. I would understand getting a Rolex if he was into watches, and in financially sound position to do so. Rolex has lots of heritage and makes excellent watches that you can pass on as heirlooms. But buying it because you want to show off is stupid - and it’s a great way to get mugged. One of my law professors - patent attorney with an MS in EE, owned a small defense startup, and on the board of a couple of other small tech companies - said he never wanted to own an expensive watch because it drew unnecessary attention to you and just wasn’t practical in his eyes. Love within your means, invest when you are young, and you can retire wealthy. Read The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing, The Intelligent Investor, and don’t take Jow Forums‘s advice on anything and you can retire very nicely. The Millionaire Next Door is very eye opening and can change your view of wealth and affluence.

Do your friend a favor and talk some sense into him. Its called delayed gratification.

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Exactly, lack of long term vision.

>5K Rolex
You mean a Tudor?

Yes, it is white people who are known for lavish spending on trinkets while barely scraping by.

Here's the new watch I bought this evening online, faggots. If you only know low end watch brands, let me dumb it down for you. This is called a Rolex Presidential worth an amusing $40,000.
I never use cheap watches like working class faggots who act rich and use trash tier brands like Seiko and Citizen. Money isn't a problem, but that's not something you can understand. Your overworked palms are too dirty to even be near expensive things.
To you middle class peasants who barely scrape by on bad credit, have fun dying early. I'll retire around the same time you're buried. This watch easily costs more than the shitty cars you drive, if you even own one.
AMA. If you are extra kind, perhaps I'll give you some life tips to be rich as I am. Just maybe you can luckily work for me some day, if you get up the ranks. Maybe serve me a glass of four figure priced wine.

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>Personal: 85k (college loan)
>Car: 4k
>Credit card: 300

Total: $90k

Feels bad man

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learned it from t*rkroaches I guess

I feel like the longer a society is prosperous, (America, NZ, Australia, Japan etc) the more shitty the newer generation becomes with money since (presumeably) they have had no real hard struggles with money and everything is seen as disposable income.

Asians are stereotypically seen as smart with money but Japan has a debt to GDP ratio of over 200%, and with CHina's emerging middle class they are the number one spenders in tourist money as well.

All of it has to do with ego, pride and status. Why do these people seem to always buy the same luxury brands? If I were really really rich, I'd personally cater for someone to make a one of a kind edition of something rather than getting the latest mass market edition of some luxury brand.

Her attitude really pissed me off. So I tried my luck and got a good hate fuck for my effort. I think she realized what was up after sleeping with my second friend. Or maybe she knew all along. Who knows with females. Either way, she isn't wife material after the mile of dick she took in the 3 months she was here.

Most cars depreciate in value from the moment you buy them. A real rolex will retain it's value and possibly increase depending on the model and rarity. Your friend sounds based.

>Not buying Patek-Philippe

Nouveau trash detected.

>a watch appreciating in value
Can that actually happen? I have no knowledge of luxury goods

>having debt
top goy

Gender studies?

Ofc not, hes trolling.

So it's not then?

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>Why do wh*te people do this

What? How is this a white thing? What does race have to do with this? I'm white and definitely don't act like this lol

What things are crafted well, user?

>loses Rolex

Because normies will ALWAYS stay poor. Come to Jow Forums sometime.

>Friend doesn't want to waste money on a car, a rapidly depreciating asset
>Instead buys a Rolex which typically appreciate in value and which can easily be resold at any time (I.e. it's fairly liquid) all while allowing him to look wealthy
Sounds like he's better with money than you are

I know its bait but rich people drink scotch that is over 30 years to 100 years old.

>Why do wh*te people do this
Uh .... speak for yourself. I come from a country where we usually buy what we can afford and when we can afford it. Loans are taken for major projects like building a house or opening a business, not for fancy lifestyle products.

Other countries may not adhere to this. For example I read that when Greece joined the Euro and cheap credits became available for the Greeks, they instantly went and bought new cars, furniture, big TVs etc. on credit. I.e. they did in small what their entire country is now so infamous for.

