Indians are literally worshiping Trump as God

you can't make this shit up. wtf i love indians now

Attached: TrumpWorshippedAsGodByIndians.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

Jow Forums is always right

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how do i join this religion

it's one guy and everyone thinks hes crazy, watch the vid leaf. literally juan in a billion

nah, there's a whole group on them and even here Indians are the only minority willing to vote conservative

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in america, most indians are southern dravidians so they vote dmeocrat since the northern aryan mulattoes fought off the muslims for them. In britain and canada, i thinki most of the indias are northerners, which is why 49% of hindus voted tory in 2015 and that number has prolly gone up after the events of recent years. Even then, watch the video, He literally says "they (the villagers) think im crazy, but i know he is my god"

There's nothing those poos wouldn't worship as god. From loos to ganges mutants.


scroll up chink

here comes the "tolerant" liberal, kek

Put Trump's photo in shrine as if he is dead lol

In case of poos this does not mean anything

The fuck you talking about, leaf?

Attached: Mobile-Infantry-made-me-the-man-I-am-today.jpg (853x480, 47K)

Paid video. You can see that they are looking at the cameraman with eyes seeking approval.

An actual right wing group leader was asked if he believe Trump was God. He said NO. They were only doing a yajna (fire ritual) to bless him in his endeavors.

Attached: power of Indian prayers.png (1428x2728, 1.07M)

poo nation worshiping trump
makes sense

You just jelly he banned your ass from entering the States

lol at the fruit as offerings

oh yea, and Indians are the only other minority who hate mudslimes like you. try not to blow up with all that triggering

pour a bowl of milk for a local snake deity and you're in

Hindu Indians love Trump for his anti-muslim views.

Its purely ideological and self-interest related to their own internal issues.

They don't care about the wall and all the other shit.