OH SHIT! America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House


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There was a brainwashed soldier programmed to assassinate the president in the white house?
>its actually just someone using buzzwords to hit their anti trump quota
Why are opinion articles featured on news outlets? How is that news?

>After returning from a tour of some of the war zones in the Middle East — which ended with the Free Iran Gathering 2018 in Paris — I am struck by the realization that America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in The White House for eight years. If you look at the evidence, there really is no other conclusion. The calamitous consequences of the Obama presidency will be felt for the foreseeable future.

>In the short year and a half that President Trump has been in office, he has put in place policy that has mitigated the damage that President Obama inflicted on our national security and on our allies. The speed with which Trump has been able to turn things around points to the diabolical depths the Obama administration went to in order to undermine our national strength and way of life. All Trump had to do was stop doing things that hurt America; America could then take care of itself. The results are plain as day. However, it will take decades for the Obama damage to be completely undone. The deviousness of the Obama sedition runs deep.

>Think about it or a moment. If you wanted peace in the Middle East, why would you throw away the trillions of dollars spent, as well as the lives of thousands of American souls, by irresponsibly pulling out ALL American troops from Iraq? No matter your thoughts on starting the war, pulling out was an irresponsible thing to do. We still have troops in Germany, Korea and Japan, for God’s sake. Why? For stability, that’s why. As Colin Powell said, we broke it, now we own it. It was a given that instability would follow the force withdrawal. When you combine this act with the reality that Obama never really did try to defeat the Islamic State, what conclusion can you come up with? Trump defeated them in a few months. The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them.

>Why did Obama and Hillary take down Moammar Gadhafi, who had already given up his nuclear weapons? Was it to destabilize Libya, where ISIS could gain another foothold? Why did Obama help install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? What was the agenda behind the so-called Arab Spring?

>However, the coup-de-grace of anti-American activity was the JCPOA, or, to say it another way, the agreement to give Iran everything it wanted, including nuclear weapons and money — lots of money — which it immediately used to further destabilize the region, and existentially threaten the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. To take it a step further, why didn’t Obama support the opposition against the Mullahs in 2009 when there was an obvious chance for regime change in Iran? Why didn’t Obama confront Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons use? One of the main unanswered questions is what ties did Valerie Jarrett really have to the Iranian regime?

>I won’t go into why Obama ran up more debt for the United States than all previous presidents combined. I won’t ask why he weakened our armed forces. I won’t ask why he used tyrannical policies, like using the agencies of the federal government to go after his political opposition. I won’t ask why he politicized our security apparatus in an attempt to frame President Trump.

>What I will say is that there was a big fox in the hen house for eight long years. Eight long years for people like Brennan, Hillary, Kerry, Clapper, Comey and Jarrett to really hurt us regarding our safety and security.

>Trump has a lot of house cleaning to do. Thank goodness he’s being quick about it.

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Iraq refused the SOFA, we left because they asked us to.
This is exactly what Trump wants though when he says play hard ball and call their bluff, so I'm confused why its bad.

We didn't bomb him, the French did. Why do people keep forgetting this?

>Israel under threat
Whelp that ends this, its neocon zionist shilling.

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But McCain lost user

We sure did.

And now they're preparing their next one for infiltration of our government.

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Wow that was favorable. I guess Jews are really happy about the embassy move to Jerusalem so the Temple can be blown up now and start WW3.

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so obama was a soldier who had a chip put in his head so his mom could molest him?

Don't forget, Obama was actually tough on illegals and shoved them in the border camps Trump was forced to under law.
Ignore how no one wanted to discuss this and how it was always Obama letting illegals in freely.

Argument, Bernie isn't a dem, he's an independant, go ahead look up before and after.
He ran explicitly to spoiler Hilarry and cause chaos.

