gib me ur stuff gringo
Gib me ur stuff gringo
Black eyes. Soulless black eyes.
that's crazy, I was just about to make a thread of this picture saying, "happy canada day gringo"
Give me dental insurance for free!
Bitch looks demonic
oh, someone's catching on to the WQ
best thing about woman teachers..
they don't teach.
Look up on jewtube of demon posession and exorcism. For some reason its always south american females who are filled with spirits.
>me pasa tu dineros cabron!
it's from all the MKultrad drugs
>dame tu polla cabron!
the wetback question?
Is that what you see? Or are you tryn'a tell me that's what I'm seeing? Either way, you sound like you should probably have been aborted.
Does she take drugs?
Kokain, Meth, Speed, Dextroamphetamin, methylphenidat?
When did she say that? Got a direct quote gumpist?
When the childrens stolen life force kicks in. The souls dahnahld. I want them.
Is that a MKUltra victim or something?
Does she have the same handlers as obama
Is she the new woman Obama
Is the CIA behind this
the W.WQ... it's worse than the original
WQ, and WQ..
it's like both together..
i have direct experience with a few of them.
1 related, a couple non-related..
double-voice growls and everything.
i've seen women do things that make the exorcist movie look like a disney movie.
i guess the non-religious way of describing it would be like mutliple personality disorder..
where an entirely new person jumps into their body every few minutes...
one day if you ever wake up with a bobble headed bimbo bitch chimping at you in tongues and holding a kitchen knife smiling lobbing her head from shoulder to shoulder giiggling...
you'll see what i mean..
shit that if any man did it, they'd get killed or end up in jail for years..
women do it 24.7..
why is catholicism and socialism so intertwined? seems any catholic country loves to try it, even the pope is open socialist, says "christ wanted to distribute the wealth"
They want to establish an international one world order of Catholic Communism
Catholic elite wield global supremacy and Jews are the fallboys for them
Im really starting to think that MKUltra has something to do with (((demons/djinns))) too..
Why do democrats use the guly latinas? ffs.
Uh yeah it’s pretty obvious my dudes capitalism exploits workers and redistributes the excesses of their labor to the capitalists, and this disproportionately affects marginalized groups like people of color
Is it really that hard to understand our position?
the family resemblance is uncanny.
hehe silly?
>and this disproportionately affects marginalized groups like people of color
Asians are doing more than fine or are they suddenly not 'people of color' because they are doing well?
Capitalism exploits all workers my dude, is that really so hard for you to grasp?
>my dude
Back to l*ddit faggot.
"People of color" is a stupid fucking term. Even "ethnic minorities" is too vague. Hell even saying "Asians" like the dude responding to you is too vague as while East Asians are doing incredibly well, Southeast Asian immigrants are still poor as fuck in America. Also this has to be b8 because that picture is stupid as fuck and reminds me of every single dumbass I have work with living in SF. Also, the only economic system that doesn't exploit people is probably anarcho communism but it's impractical as fuck so there's no chance of it ever actually working. The only other economic system capable of not exploiting workers under Marxist theory would be literally no economic system at all / primitivism.
Everyone is going to be exploited in some way no matter, even under marxism.
>Ywn get a toothy blowjob from her, grazing the shaft of your penis with her sharp front teeth and incisors
Why even live?
Yea, I feel so exploited sitting in all this middle class luxery. You also didn't answer the question.
It didn't take Jews and Asians long to reach income parity with whites and then go beyond it.
Capitalism doesn't seem very favour anyone in particular.
top kek.
>Southeast Asian
A lot of them are seemingly around the average of or even above the average.
Its what the commies want Hispanics to run the future Hispanic socialist majority's.