The absolute state of reddit

>the absolute state of reddit

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Eh adoption is good for some people. Prob wouldn’t get a Bush baby tho

>the absolute state of you OP making this shit thread, kys and stay where you belong on reddit

And he didn't even go through any of the newborn/infancy shit

>he'll never get to look in the eyes of his own offspring

Ma I posted it again!

I don’t have a Reddit account, but please, someone go and ask him why he couldn’t adopt a children of his own race

8 threads

Can these meme flags fuck off?

That pathetic gaze of a feminized life. Rope for the lot.

That's not even the worst part, people are going to look at him, his wife, then their kid and immediately think he's a cuck. Then he'll pull the whole adopted thing and people probably won't buy it which will form even further regret and resentment in him.

If white women would stop killing their unborn baby this couple could have adopted a white child.

Unfortunately the adoption law protect the birth mothers making adoption nearly impossible unless you want to settle for a black baby.

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Left-wing people not reproducing. Good. This is natural selection in effect.

the worst part of this whole situation is that fucking shirt. jesus christ, have some self respect you fucking yosoyboy

Adopting the unfortunate is good. I wouldn't might raising a couple of kids and give them a better life. I don't know if I could adopt outside my race, though. It leaves too much up for interpretation.

8 active threads about this image. ffs guys use catalog.

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7 active threads about this image. ffs guys use catalog.

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says the neet posting on Jow Forums

adopting is good, but why they don't choose a white baby? people will call you a cuck, or your wife a whore who cheat on you. If you adopt at least, choose the same fucking collor.

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drop that thing off a cliff

i see the resemblance.

ronaldo is an arab

The truth? It wouldn't play well within their "progressive" (regressive) social circles.

I have the opportunity to raise a young black step-son. I want to raise him without feeling the oppression of the black "community." I want to raise him to be a man, to work hard, and to treat others with respect. I want him to be proud of who he is and where he came from without all the shitty baggage, but I'm worried my girlfriend's going to raise him to grow up thinking all white people hate him so he doesn't have to try and compete out there in the world.

Which subreddit is this so I can type cuck and collect my ban?

Prediction: She will be the first female NFL quarterback then kneel during the nations anthem to protest and shit on her parents face

throw in the nearest fucking bin and move on with your life, ffs

Is Chads throwaway roastie hot?

Don't do it, put your energy into your own children

>That's not even the worst part, people are going to look at him, his wife, then their kid and immediately think he's a cuck

Their child is definitely not mixed with a white, blonde woman.

Only the morons browsing this board would jump to that conclusion.


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they changed my coke.

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I made one just to do that
>inb4 go back 2 reddit
>I fucking hate reddit, but the deed had to be done

use a sig sauer and a pillow, guaranteed results