Needs more info, user

>Jew argues with lesser Jew




>Argument, Bernie isn't a dem, he's an independant

Not knowing how delusional communists really are

>In the short year and a half that President Trump has been in office, he has put in place policy that has mitigated the damage that President Obama inflicted on our national security and on our allies. The speed with which Trump has been able to turn things around points to the diabolical depths the Obama administration went to in order to undermine our national strength and way of life.
Lmao. This site is pure and utter brown nose propaganda.
I don't know why you even bothered with the archive link.

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So Obama is just an Indonesian guy with a bunch of surgery scars all over his head and I didn’t notice?

I guess they just add cranium space on the back of the head and suck the fat out of the epicanthic folds and he is good to go.
This Indonesian president here look just like Obama.

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OBama speaks indonesian

I still can't figure this one out.

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Orthodox Anti Zionist Judaism

Why is Finland full of communist Canadian faggots?

>Orthodox Anti Zionist Judaism
But aren't Orthodoxed Talmud Jews?

Well yeah?
If he really wanted to win, why did he abandon his 2nd place position that gave him power in the DNC?
Why didn't he sign up in 2012 and work for the super delgates?

ear lobes fold out on Indo
less defined nose and eyes closer to base
thinner lips and flatter jaw

>washington times
>washington post
these are not the same publication

Guess so

Didn't they pull out because of anti-Israel bias?

No. Torah!!!! The Talmud is a way to Jew yourself out of the rules in the Torah


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why not just read the article?
>What I will say is that there was a big fox in the hen house for eight long years. Eight long years for people like Brennan, Hillary, Kerry, Clapper, Comey and Jarrett to really hurt us regarding our safety and security.
>Trump has a lot of house cleaning to do. Thank goodness he’s being quick about it.

>No. Torah!!!! The Talmud is a way to Jew yourself out of the rules in the Torah
For real? I have to look this up. I dont believe you.

Posting Grandma Torah for keks


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>He ran explicitly to spoiler Hilarry and cause chaos.
Which is why:
>He campaigned for her
>He gave the 220 Million he raised to her campaign
>He sat beside her on stage like a beaten dog

Not saying it's him. Just pointing out how much Indos can look like obama. Dude in my pic could be Obama’s cousin or some sht.

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trump seems both pro-jew and anti-jew. i think theres just a power struggle with old guard vs new guard or possibly an anti-zionist faction.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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He's pro JUDAISM. Anti Zionism.

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thanks, watching


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He never ran before, didn't after, got orders from the Kremlin.
Hilarry then uses this as blackmail on him to make sure he doesn't go full Dole.
Kremlin already expected this and planted Bernie math and how the existing rules saying you have to work to get people make it unfair to get a fucking communist int he white house.

It just rankles me here when people support Sanders.
Its literally saying helicopter delivery is a great goy, we should love him because the mean witch said coal is going away and we have to actually visit self improvement general!

I mean you could say Merkel is his mother too

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>Manchurian Candidate in the White House
Much better than the Mongoloid Candidate you have in the White House now.

When Trump went to the wall it was called Palestine on livestream, not Israel.

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Obama was just anti white and did things through an anti white lenses.
Just like most minorities that find Jow Forums and post here they eventually start pushing for their own ethnic interests over white Europeans despite the originality being pro white and right wing the same can be said for minorities like Obama who get into the white house.

>the media is fake
>except when it's on my side

I'm posting this on 8 Jow Forums to piss of the Altkike Bannon crew.

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Obama is literally a Jew

Don't you knonw that the only people on Jow Forums who say the "ALL JEWS ARE BAD" are other zionist shills? They use antisemitism as a shield.

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Yeah dude Trump is just like fucking Obama and bill clinton, and god damn bush right dood you cracked the code, the puzzle is solved man! We can finally rest easy now, genius.

Fucking idiot.

Jews are viciously anti white even though millions of us died putting an end to Nazi Germany.
Lesson learned.

>His arrest followed a wave of bomb threats and anti-Semitics incidents aimed at American Jewish institutions since the start of that year that spread fears over a potential rise in anti-Semitic action toward Jews.

