Why did everything become so much more extreme during Obama years?

Democrats are now far-left, Republicans more far-right, LGBT more humorless, blacks more uppity... how did Obama do this?

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>far left
Lmao no

I thought his legacy was dead? I thought he couldn't do a thing?

legalized domestic propaganda in 2013

the real issue is people believing media though. Obama just took advantage of that and turned it on his own people

>not far left

The man behind the curtain was exposed. The man being the idea of white supremacy. Minorities feel more empowered and whites can't LARP as masters of the universe

>legalized domestic propaganda in 2013
this probably

also, Obama was an Alinskyist subversive

Sounds more like a steriotypical far rightist but with white people as the bad guys

>Democrats are now far-left, Republicans more far-right, LGBT more humorless, blacks more uppity... how did Obama do this?

he campaigned as being against the rich but once in office he gobbled goldman sachs cock and shifted to shoveling divisive identity politics to distract from his cronyism.

identity politics is a very good divisive tool. identity politics can be used to ANY argument about an actual policy into us versus them, men versus women, white versus brown, etc instead of actually addressing the real issues (economic collapse, widespread corruption, etc)

>republicans more far-right
so, democrats have legit socialists running in their primaries but the most "extreme" far-right candidate the repubs could field is a fucking 90's bill clinton style democrat (talking about trump incase you missed it). So, no, both parties are not more extreme, one is far more extreme and the other is still cucked beyond belief by the other.

Liberals convinced themselves that, since a black guy got elected, that their "progress" was now unstoppable. They thought they couldn't be stopped. Imagine their surprise when they thought that all the way up to Trump's election.

It was BLM lynching whites, shooting them with machine guns, and burning down cities.

The news ignored this. WE DIDN'T

ANTIFA is your only far left that's around and it gets BTFO by fat larpers with KEK flags, lol.
Trannies can't fight outside of Thailand

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The United States was a zoo, and Obama let all the animals out of their cages so now it's a jungle.

>Sounds more like a steriotypical far rightist but with white people as the bad guys
Thinking you have values, and not a zombie mob for the Jews.

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African Nigger magic.

Turns out when you elect a socialist, anti-American extremist that tries to erode away all rights of citizens you piss some people off. When you go on tv and joke about it and start blaming all white people then get right back to work undermining the nation and putting as many people out of work you make them even madder.

No fucking shit people are more extreme. They had the Nigger King destroy their livelihoods and industry, remove half the jobs in the nation, tank the economy, and then inspire a few dozen race riots because a cop did their fucking job.

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Too distracted by steaming pornography. Im not joking. Porn made people numb and apathetic.

Because everyone was under the impression there was no danger is virtue signalling "centrism" before Obama.

Presidential, yes
Cultural, no

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Obama was a manchurian candidate designed to divide and destroy the United States.

Too bad that didn't happen.

Those aren't Democrats.

Demographics. Obama didnt change the pace of them that much, theyre just becoming more apparent.

The idea that a country could have its core racial group reduced from 90% of the population to 56% of the population in just 50 years and NOT have radical consequences would be absurd. Its a historically precendented voluntary national self-destruction and it could never have ended any other way.

>how did Obama do this?

he didn't. He was always and still is a puppet for the deep state

It wasn't exactly voluntary. It was more of a lie followed by decades of subversive education practices and propaganda.

Social Engineering.


archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Republicans more far-right

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That would make things less extreme, not more extreme.

Tiki-torch march would be impossible in 2000.

He ran on giving hope

Obama didn't do this. Republicans obstructing Obama for 8 years did this.

technological society is in crisis due to too rapid globalization and too fast spread of information. the system can't keep up, thank fuck

>the last time democrats were this far left was in 1930

so if anything this is just a correction back to democrats giving a shit about people

>republicans are now further right than they have been since 1930

yeah thats not news... republicans are now completely in the pocket of the plutocrats and 1% and only care about making those people even richer.

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the left/right classification is too broad
in terms of SJW/racism/homo stuff they are "left"

It allowed the left to get away with more.
Especially sexual degeneracy.

and socialism, healthcare for all, minimum wage, gibs are all left

Remind me how we "obstructed" him into siding with the black corpse in a yet undecided court case


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When you give children what they want, they will only want more. And they will cry if you take it away from them.

>democrats giving a shit about people

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>More far-right
Fucking kek

>you didnt give Obama everything he ever wanted
>you didn't worship him like a deity like we did
>thats obstruction!

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During Obama's reign, regressive left covered much of the ground being favored by the establishment and outed themselves as deeply rooted in academy, hollywood, media.
I doubt it was specifically Obama, though his silent support of such turn of things probably helped.

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You dumb fucking faggots filibustered Obama more than any other president ever. Literally the definition of obstructionists.

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>far right for supporting the same shit that the US has done for the past 30 years

>how did Obama do this?
Power to the plebel!

Are Republicans further right? I would argue Republicans have gone slightly left since 08, while Dems have dropped off the continental shelf into socialist anarchy

>meme flag
>not a shit post
Lmao no.

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Pretty sure Shillary is fine with white replacement

>Sounds more like a steriotypical far rightist

Obongo BTFO

Horseshoe theory is real yo

Why did she do it?

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They let the KKK march on the steps of ole miss in like 2006

wait, what?
where's hillary pushing for black neighborhoods ?
where is she now?

you all dont give two shits except anything but power to tell others what to do. it's transparent, it's old, and people are fighting back.

The left wing progressives have no mechanisms to prevent their own progressive purity spiraling, after a few victories for fag marriage, abortion etc they literally have to make shit up to ey angry about too. Progressivism always views the current order as oppressive even if the current order is on the left, it has to always claim oppression for the ideology and it's political apparatus, along with all the jobs that go with it, to survive.

This. The Obama Justice department didn't go after anyone responsible for the mass fraud going on in the financial sector which caused the crash. The only person who went to jail was Madoff, and that was because he ripped off rich Jewish organizations.


Then why doesn't Trump reinstate it?