Western women are suffering and it's not good politically or socially.
How can we kill the MGTOW movement
They just need to impregnate a bunch of white women & leave
there is no "movement" you idiot
it's just a bunch of guys LARPing online while watching porn
> single for 3 years
big whoop
>Get rid of no-fault divorce
>When falsely accusing of rape or assault, get similar sentence to rape or assault alleged
>consider porn actresses prostitutes
>require 5 doctor signatures (from separate places) for an abortion
>mandatory slut shaming
>online database of coalburners
for a start
1. stronk empowered womon told she doesn't need a man
2. stronk empowered womon is handed opportunities by federal mandate that disadvantage men
3. stronk empowered womon biologically seeks equivalent or better male
4. stronk empowered womon's male has already been taken by beautiful and submissive other woman 10 years ago
5. stronk empowered womon hangs self; blaming everyone else and learning nothing
LOL fuck women, I hope they are miserable.
Let's fatty is single. Duck off I'm a 22 year old virgin and I only complain anonymously you entitled balloon
Phoneposting was a mistake.
MGTOW isn't really a movement
Only niggers use their phones for internet.
Its actually a tablet
>When falsely accusing of rape or assault, get similar sentence to rape or assault alleged
So women that have actually been raped will be too scared to report them because they fear that they don't have enough proof and in that case they will get convicted instead.
>Western women are suffering
Maybe in another generation they'll realize that if they want an upstanding supportive man they shouldn't be fucking every Chad within 40 miles of them.
Plenty of men out there, its just the fat slob is holding out for prince charming and dosent pay any mind to the guy down the street working his ass off because "ew, he works a full time job, he's not a investment banker that looks like Chad."
Meanwhile men marry fat slobs of women.
>Women break every fabric of marriage, morals, and faithfulness.
>Reeeeeee where have all the good men gone.
>Good men said fuck it and just invest their time and effort into getting money.
t. roastie
But you did enjoy being raped, you slut.
Indeed it isn't, its just men speaking up on the internet about their experiences with women and sharing knowledge, they are disillusioned with women and the system, many of them have been severely burned in some form or fashion, many of them are young up and coming and gravitate toward it because of difficulties dealing with the modern woman.
Thats it, its not a movement, its not pathetic, its men speaking to each other, and people who attack it are either shills or useful idiots.
Tablets are not proper computers. You needs a proper computer with a real keyboard. Preferably one you build yourself with AMD chips and a nice copy of Gentoo installed, if you can find one.
Mad roastie detected.
Why don't you marry one of the hundreds of thousands of unemployed Arabs, Africans or Poo's you voted to briing in, sweetie?
Only virgins who have no social life (and are resentful of those who do) get triggered by the idea of phoneposting. Show us your flag, niggerspicskin
Honestly there's nothing to be done. Liberalism already ruined these women. The redpilled men their age will be marrying younger ones.
Our best hope is turning their bitterness against the (((feminists))) who sold them the lies, but tbqh that would be too rational, they'll prob just hate men til they croak
they don't want to be supported you boob- they want to be dominated completely
God. Maybe they'd stop filing bullshit rape claims then?
>I got drunk
>Went home with a guy
>He fucked me
>I didn't feel like it the next day
This should not be "rape". This woman should be considered a fucking slut and shamed as such. Someone who files a rape report like that that SHOULD be scared to come forward.
No matter what they do, there will never be a great wave of men willing to marry a hoard of used up 30+ whores.
Not even if they imported the entire third world. They're not valuable as women anymore. At this point in their lives their value as a woman is to be a mother and wife. Sure, they can have value outside of being a woman, but that value DOES NOT translate back into their desires as a woman.
It's over. They're done. I'd feel sorry but they did this to themselves. Hell, they fought and shrieked and attacked for the right to do this to themselves. Now the vast majority of them will live with the consequences, while a few exceptional or lucky ones get to still bag a man, though most likely not the kind of man they had in mind.
>there is no "movement" you idiot
Correct. MGTOW isn't a "cause". It's a logical reaction to the existing environment.
>it's just a bunch of guys LARPing online while watching porn
Found the roastie
Maybe if she lost that weight and stopped acting like an entitled bitch, she might have snagged a guy by now.