>It is not known what percentage of the threats Kadar may have been involved with.
Israeli court charged him with attempted extortion as well as money-laundering, reporting false information causing public panic, and conspiring to commit a crime and hacking.

>The prosecutors' original indictment accused the man, whose identity remained under gag order until recently, of placing some 2,000 threatening calls to mainly Jewish institutions in the US and internationally, Israel's Justice Ministry statement said.

>"In a short time, a large number of Jews are going to be slaughtered. Their heads are going to be blown off," one of the threats read, according to a recording obtained by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

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>The fact that a young Jewish man incited widespread fear among Jews appeared to vindicate white nationalists and far-right conspiracy theorists, who have long claimed that such threats are part of a Jewish plot.

>"The outcome of this young man’s actions is that the classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theory will be given a tailwind -- the Jews portray themselves as victims but are orchestrating the supposed attacks," an article in Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper said.

>In response to the wave of anti-Semitic threats and hate crimes, President Donald Trump suggested that many of them could be hoaxes specifically designed to make him look bad, the Huffington Post reported. This was before the man from Ashkelon was found, and Jewish Americans were outraged by what they perceived to be a slow and inadequate response to threats.

>When it turned out that many of the threats were indeed hoaxes, Jewish organizations and Israeli media said the arrest was likely to boost conspiracy theories, while others worried it would weaken responses to a rise in anti-Semitism attacks in the United States.
A representative of a major global Jewish organisation, who did not want to be named, told AFP that Trump's false flag claim would gain traction.

>"Those sort of statements that everyone thought were totally outlandish at the time now sound somewhat more reasonable."

Chump is worse than Obama, Clinton, and Bush combined. Even that election thief Hillary wouldn't have put children in literal concentration camps.

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You wish.

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Without constant antisemitism jews can't play the victim.

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Childlike Empress.

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This kind of wrong think is not allowed in the news. What happened?

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this subversive echo-chamber is
the real deep state... you assholes
control everything and still must blame
others.... quite ebol

You wot?
Hoe Lee Fuk

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Never let a good spin go to waste.

He's unironically the best US President since Nixon, Andrei

best ever

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Washington Times is opposition media you dummy. Even moreso than Fox News.


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>threaten the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
Didn't see that one coming...

Dunno if ever. Jackson, Coolidge, Teddy
He certainly has the potential to become one of the greatest ever though

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Sir, The Calm was a Storm, for me.

Let's go.

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why do americans build paper houses? thats why you get fucked by every natural disaster, why cant americans keep up with german building standarts from 1940?

But they read the Talmud,no?

>They use antisemitism as a shield.
Yeah I know... Hershel. But if they're Talmudists then they deserve it. We've all read the Talmud on Jow Forums.

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Apparently some big Mueller shit is happening this week. Alec Baldwin was chimping out on some radio show today

what? Jews false flag orthodox jews all the time the anti zionist ones.

all the faggots showing that they are still never trump by shilling he needs to get impeached if mueller is fired implies that such a thing is close. And, since Trump has such a flair for showmanship I would not be surprised if something big drops on Wednesday.


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>I mean you could say Merkel is his mother too
Yes, and Trumps ancestry is german/scottish.

Talmud says all goy are slaves to the Jew. If they're Talmud Jews then it doesn't matter if they're anti Zionism.

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You ignored the fact that they read the torah and the talmud is a way to jew God out of the rules in the torah. Keep up.

this is all just lip service nigger

Apparently for the JIDF a picture of a person touching the western wall is all one needs to come to the conclusion they are israel first.

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>You ignored the fact that they read the torah and the talmud is a way to jew God out of the rules in the torah. Keep up.
I dont care about fucking sand land, user. I care about WW3.

If they're Talmud Jews, they're the enemy of everyone who isn't a Jew by their own teachings.

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>I care about WW3.
Yup, you're a Jew.

All three in pic are trannies