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Antifa hate thread. Share vidyas and Bikchures. Also, when is the right time finally start "removing" these dingos?

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I hate them OP.

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Thank you

when you'l move out your mom basement

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daily reminder that eric is sitting comfy at home

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I'm only sixteen send help

>tfw you realise Antifa will grow massively the more the right shows its intolerant and evil face

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>EU flag
I'll have two muzzies and a side of white genocide

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Have some italian Jow Forumsice

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womp womp

Now that our side has won in Italy, are the police going to start removing some of these scums Luigi?

Will the police let you have a free hand to deal with the left?? One day we may get that here, KEK I call upon your blessings!!!

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Who is that first body that goes flying on the ground before ourguys KO punch?? Lot of action in Portland by KEK.

Jesus Christ, that truck is absolutely pathetic, looks like it could fall apart in any second...
Look at the tank ffs, there is leaking diesel all over it

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one of their guys , they go in organized , remember Jow Forums next time to go in in 5-unit cells for brawl

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this is their system

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we use this to form this system here, it routs a block

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>those tiny stick arms that have never lifted anything over 20 pounds
Didn't even help Mommy carry in the groceries with arms like that.

I wish people would understand this more and it's so clear if you've seen enough of their videos. They're using group tactics and we're still looking for and at individuals. At that recent Portland event that roasty in black with the cigarette seemed like she was one of their leaders and she deserved to get hit. I'm not afraid to womp a cunt but I can almost guarantee "our" side would fucking attack me for it like a bunch of white knight dehydrated faggots. The same with the green guys. If they're acting all innocent holding up there hands "woah man we're just here to be peaceful" is a fucking scam if they're dressed as antifa and in the formation the're enemies. Portland is weak now without Tiny pretty sad the white identity movement was being propped up by one samoan boi.

Are they still active in 'Murica? Here they are dead quiet. Seems they've lost their funding.

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Here's some of them calling for crisis actors.

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Before you ask, yes. Sadly, this is real. In the original thread which got deleted, people tracked down the guy's social media and he's been like this since the Bush era.

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I love how civil war 2 has devolved into a tug of war.

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Why is Antifa always getting their asses kicked? These people are such gigantic pussies.

But why is there a democrat pulling with the Elephant, the oil tycoon and the POTUS?

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>He should press charges against her for not letting him molest her in front of him???
I think the devil or some shit is real people are getting possessed or getting parasites in their brain or I don't know. Maybe the trees are doing it like Pols favorite movie The Happening.

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Because the left can't meme

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Gotta love that guy's face as he realizes he can knock that fuck out.

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> b-based black bulls amirite pedes?
fuck off fucking fagboi civicucks

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There are no nazis lol. This is what schizophrenia looks like.

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Pretty much this.

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I don't post on Jow Forums often. But it's almost time, we need to be getting ready for the next presidential election.

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Their relationship won't last another month she'll leave him over totally not this event. She may or may not sign up at a gym to meet right wing guys.

That may just be because the idjits filled the tank to the top. It's a vintage, and they are pretty sturdy. But there's a lot of shit you need to know about a vehicle like that, that's irrelevant in a modern vehicle. I'm surprised they are even able to operate it. Oh, for a given value of 'operate'. Over filling the tank is a user error. I wonder how many more there is.

>next presidential election.
Nah, we got midterms first. Potential for much salt