How does this make you feel little bolshevik boys?
Russia BTFO
Are those red army soldiers or what?
yep, we are removing all the communist monuments from the public space
Polska dla Polaków, a nie dla komunistów bo komunista to nie człowiek
To be fair this one have pretty nice design, but yeah, commie shit need to be gone
>bolshevik boys?
is this a bolshevik board?? polacks are once again showing levels of intelligence
why dont they just paint them rainbow colours and stick dildos to their heads
kek.. lol.. yeah they remove one commie idols and replace them with faggot rainbows... what an irony. pollacks were always a funny bunch. good cleaners tho.. i wish noone touches their gene pool
Does the Polish government have plans for replacing them? It seems like a waste of money tbhfam
I can't fathom why there's still statues erect of communists in the first place.
I don’t remember which country it was but someone painted like 20 commie statues as American super heroes & Russia warned to fix it or else
The country said fuck off
I agree with fucking up commie monuments, but I feel like this is taking revenge on the poor normal russian peasant that was pretty much forced to fight in this war.
no money to remove them. it costs like 100k to remove one statue. it's not US where 100k is pocket change. for poland it's like a yearly budget for one city...
This is retarded, those guys literally prevented us from being genocided by the nazis. gave their lifes up, created a new polish state for us and cleansed it ethnically of the remaining jews. I'm thankful to my russian brothers.
some of them will be replaced, some of them get removed completely and areas where they stood get turned into flower-beds or something. It depends on the self-government.
i was under the impression that the red army did not issue steel helmets.
You Polish scum were beside the russian Jews the most fervent supporters of the Bolsheviks from the start. It was you who brought this evil to power. But Russia has thankfully survived while you now are now just another province of a new Soviet behemoth that is EU, while simultaniously licking american boots, begging them for military bases. Spineless.
>for poland it's like a yearly budget for one city
maybe for some small village but definitely not for a city. Poland is not as poor as you think anymore.
Nothing is more satisfying than this gif.
What happens to all these old Communist statues?
Only the NKVD and those cowards that shot their fellow men had them.
from what alternative timeline did you come from? 1920 is a great example of Polish-Bolshevik friendship right?
Outside statues are the only form of publically-funded art I support.
good riddance
some of them get smelted, some of them get sold to private collectors, most of them get moved to soviet cemeteries
We allowed the reds to seize power tho. In 1918 everything was still possbile, had poland intervened we could have restored the whites.
as if we're not overrun by /leftypol/ 24/7
based Pollacks :3
>furiously scribbles down x+N9qrlL in gulag notebook
Couldn't care less actually, commie monumets were shit anyway. Will install you new ones, much prettier in a couple of decades
yeah but back then they saw reds as a smaller threat, they were kinda right because reds were disorganized and were killing their army officers left and right
average russian ww2 soldier
>Diligently serve the Jews
>Die like a bitch flinging yourself at free men to steal land for Stalin
>Get stuck in a gulag for not dying correctly during your human wave assault
>"w-well a-at least m-my comrades will r-remember me and the monuments to our victory!"
>Stalin howls with laughter as he fills his belly with roast beef, suckling pig and rich red soup, while you freeze to death in Siberia
The only thing I like more than the thought of dead Jews, is the thought of good little leftists dying as they lived--kicking and screaming and crying and pleading--and then having even their memory systematically destroyed.
what about the statues in soviet graveyards?
are they going to be removed too ?
>rainbow dash is my god
This is youEmbrace the Whites, commie swine
Fuck communists, but isn't this the equivalent of the sandniggers destroying statues and other historical items in the middle east? Or the libshits taking down conferedate statues?
>are they going to be removed too ?
nope, we aren't touching graveyards
Soviet statues look like a kid made them in paper and craft class
Pic related is the only decent looking one
He actually believes the shit he's typing, lmao.
The reds were the most organised and centralised. They were the ones who managed to incorporate all of the rag tag socialist gang under them to win the civil war and niggers like you helped them since they promised you independence. The killings started after the civil war when they branded all those fringe groups as counter-revolutionaries and started murdering left and right.
You idiots are accepting American military influence in your region over Russia. Understandable, but just get ready for the swamp of niggers and Arabs that inevitably comes with American democracy.
Here's where you're wrong, kiddo. Anyway, how are your muslim overlords?
so why are the statues just being removed now?
we mostly did it in the 90s
They should do it like us. Put them in one remote place and whoever wants can come look at them.
The ones of Lenin too?
Bolsheviks were a fucking mess when it comes to organization, equipment, leadership and logistics. That is the main reason they lost the war with Poland in 1919-1920, half of their army wasn't following the orders from the command
because we were ruled by post commies for the last 30 years?
no statues of Lenin are left in Poland as far as I know
The one that tried to join NATO in the 90s and early 2000s?
Based Poland.
