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So Shaun King is implying that PoC are more tolerant of filth, thus meaning they are more filthy as well


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This guy is probably the best right wing recruiter around

Not surprising as shitskins have naturally adapted to be around and meld with shit.

>it's now considered racist to watch and comment on the slow decline of quality of life

David Brock
Neera Tanden
Angelo Carusone
Ryan Migeed
Josh Dolin
Adrienne Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel Wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
Oliver Willis
Matthew Chapman

Reminder to post this list of shareblue employees on all shill threads

If he had a gun he wouldn't have got beat up several times in the first place AND he wouldn't have got injured at the karate championship

not liking shit is waycist


"Typical white people, complaining about drugs and violence. POC love drugs and violence thank you very much."

no way that's real

how will we ever recover

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>guise, talcum x has evolved on the tissue

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this cannot be real

Look up Agenda 21 and then look up Hong Kong cage homes, that's the future for us Amerimutts.

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each one of these people will be hanging on the dotr.

Quick, post something that niggers can't do

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>Niggers love living in shit
>fuck you wypipo
>ignore the fact that Im white LARPing as a nigger

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hes right you know..

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You're such a fag. Fuck you and your loser flag. Leave Jow Forums and sell watermelons off I-95.

>t. talcom x

that's because it's not

>Everyone should learn karate

>whites don’t want to live in a literal shithole
What horrible people!

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But he is a white American and I've never seen him complain about it.

>Cry about (((cultural appropriation)))
>While being white and literally larping as a black

He's like Michael Jackson in that episode of the Simpsons.

>white people dislike actual excrement
>therefore i must defend actual excrement
Imagine larping as a black guy to be racist toward your own race. That's so retarded that it's actually genius

its hard to tell if this is fake or not but its from 2016
bet it would have come up much earlier if it had been real
still made me kek to orbit though

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>White people caring about community health is now white entitlement.

he is white after all he can't help but be racsis

He is unironically right though, wanting to live in a place where people aren't shitting everywhere is mostly a white thing.

Is that even a real tweet?

Is there really excrement on the pavement in American cities?

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>he wouldn't have got injured at the karate championship
He'd shoot out the final guys knee caps to win by default.

Is this tweet real?

a fucking LEAF

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David Brock is a pedophile
Neera Tanden has HIV
Angelo Carusone has stolen from the Clinton foundation
Ryan Migeed is a violent psychopath
Josh Dolin is part of the modern KKK
Adrienne Watson is transsexual
Amanda Karpay is a prostitute
Elizabeth Shapell killed her children and got away with it
Matt McClure has raped 6 children
Rebecca Charen does heroin
Benjamin Fischbein has cancer
Burns Strider is about to die soon
Ellie Cohen practices witchcraft
Elizabeth Price has had chlamydia 40 times
Johan Newman is a failed musical artist
Benjamin Williams is gay and has porn online
Caryn Lenhoff is part of NXIVM
Daniel Wessel is part of NXIVM
Karla Towle has skin cancer
Kathleen Kennedy is going to die next year according to NXIVM
Oliver Willis is a rapist of children, Vatican enthusiast
Matthew Chapman has actual autism

>nobody is entitled to anything
Thank you Incels for teaching me this valuable lesson. Fuck society, go your own way.

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That’s not filth, user... That’s shit!
Filth is when your cat pukes in your shoes

It is, he deleted it recently

Kek. Imagine having such a limited understanding of sanitation and public health that you think white people are just annoyed by this shit (literally) because they think it's "gross."

You faggots need to provide links for this shit so we can know if it's real or not
I'm pretty sure this tweet is fake, but how would I know, the faggot OP didn't provide a link



>Damn white people and their desire to live in a society with basic hygene and sewer infastructure

So if we picked a weekend to all show up in SF and poop on the streets? Like, a million poops strategically placed. Can complain or you are racist lol

It's real but he fucking deleted it today
Can't be links when a libfag deletes his post and it wasn't archived

>David Brock is a pedophile
>Neera Tanden has HIV
>Angelo Carusone has stolen from the Clinton foundation
>Ryan Migeed is a violent psychopath
>Josh Dolin is part of the modern KKK
>Adrienne Watson is transsexual
>Amanda Karpay is a prostitute
>Elizabeth Shapell killed her children and got away with it
>Matt McClure has raped 6 children
>Rebecca Charen does heroin
>Benjamin Fischbein has cancer
>Burns Strider is about to die soon
>Ellie Cohen practices witchcraft
>Elizabeth Price has had chlamydia 40 times
>Johan Newman is a failed musical artist
>Benjamin Williams is gay and has porn online
>Caryn Lenhoff is part of NXIVM
>Daniel Wessel is part of NXIVM
>Karla Towle has skin cancer
>Kathleen Kennedy is going to die next year according to NXIVM
>Oliver Willis is a rapist of children, Vatican enthusiast
>Matthew Chapman has actual autism
share blue employees

Is there an article or something else that talks about this tweet for proofs? Because I don't wanna spread this around if he didnt actually say it

>12 june 2016

There are many pictures and accounts calling him out for it, if there's an article just look it up

is he pretending to be indian now?

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Niggers picking up poo's habits I guess...designated shitting streets soon for SanFranSicko...

Very true.

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>I've noticed that it's only White Americans who complain about niggers on the streets of San Francisco.

Daniel was a dick and possibly a psychopath, had he had a gun he would've shot his new school

Every country has its fecal matter.

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Daniel-son was competing in a sport. He wasn't outnumbered by 5 dindus who wanted to steal his wallet and murder him while yelling incoherently about "muh dick" and "gibs"

Lmao post link or it's not real

I see the map's coming along nicely.
Probably change the colour of Catholics and sub-Saharans as it can be quite hard to distinguish.

The left really are resorting to insane mental gymnastics to justify their cause at this point

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is talcum x really gonna push the larp as far as shitting on the ground?

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That's because Shaun doesn't know anyone that works in San Francisco.

>a movie is real life

>"What is a deleted post"

I thought Battlebots prohibited exactly that kind of shit.

Niggers had it so good after Martin Luther' s speech. What the hell happened?

WTF I love shit now

>Black people don't mind living in squalor
color me surprised

>Hong Kong cage homes

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God's work user

>Niggers are fine living in literal shit.
Who'd have thought?

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Someone should convince Mr. Kings devout followers to smear shit all over themselves and run around in public. I would bet my life many of them could be talked into it. After they do it call the men in hazmat suits to straight-jacket them and take them away to the funny farm.

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