That'd be brilliant, except everyone knows that its not true. Some women dont want their "I WIN" buttons taken away.
Then why in every one of these articles are the women bitching about not being able to find a man as educated or richer than they are
Right? I've been single for 6 years just because I keep ghosting crazy bitches. Sucks living in a liberal dominated area.
There's a difference between an actual rape victim accidentally pointing out the wrong guy (but didn't know who it was) and some roastie slut falsely accusing a guy of rape so her bf doesn't dump her.
The sad truth is that they exchanged being attractive wives for being "emancipated" and as modern third wave feminism shows us, they really, really don't want freedom and liberty and equality. They simply want to find a fault free middle ground of being free to do whatever they choose while men still continue to provide protection and security for them (even if they can't get them to do it directly).
Like you said - it doesn't really matter what they do - most women over 30 aren't attractive as potential spouses. They just left it too late.
>how to we stop men making logical decisions
What do you get from marrying a 30 year old woman but a mess to clean up and the threat of having the government turn you into her slave?
The supply and demand principle dictates they pay for the date.
>single for about three years
Ah you think solitude is your ally? You merely adopted being single. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't feel romance until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but lies and pain!
don't forget STDs
Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women obsolete.
If there's not ample proof, then it wasn't actually a rape. Going out to a bar without trusted company and getting fucking roofied isn't being raped, it's nature. If I t-bag an open beartrap then I'm not a victim, I'm an idiot. Those guys are fucking scumbags, sure, but don't waste my tax dollars trying to cover for people who should goddamn know better.
If you want to stop women from suffering, they can't suffer if they're dead.
blaming men in T-minus 3 seconds
>Women are more economically independent than ever before and yet the quality of male partners hadn't necessarily improved
you are a mistake
The internet was better before phone fags.
That's bullshit. There's plenty of beta who would take her.
>require 5 doctor signatures (from separate places) for an abortion
Kill yourself. We need all the nigger depopulation we can get.
take women's suffrage away
fix family court
remove welfare
STD's, spending 15 years as an unpaid whore, low or no fertility, quickly fading looks, inability to bond because of aforementioned whoring. A fucking train wreck of bullshit every decent man is better off without.
I wish Mgtow was big enough to have an impact on the horde of fat, obnoxious single women. The moment women stop being entitled cretins backed by the government and start being just regular entitled cretins again men will take them back.
Tough shit, I don't have the mental energy to do that.
She doesnt want them. She think she deserves “bruce wayne
Yep. Just as with the original crime, you'd need to prove intent.
Yeah but being unknowingly drugged and than fucked without your consent is genuinely rape though. It's stupid to go out alone and not keep an eye on your drink but does a woman really deserve rape for making that mistake?
if a women can't find a fucking boyfriend their is something really fucking wrong with her
Absolutely true
Why do you wear the mask?
Why do we keep having this thread with the same OP image? Smells shilly
Fine. how about abortion/sterilization is mandatory for all nogs, spics and other mudbloods.
Jews are to placed into camps immediately, along with their extended families. The are to be deported to isreal. Refusing deportation is a crime punishable by immediate gassing
Ill date her.
But she wouldnt date me. Womp womp lol
iNvidia > AMD
>Why do you want your games running like shit?
>Value men for their "quality"'
>Be mad when they reject you for your lack of quality
>Confusing economic independence with attractiveness
>Being economically independent but not wanting a house husband
Man, women are a fucking mess.
good lad.
day 1 with roastie. alright :)
day 2 with roastie. damn this bish needy as fk :/
day 3 with roastie..
holy water, bible, cross, exorcism..
No she doesn't deserve it, but that's not the point. The point is she was engaging in dangerous activity and my tax dollars shouldn't go towards funding the court case. If I decide to take up sword swallowing and I fuck myself up, then you can bet my insurance is going to tell me, "Sorry, we don't cover you being a huge dumbass."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Logical conseqeunces are the best teacher.
I second your thoughtful analysis
Niggers would obviously be exempt from that. Im talking about real people.
She's not even a looker. What qualities about her is worth settling down with? Does she make a fair bit of cash at the very least? I doubt it. Even if she did, she'd probably spend most of it.
