Syria General /sg/ - T-72 Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad *new*

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>S Syria Jun 29
>Yemen Jun 25
>SE Syria Jun 24
>Libya/Derna Jun 24
>Iraq Jun 14
>Idlib May 31

Devs June 29
>FSA surrender Harak, Ibta, Da'il, Al-Musayfirah and Tafas, civs in Da'il raise Syrian flag
>SAA have reportedly entered Karak
>Sayda/Umm Mayadin/Nasib/Tayyibah/Um-Al Mizan in negotiations, weapons handover and defection to SAA reported in some of these towns
>SAA control hills overlooking air defense base West of Minshiyeh in Daraa
>Hilltop of Tal Zamitiyah captured from Southern Front Brigades.
>SAA control Shaik Said village and cut rebels in two pockets
>IDf says they will provide humanitarian aid to civs fleeing Daraa op, will not accept refugees
>Idlib; HTS launched large security op against IS in Sarmin/surrounding area, kill/arrest several, set up checkpoints and curfew
>Next Sochi talks between Russia/Iran/Turkey will be held on July 30-31
>Libya; LNA announce full control of eastern city of Derna
>US Senate confirms new commdr for Afghan war, will be 17th US general to oversee ops since start of war in 2001
>Yemen; UN envoy expects to get warring factions to sit for talks for 1st time in years soon, says both sides voiced willingness for negotiation

Prev >> 177105345

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hezbollah Media: Militants in the town of Bosra al-Sham in the eastern Daraa countryside agree to reconciliation with the Syrian government and begin handing over heavy weapons and military equipment in preparation for the entry of the Syrian army into the region.

>mfw no qt wife to make pierogi and tea

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Why the fuck are you not watching the game brat?

this is for the lack of variation

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Does this song sound familiar to you?

>non-technical sport

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et tu, al britouni?

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S. #Syria: some Assad fighters killed by Rebels on #Daraa fronts.

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repetition triggers me, you could switch things up a bit

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>vote me into power a 3rd time after i supported coup d'état-ingthe last guy
>also i got into power the first time by a coup d'état
>i was also in jail for embezzelment
>i wish i was Angela Merkal
>Nuke Donbass btw, they're subhumans, unlike us hoho- i mean proud European Ukranians
Slava Ukrana, fellow Azov members

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this guy wasn't important enough to have a montage poster made for him

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when will those Jewkrainians get gulag'd?

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2 T-72 from the 4th Division destroyed during the "battle for the Air Defense Base", Daraa.

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Royal Air Force lost a C-130J transport aircraft after a heavy landing during a covert mission for the British SAS (Special Forces)

What are you guys waiting for?
Get that photoshop started.

Thank you CIA
Thank you Israel

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/ug/ WHEN?

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when anything of importance will happen. so, never?

that's part of the plan

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in all seriousness best chances for shti to happen is after wc or after ukrainian elections

the formation of Ukrainian state was a mistake, Gorbachev and Yeltsin deserve hanging

>ATGM launcher just put on a woodbox, not even fixed
what did they mean by this?

>May 21, 2016 Yulia Tymoshenko expressed hope that the EU will provide Ukraine a visa-free regime. Tymoshenko stressed that the Ukrainian state is there to protect the world all over Europe, continuing to fight the Russian aggression.[476]
the more i read about this woman, the more i cringe.

Sometimes i wish that Holodomor actually happened.
Lifestyle and mentality is the same, language - just Russian dialect, salaries - Africa-tier...
But... What a faggots!

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Putin Hulio

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What do YOU mean by this?

We have been saying that 3 years
/ug/ is dead and will remain dead

is this the sandnigger general?
its nice how on an AMERICAN WEBSITE there can be a general where all the filth hates america
maybe you fucks should go to another website

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her and Anatoliy Hrytsenko are leading, her in first.
Anatoliy Hrytsenko wants to end donbass by force and give ukraine nukes

Well congratulations, you got yourself filtered. Now what's the next step of your master plan?

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I'm actually usually here to defend America, but not because it's TEH GR8TEST EVAR.

This is basically an Jow Forumschan, given that it's in the lingua franca. Deal with it.

crashing this general

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>you got yourself filtered
>ask another question
Wait, but now you can't see his answer.

She was also the one advocating for genocide of all people in Donbass saying they need to be nuked

Agreed, after you fill up a trashcan (Ukr*ine) you have to take out the trash.

>There will be newfags who will give (You)'s to 177135510

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Netanyahu demands the implementation of the disengagement agreement with the Syrian army in 1974, and pledged to prevent the infiltration of refugees from southern Syria to Israel

But refugees are welcome, right guys?

im starting to think hohols are dumber than gulf arab governments

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But see, they're disgusting Muslim Arabs and, you know, this land is for teh Jooz.

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That would be difficult to accomplish, unless you go to Africa.

The best part is Hrytsenko used to be minister of defense and he let the army collapse into disrepair.
And they still vote for him

Hohols are just stupid rebellious. Their government is stupid and actively insidious because it's run by kikes who steal everything they can.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed the mainstream media warmongers have all but basically given up on trying to get Assad and Syria government taken out with US/EU coalition? They seem to be getting no air time for it anymore

They're going for iran atm

>being such a spineless cuck that you dont dare reply head onto anyone because then theyll reply back and smash your virtual shit in
good to know, cuckie

orders form above have changed!

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you took the bait, deal with it

From Second World to Fourth World for 20 years, despite having almost everything

You guys just won on penalties
Spain is out LOL



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Lol fuck you Spain

Based Russia

spain btfo

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Hail the victors,
Spaniards BTFO

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Obviously rigged

Cry more

In b4 accusations of state sponsored doping

t. alberto fernandez just prior to necking himself

the last penalty save with foot was rigged?

your supposed to kys once your country loses mate.

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What will Julian do once this shit is all over.

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Agree my fellow jihadist FSA comrade. Russia is always cheating in everything.

Daraa will not fall
Daraawill be the grave' for Assad's hopes and dreams

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>muh tiki taka
>muh 6 gorillion passes
>muh 90% accuracy
Seeing Ramos cry like a little bitch: priceless.
Best cup since France '98.

how much rubles did Putin give the referee to reach penalties? disgusting

Orthodox>Catholic confirmed

I laughed into my ashtray when I saw your Pepe and made this mess.

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quick, from what part of russia are you lads?

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Putin hacked the ball

>Allah punished Ramos for killing Mohammed Salah


The Russian Oblast of Siriya


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Inshallah brother.

No one can smell it?

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clearly rigged)))))))

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>Ukraine gets so assblasted that they attack Donbass
>get obliterated
>nobody cares because the World Cup is still on


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Imagine bursting into laughter just to find yourself in a cloud of ash flying everywhere

>my country is great because a couple dozen people from my country are good at something while I sit on my couch watching them do it
Sports are retarded lol.

>giving your one chance at shooting to a fucking Galician coke dealer
Spain deserved the boot

Congrats man

>Elements of the special task force and the security and order forces in Swaida with elements of the Syrian Arab Army in the village of Umm al-Walid and the village of Al-Aslahah in eastern rural Daraa

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>cortana enabled

England and Argentina went to war because of that sport lad.

Also the war in former Yugoslavia started at a football match.

absolute state

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Sir I believe you dropped this hat

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I just installed my pirate version of Windows X

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lol those are Syrian marines right?
Those uniforms

Absolute state of Spaniards

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Seems they learned (wrongly) from China.

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Stop with the fucking football match pls
Lets talk...
I dont know
Lets talk about this fat fuck for example!
lmao he is so fat!

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