Why didn't the British and French just do what the Spaniards did and fuck all of the natives in their colonies...

Why didn't the British and French just do what the Spaniards did and fuck all of the natives in their colonies endlessly?
Imagine how much better and whiter the world would be if a large portion of Africa and Southeast Asia were half-white or more.

Attached: BriaMylesWhiteBoyfriend.jpg (499x503, 63K)

they did you idiot, why do you think south america is a half-european inbred mongrelfest

White + Brown = Brown, you idiot.

White male genes are dominant over black womans. Thats why WMBF relationships are so successful.

Attached: 1529874975869.jpg (1242x1487, 1.27M)

That isn't how genotype or phenotype work though, a half-African-half-European is obviously distinct from both of them.
They also tend towards a middle or mediated level of phenotypic expression between the two individuals' mean group phenotypes, for example, half-black and half-white people in the US have IQs halfway between the average white and black person in the USA.

There were not enough white colonists in Africa and Asia to do that, and the ones that were there didn't need to mix because white women came with them.

Can you read?
The British and French didn't do that, the Spaniards did in South America, like I pointed out.

Because the British were good people and didn't want to rape?

Attached: BrittVent.png (670x890, 1.31M)

they did it in north america just like the spaniards did in south america. key difference is they killed most of them off so the population ratio was manageable. spain is a case study of what would have happened if they tried that in asia or africa

> spain is a case study of what would have happened if they tried that in asia or africa
So, ... notably better off than Africa as is now is?

Is bleaching the darker races the ultimate redpill? Like when the Brazillians wanted to genocide the blacks by bleaching them every generation?

Because then you would have mexico and brazil. The correct move is to genocide the natives like the US did.

Mexico and Brazil are a lot nicer than Burkina Faso and Mali though.

Hot, wet black pussy is like crack for me. I try to come inside and then change my number so I can contribute to the 56% meme with my pale huwhite genes. Especially the very dark girls from Africa or the carribean

>he still believes the genocide myth
>the average Jow Forums burger is THIS bluepilled

Attached: 1453228805339.jpg (300x244, 8K)

They loved it. Consensual.

Hot af

Attached: c44055ea40071b84e946fdb4c9264bb2--long-brown-hair-daniela-ruah.jpg (620x400, 36K)


This look at tunisia which is the legacy of romans, some of the worst shitskins

%95 of white DNA is lost off the top

You guys and your hornyness created Brazil, should've bleached them more and more

Idk how all of these Nazi fags put White women on a pedestal when the world is full of beautiful Brown and black woman. A lot of White women can't even fuck good, or even cook/clean well for the matter. You haven't lived till you been with a Latina.

true. there will be an exodus of them sometime in the future as their countries get worse and worse. Brazil being an example

If you invade country AND you plan on living in it you should kill every woman, man and child.
Total and complete genocide. None can live.
If you want peace that is.

da fuq. latin america is fucked

If only the rhodesians had done this

You are wrong, theey did mix with the local.
What they couldn't do is propaging virus that killed up to 1/6 of the natives to begin with, thus reducing the gene pool and making sure that their offspring would represent a bigger share of the remaining population.