We still have very few red army satues, like the one besides the museum for military history or the statue which shows a man making the socialist fist, but that one is very damaged by rain
we didn't removed the statues from abandoned former soviet military facilities
id take a Polak over a commie anyday
traitors before enemies
Hey user, I think you have mixed up your tabs, this is Jow Forums, not infiny-chan.
> destroying monument to Russian Soilders
> muh bolshevism
Poland must be wolyn'd from the face of the earth.
Thats why i respect China more, they watch and re-new monuments to Russian soldiers, always bring flowers there every year and little shots of vodka to the graves. And Europeans again betray us and forget our sacrifices. What is the point in helpin Europe when it all ends the same?
Poland had intervened on the red side to kill millions of Russian civilians, with weapons of war, incl. chemical weapons.
>poles are butthurt
why is this news again?
Its just history man ;_;
Feel good. Reds did most damage to ethnic russians and germans
One of the main reasons for Whites to lose was that their supplies where depending on anglo. And anglo was the red revolution owner and main puppeteer. They gave whites just enough to not lose immediately, so Russian forces in immigration would be undermined after the war.
The second reason is betrayal of Kolchak by Czechoslovak forces.
It might have been betrayal of pooland.
But poolanders showed their real military ability when they divided Czechoslovakia with Hitler, not being able to get even one small region, when Reich drove all over the place. And then (after Katyn'ing officers, who where against attacking Czecho-slavs on German side) pooles where attacking Guderian tank army with fucking cavalry in fucking melee.
We should reinvent burned earth doctrine.
Next time any kind of progressive shit invades, we have to nuke their fertile earth layer out of existence.
fuck off with this fake polenball
>polish pilpul
This is rather sad development
War was won with sea of Russian blood
Soldiers dying on front line were not communists, most were just conscripts fighting against german invaders
Tearing down statues is exactly same shit SJWs do.
Erase history, they are evil REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Is this russia or poland?
I remember that Russia actually tried to spin an epic tale about the war against fascism and had their commie symbology in high regard.
Yeah how do you feel?
>tfw understood everything
Slavic lanugauges are weird,man
We tried doing that in 2007, but the Vatniks started huge riots, attacked the Estonian Embassy in Moscow and fucking hacked us. They're worse than niggers.
How will Hitlers ever recover?
Build your own monuments to soldiers that died in Afghanistan for American intrest
don't do nigger tier shiet
remember history, no amount of butthurt will erase it
Lmfao y’all should send em back to russia as parting gift
And replacing it with modern art?
>Bolshevik revolution occurs in Russia under leadership of a Russian (Lenin)
>"It's the fault of the Poles"
imagine being this fucking delusional.
We had every right to remove that monument, it was on our land lmao.
Russian soldiers should have never shed blood for you poolanders, you do realize you were next on the menu after hitler was done burning jews right ? Eitherway if you see this as a victory then you are a true toilet cleaning poolander
Back in the 50s some kid wanted to blow it all up.
Not gonna happen today, since the City is cucked as usual.
Who we? The Russian speaking people of Estonia also had the right to say in the matter. Again, you have your parades, you are in NATO, whats the point in making things even worse?
Good moves.
A sea of russian blood needlessly spilt against enemies who only wanted to be free of the central bank, a system designed by a jewish cartel.
Anglo. You are no friend of mine.
The Russians in Estonia who want Estonian citizenship despite not speaking any Estonian and who planned on creating an armed resistance. Yeah, I really don't wanna hear what they have to say.
ho big is gommunism, SJWism and general degeneracy in Austria?
those people didn't know shit about central banking
they were just farmers
their lands got invaded and they fought
>Doing nigger shit in Poland, like pottery
are u replacing them with fag shit now?
Take a guess.
Country is getting less cucked with Kurz, but Vienna is lefty central, I fear it should be purged.
>planned on creating an armed resistance.
Lies by NATO sponsored think tanks and media. Just in a few generations people could start speaking Estonian, but if you keep forcing people, that wouldn't help. Only creates the backlash.
At least they have jobs.
Don't forget to return German lands that communists gave to you.
Why am I not surprised that the Brazillian has knockoff Polandball? Is it because you're too poor?
I always liked this statue. I would hate to see it get torn down.
>Accuses NATO of making up lies.
>While Russian government and Russian news sources like RT lied the most about the situation, saying bullshit like Estonians put a swastika on the statue.
>Just in a few generations people could start speaking Estonian.
Do you really think that Russians in Estonia will pick up Estonian on their own? The same Russians that only watch Russian news that is filled with Russian propaganda about how the Baltics oppresses them. And we don't force them, we only don't give them citizenship if they don't speak Estonian and don't make Russian the second official language.
Dude, I don't have a that much of a problem with Russians, my ex was Russian, I only have a problem with Gopniks who refuse to learn the language and live off welfare when they could just move to Russia and maybe even get a job there.
I don't really understand this.
Sure, the Ruskies were EVIL GOMMIES D:::::::: but in the end they helped us survive and rebuild Warsaw while the German's plan was to kill us all.
every capital is lefty central, Adolf