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Vintage Rolexes have skyrocketed in value in the last few years due to demand, and partly because Hodinkee, a premier watch blog, started shilling and selling them. Couple this with several celebrities’ Rolexes selling at auction (Paul Newman Daytona, etc) and demand is through the roof. The Patek Nautilus has also significantly risen in price. Most Rolexes that aren’t two-tone typically hold their value within $1-3k depending on the original cost of the watch and condition it’s in. I wouldn’t start “investing” in luxury watches or make a stupid purchase like OP’s friend but if you can pay cash for the watch and not hurt your finances then it’s not necessarily throwing away your money. Omegas typically don’t hold their value as well as Rolex and other Swiss manufacturers.

Your friend is a nigger

I remember hearing some 18 year old getting his first credit card that has $10k limit. He went on a shopping spree.

>What do you mean I have to pay it back?

Looks gaudy. No class.

Consumption oriented brainwashing

I have a 12K rolex and no car at all.
Reject the internal combustion jew.

Wow its almost like stereotypes dont apply to everyone

Realtalk that sounds like my uncle.

I always dreamed of going to medical school, but for several reasons the finances simply werent there. However day he said that he wants to sponsor me through school, and will pay for everything. I had a good job, so was very careful about this as I had a good job, and so produced him multiple reports on how much it would cost him, but he repeatedly encouraged me and said he would pay. This is a man who has multiple rolexes and several nice cars and bikes, and works with successful people, so I had no reason to doubt him.

Im now in the second year of school, and havent received a dime. He's been avoiding me ever since I went to school. I thus shifted the costs onto my otherwise very poor family who are barely keeping afloat with the burden. Genuinely, the only reason I decided to stay in med school was I felt that the benefit id be able to provide to my otherwise poor family and help them in future will outweigh these few years of severe hardship.

I just pray they will continue to be able to raise the funds to see me through the last couple years, not a day goes by where my stress about the situation isnt through the roof.

So yeah OP, I wish I knew why some people do things like this.

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Your friend seems to be the opposite of how whites usually operate. Black people, on the other hand, put $5,000 worth of wheels on a $900 car.


Carlos Slim has a cheap ass car because expensive cars are just noob traps designed to make money out of people who will import parts to get them fixed.

Shit watch, doesnt even have any numbers on it

The only appropriate response.

/ thread

The Answer: To get PUSSY
Same reason the hood kid buys $300 shoes even though his mom is on welfare and the fridge is empty half the month.
It's a status symbol to attract female attention.

Im not saying your friend was right or that rolexs are cool, but a rolex will retain its value more while a car depreciates in value each moment. Driving a piece of shit car is the best way to drive really.

Also, currency is debt that depreciates in value every moment also, so we are all communists really

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well, at least the watch will appreciate in value.

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rolex isn't a bad investment if you're already wealthy.

Drug dealers and pimps buy expensive shit because personal property cannot be taken as evidence like cash if they get caught so they always have readily available bail money by having someone take the gold to a pawn shop.

hey, don't feel so bad. this wagecuck guy i know bought this for his girlfriend. 10k

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Because most people are fucking retarded, regardless of race.

>while a car depreciates in value each moment. Driving a piece of shit car is the best way to drive really.
Not necessarily a pos, but anyone who buys a car new without being LOADED with cash is a fucking idiot. That car you just spent 20K on? You can buy the same model 2 years old for half the price.

And then yeah, after a certain point cars stop depreciating entirely. I could sell my 1997 Audi A4 for exactly the same money I paid when I bought it.
Probably more actually, since I installed an LPG fuel system on it that's worth about 1k.

Option A: Buy stuff at the end of the month with money you have.
Option B: Buy staff partway through the month, then pay it off, plus a heavy interest to Mr Rabinowitz, at the end of the month.

The fact that there are so many people stupid enough to pick Option B for non-emergencies makes me hate the brainless animal that is the normie.

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If you pay your credit card off in full at the end of the month you don't pay any interest on it, tard.

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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This was a very valuable post, thank you

I own 2rentals now and my house all payed off. I still drive 98F250PS. No debt. If I sell my rentals I can buy a Ferrari but I like getting $3k/ months better than looking rich. People like your friend who can’t save money allows me to invest in properties and charge rent