>Dark forces within EU quietly planning to pass laws to permanently censor the Internet on the 5th July 2018, using copyright as a Trojan horse

>this sweeping new legislation will be used to censor to Internet, effectively hand-cuffing the power of the people in their fight against the corrupt elite and psychopath-controlled corporations.

>VOTE IS GOING THROUGH Right when everyone in in Europe following the World Cup. Their spineless eurocrats
Some more details below:-

'Disastrous' copyright bill vote approved bbc.com/news/technology-44546620

"A committee of MEPs has voted to accept major changes to European copyright law, which experts say could change the nature of the internet.

They voted to approve the controversial Article 13, which critics warn could put an end to memes, remixes and other user-generated content.

Article 11, requiring online platforms to pay publishers a fee if they link to their news content, was also approved.

One organisation opposed to the changes called it a "dark day".

The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs voted by 15 votes to 10 to adopt Article 13 and by 13 votes to 12 to adopt Article 11.

It will now go to the wider European Parliament to vote on in July."

The EU is killing our democratic spaces using copyright as a Trojan horse opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/renata-avila-joren-de-wachter-christoph-schneider/eu-is-killing-our-democratic-sp

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What does this mean for me, a regular American shitposter with freedom to use memes any way I want?

What utter none sense

Can you please back up your claims with factual evidence? External Sources?

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Absolutely nothing you'll be fine either way.

Bump. So long EU, it was fun while it lasted.

And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

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This is true. Watch PewDiePie's last video. He calls for the same thing on July 5th. Not joking.

You niggers knew this was coming as soon as they opened the boarders and you didn't fight back

For now. Because we have our guns.

Nothing's gonna happen.
Yea you sure are lucky to be a citizen of the most free nation on earth, hehehehhh...

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>so free you have to remind yourself constantly

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>That was the last 56% meme Nigel ever posted.
That night the hate speech police knocked down his door and brought him in for questioning, as the 56% are now considered a protected class
>He was later executed after they discovered his browsing history

Fuck Europe unless they lock the borders. If I can't vacation there without getting robbed by shitskins or peaced by jihadis the fuck should I care? Really cracking the whip on normies online there might actually help redpill people longterm.

We have the ability to create an Ethnostate after the 2nd American Civil War, we also have tge ability to start a second American Civil War.

You? You need a license for everything under the sun and then some. Your abstract reality of mocking someone with the right to self-defense and self-regulate as being inferior because of a picture you posted on the internet shows just how disconnected you are. You live in a prison, and it's getting worse and worse for you as the months go on. I really do feel bad for you.

How many sequels have there been to Waco so far?

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This. Need sources.
Plus. How are they going to stop millions of people from making memes? Arrest everyone who posts an image from a movie?

>divide and conquer
That’s what they’re doing, if the only one allowed to write “immigration is fine we are making millions, no one is being violently raped” are the left and no one from the right is allowed to fact check them, then that’s what the masses will believe, that everything is fine.
They’re trying to stop us from showing the mindless drones the truth.
The average joe will go back to being brainwashed by media again.

AT least i dont have to call the trannies by their preferred pronouns. Also, didnt you guys burn down the white house? Have fun with those tariffs leaf. Day of the rake is coming.

you wont hear anything about the extermination of european whites when it really kicks off. they dont have to control the internet in america to do that, just make it so no europeans can share anything that could 'incite hate'

This is what people don't understand about immigration
When shit hits the fan they're not fighting for your country

Its almost hard to watch. I had a friend ask me if the UK is really more cucked than here and I just laughed and told him "if only you knew how bad things really are".

>But we brexit right?
They don't even know.
>They're gonna be spamming 56% til' it gets them locked up

Nah, they'll filter your interactions and the files you upload and a bot will censor your content if it infringes copyright.
I hope VPN's will be enough to counter this.

Some IT dude explains the effects that entails this EU law

Guys we have to do something about this and my you choke on rubber dicks if you say '' lets share the eu flag durr duurrrr ''

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Looking forward to the days when British people physically draw and pass memes to each other. At least people will not feel lonely anymore

Oii! Is gonna look a fizzy bit more like this it is

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Nothing I've found of the sort. At best it is a liability thing for underground marketing that does not pay taxes in their target countries. Which is why the US of all countries is this "emotionally" affected by EUs laws.

Again this shit. It is more complicated than a filter. As filtering can be passed by simple editing, or why the fuck not original uncopyrighted content. Do a Google search and for images you can choose w/o copyright restrictions. Those are your next gen memes.

About what?

So your saying that we won't be able to use certain memes but it's okay, 'cause we'll be compelled to be more creative when we make new memes with unrestricted dogshit resources.... smells like the 60's in USSR

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That's bad man.

Have a copyright free pepe.

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I honestly can't wait.
You mates won't even be able to hide your flags
>Everyone's gonna know based on the vanilla memes

the point is to require a filter that is so expensive that only a vast minority of websites will be allowed to exist. and i think we can all guess who runs those sites.

And what can be done?

Wtf is the loss? The 200 or so meme pics that have been used to death? Because any new meme will not be subject to copyright. So it will be a very short lived bump.

>your face when you'll be exposed to our memes:

Guessing's thoughtcrime goy!

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>better not fight to end slavery physically

As much as I feel for you guys it's gonna be way too much fun ripping on this knowing you can't

So what we gonna do about it? LOIC the fuckers from the net? Start using user networks more? How they gonna censor anything if its encrypted?

I understand your point of view but I can see how this could turn out the usual way.
>You lose an ounce of freedom
But look at the advantages, we become more creative by getting around this restriction
>No resistance perceived. The EU parliament places more convenient restrictions .

We have a saying in French: "Tu lui donne le doigt et il vous prend le bras"

Translation: "You give him your finger and he rips and takes your arm"

I perceive this as a dangerous slope

Remember when yuropoors thought we were the ones going to lose internets a few months

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you are a fucking slave. You need to get licensing for rights you already have.

The EU is slowly going to fade away. I'd say in 20-30 years it will be gone.

Anyway... it's not humans that will destroy the internet, it's AI.
Super advanced AI communication bots will completely destroy places like Jow Forums, Reddit and forums all over the net.

And meanwhile this can be a cut in the US hegemony of internet and marketing. China censors the net because of the same reason. Memes are not the sought after comodity here.

>20-30 years
>EU fades away
>Gibs majority in former EU nations
>Gibs don't wanna gib to you
>Start their own group
>The Black Gibs Liberation Ya'll
>Decides they don't need no white man
>Much like pic related
>White people all left
>Africa is now a hemisphere

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Am i the only one who read this in greivous's voice ?

This seems shilled only by US shills. Why? What do they get for this to employ shills at the level of E-celebs like Sargoy and Pi pi on pie?

they already kinda have lol. useful information lost in a sea of white noise under the guise of 'free speech'.

i think very soon there will be a real discussion as to whether algorithms have the right to speech.

Those AI get pretty racist when you give them too much free speech

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