I'm in my mid 20's and planning to make a success out of myself. I'm hoping by this time next decade, I'm going to have shit to show for my work and effort. All the while I'm busting my ass, she's going to be bitching about how folks like me are only interested in lassies in their early 20's than in sandbag roasties like her in her late 40's. She really needs to just fuck off to Jamaca like all roasties do when they realise nobody wants them.
First PC I built myself one of the bits for my little screwdriver went missing. A year later I found the cunt..... It bounced out of its hiding spot and shorted my MOBO. Was a bit funny. Thankfully was a simple swap for upgrade MOBO so was a bit of a bonus really.
Gentoo was just hacked. BSD>*
>Someone who files a rape report SHOULD be scared to come forward
Who hurt you? Jesus. That's some misogynist incel shit.
there is nothing sweeter in life than seeing white women get their comeuppance and getting BTFO
eat shit roastie cunts
Don't forget - even if she DOES make a fair amount of cash...she's still going to expect you to make more. That's the hypocrisy of it.
Force men to marry roasties.
>If I t-bag an open beartrap then I'm not a victim, I'm an idiot.
Fucking brilliant summary.
>Remove GIBS for single moms and non-citizens
>Increase tax breaks for being married with children.
If you walked through a neighborhood full of niggers by mistake and got your ass beat and robbed should they go to jail? By your logic there shouldn't be a court case or anything.
1. Destroy social media
2. Destroy dating apps
3. Go to church
What is context?
>reporting false rape should be scared to do so
>genuine rape
No more than getting drunk and driving a car into a pole makes you a "victim".
That's without even taking into account that nearly 100% of drink spikings have been proven false.
AMD is to CPU as iPhone is to OS
yeah don't even fucking bother. I am not a MGTOW faggot but I just can't be fucked even putting in any effort to attract a female anymore. It's fucking demeaning and I feel like a circus dog jumping through hoops
I can't wait till I leave this socially degenerate country and I never have to deal with this stuff again
MGTOW is just a bunch of men that were never wanted, giving up on women. They're literally doing women a favor. A real actual MGTOW man would be leonardo di caprio. A guy that can have almost any woman, yet has never married and is 40+. He is MGTOW by choice, not because no decent woman sees him as marriage material.
Its like a 5'6 chinese kid saying "fuck basketball, I'm boycotting the sport. I'm not even going to try to play for the NBA "
>like that
Reread it slowly friendo.
If he walked into a neighborhood full of niggers and then asked to go back to a niggers house to smoke crack and they robbed him? Yeah, he absolutely fuckinig deserved it.
I unironically agree at this point.
That's not MGTOW. That's incels. MGTOW are usually older guys who got burned by divorce or past relationships and realized they were getting a raw deal.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, "men have standards just like women have standards of their own." One of the standards men have is based upon how many men a woman has slept with. It is a biological turn off when for men. When we find out a woman has had slept with 20+ partners. Also I'll tell you right now that men value a woman's femininity more than her success at her 9 to 5 job. Women may not like that fact about men. However most men don't like the fact they have to behave aggressively to attract women. Yet they do so anyways because they understand women are hardwired to be attracted to that trait. It is purely biological and cannot be changed no matter what. Feminism cannot win against 250 million years of evolution period. Regardless of the social change they bring to society.
What did you expect?
I'm not reproducing
You can't convince me otherwise
But why even make the distinction? It's the same point, by walking through the neighborhood he's putting himself in a dangerous situation out of ignorance. By your logic, there was no crime committed in the scenario. How the fuck is that different than a rape scenario unless you just unironically hate women like a fucking neckbeard
I like how you cut out the part about it being fake. Top drawer trolling, if this was 1995.
by believing in the plan
>How can we kill the MGTOW movement
It's not a movement, so you can't kill it.
Men go their own way through rational considerations of the facts at hand, the statistics of men that are fucked over by society for risking to have a marriage and children. As long as those problems are there fucking over men, some men will do the cost/benefit and risk/benefit analysis and conclude it's not a good deal for them, and opt out.
If you want to change that behavioru you'd have to address the changes in society that brought about MGTOW. No fault divorce, female bias family court systems, alimony, palimony, bias child support, etc.