Is Germany failed state?
Is Germany failed state?
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Yes. Theyve failed twice already
Merkle is a Nazi cunt.
Three times, if you count their failures during the cold war.
Yes, Poland should invade them.
>4th largest economy in the world
>basicly the powerhouse of the EU, sphere of influence of germany
>all of this achieved when reunification was just 30 years ago
>a 5% local party REEEEs harder the usuall and someone calls my cunt here a failed state.
Yes, everything went downhill from the moment Bismarck was forced to resign
>didn't even get into quarters
Yeah it's fucking over for this country.
>Is Germany failed state?
Absolutely not. Germany has destroyed Europe twice in the past and is succeeding at destroying Europe a third time. Go Angela!!
Right in the feels
Yes. Deutsche bank is about to be delisted from major EU stock exchanges. France, Italy, Poland and Hungary will leave the EU soon. Germany is going to fracture.
>not realizing how cultural enrichment will effect gerministan in a generation
it's worse than a failed state
I mean, even failed states like France and UK mock us.
We are next level failed
Can I get a quick rundown?
>Lost 2 world wars and was then occupied by 4 countries for 50 years
You know, I'm actually amazed Germany is even still a country
Get out of you echochamber other haiti.
I wouldn't say so.
It's leaders are economic nationalist - imperialist even and cultural globalist.
Nothing can make up for retarded view on migration though.
I'd rate is WORSE then the Weimar republic.
No. Care for coffee?
Right. lol
That's enough. You scare the crap out of me !!
I'm sad I won't be able to partake in all the delicious and tasty brown women as a teenager :^(
>he thinks economic success is the only factor that matters
this is why you will fall
>all of this achieved when reunification was just 30 years ago
It was achieved when we rebuilt your country Hans
she's absolutely crazed just today she still had the nerve to talk about muh Africa and UNHCR and the industry only loves her because of policies of non intervention.
I want to be Angela Merkel's pussy troll while she scissors Hillary under a flannel blanket.
>we rebuilt your country
ask your parents how germany was before the terrorist I mean migrants and it's only going to get worst in all matters of quality of life for ethnic germans
You see i'd agree we as the west have an obligation to help the Afrikan continent.
But there is ONLY ONE solution for Afrika and Germany CANNOT do this.
That solution would be a humane eugenics policy. Preferribly based on embryo selection for Afrika's underclass peoples.
This is why my hatred of the leftists, in particular the PC environment at universities is impacable.
They stand in the way of this only solution for Afrika i just described.
Politically correct establishment have unmeasurable amount of blood on their hands by staning in the way of the only solution for Afrika.
>ask your parents how germany was before
This is a pretty comfy and liberal Germany
yup. time for a black chancellor.
I agree with this. It is time for the new Germans to ascend to power. It's their birthright.
Based German. Whiter than my neighbor.
t. I live in South Georgia
I retract my prior comment. That vid simultaneously gave me an aneurysm and aids.
I hope so, a new political system every few years keeps the spice flowing
Nah, this isn't Britain or France. Germans won't take shit indefinitely. The fact that we are now debating unrestrained immigration was considered Nazi talk 3 years ago. Germans won't tolerate what's happened to Paris or London.
>was considered Nazi talk 3 years ago
>Germans won't take shit indefinitely
Wtf...there is more of this fucking negro. Explain this shit Hans for the love of fuck...traslate this from pig latin to burger short hand What kind of weird mutant shit are fuckers doing over there?
>tasty brown women
how disgusting are you? they look like shit and they are inbred as fuck
He's our famous East Frisian Mr-T who loves the north and work in agriculture
>dominican republic
This this the kind of shit that reinforces my belief in reincarnation. This dude obviously got in the wrong line. We have our own versions.
he's not a dumb fuck like that guy in your picture probably is
I missed the news, is Merkel resigning or what
well fucking hurry up Fritz
Pic related is Bismark’s Germany. Half of it is now Poland. Sounds like a failed state to me, user
Merkel will invade Poland. If they had accepted 6 million refugees this situation wouldn't have occured, Foken subhuman slavs need to be extermenated for not following aryan german orders.
you dident do shit shill...murrica can fuck off
seriously don't get how some german nationalist hasn't put a bullet through her skull yet
what happened to all the nazi's?
No, the EU is a failed experiment and so is multiculturalism unless you're a fucking Zionist then its going exactly as planned.
Doesn't matter how great your economy is when you have literally millions of bottom feeding migrants leeching off the system that have zero intentions to pay back into the system and more are on it's way in.
Your country is so fucked it's beyond hilarious.
Jesus, just imagine the sheer damage to white people by Germany in the last hundred years
Ehh, you guys started that spiral down following the Napoleanic wars. That’s when my family bailed since one side was catholic and the other side were Masons. Bismarck tried to resurrect it and did well, but the corruption was just festering in the alleys.
They went to South America
Who would win
4th largest economy and EU powerhouse
A couple million brown "engineers" and "doctors".
Yes since may 1945
This triggers the shills
Deutschland ist vorbei. Stop lying to yourself.
Can't argue that...
I respect Germany. You have twice the government expenditures relative to GDP as the U.S. yet you have half the national debt. That's impressive.