Hi retards, boomer here. Why Jow Forums does not

Hi retards, boomer here. Why Jow Forums does not
implement a voting system like reddit and other well-respected sites?

How am I going to know which post is the best and don't lose my time reading all the pile of shit that is generated by faggots?

How can I distinguish that a post sucks and is not accepted by the community?

Why do you have to be contrarian fuckers even for simple practical things that make web-browsing easier?

Attached: 687474703a2f2f7777772e7265616374696f6e676966732e75732f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f32303134 (795x478, 3.28M)

Fuck off back to plebbit you israeli faggot.

Jow Forums is superior as it forces you to read the majority if the thread.

or just scroll and look for whoever got all the (you)s

Fuck off back to plebbit you israeli faggot

Let me guess: you like sucking cocks too?

Attached: 1511975319013.jpg (512x512, 34K)

Because people are fucking stupid

Attached: make_guns_go_away.png (640x482, 259K)

Fuck off back to plebbit you israeli faggot

> serious answers only,

or did you want me to write it in the OP post to have time letting it sink in?

that would create even bigger hivemind than it is already.
I would say that post with the biggest number of replays are the most interesting/controversial/funny, so these are your upboats

We do, and I'll tell you how to if you give me unfettered access to your Bitcoin wallet.