Be honest Jow Forums

Be honest Jow Forums
Do you miss your highschool years?
What year did you start and what year did you leave?
What year did you like the most? and what year did you not like?

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Miss it :'(

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>Marxism is good, goy!

Nah, fuck that place.

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Don't miss HS years.
Started 93, ended 1997.

1997 was okay, some people view 1997 as being the height of civilization, at least in the USA, whites dominated entertainment, the blacks knew their place - there was no BLM, there was no LGBTQ++ crap on every TV channel, newspaper headline, magazine cover....

There was black panthers

adults used to always say that shit from the picture

biggest fucking lie

I don't miss them at all. Honestly, I wish people around me hadn't made such a big fuss about those years at all. I was just constantly dissapointed followed by a feeling of emptiness after it was gone. Now that I'm about to finish college I feel a lot more free and in control. I party more and get more new experiences today than I did in highschool.

Hell no. I had a great time in the last few years of High School, but I'm an adult now and I would never want to go back. Only infantile people constantly cling to the past.

Indifferent. Although the very baggy pants that boys wore back then was fucking stupid in hindsight.

They forced me to do over a year because I failed ancient Greek and french. Fuck em. Half my friends were forced to do over years for bs courses nobody needs. This system is horrid.

Fuck no. What a waste of years.

Honestly, yes.
My school was full of niggers, but at least I spent my days learning new things and hanging out with good friends. Nowadays it's just work 8 hrs, come home and shitpost till bedtime.

Nope, I remember thinking they were good but the more I thought about it the more I remember I was a shut-in. So no, I don’t care for them.

Gonna miss the lads. The pranks, the jokes, sitting together at a table with your bros and throwing food at the minorities.
I browsed Jow Forums in HS. Didn’t really do much but made me autistic. I do miss talking to girls on the reg.
Sports were redpilled.

I haven't spoken to anyone from school since sign out day in 1995, mostly cause my area was full of slopehead immigrants and other assorted wogs and shitbags, I didnt have a bad time i Just didnt really enjoy it that much and it really exposed me to what shit cunts they were and pretty much made me the race realist I am.

We only lived in a shit suburb cause of my dads work at the time and I did sport and activities outside of school had my own friends etc so I was just glad school was over and I could get on with my life with white folk.

Except that I got tired of patrying after the first semester, and swapped it with work.

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Not at all. People who look back on the 'glory days' are fucking losers. Real life is a constant struggle for power and I love every moment of it.

sage all memeflag slide threads

The only ones who miss Highschool are the ones that never evolved past it.
Might sound pretentious, but let's be honest here.
No one, who was bullied and beaten up in these halls really misses them.

Fuck no. I had one friend, we got bullied every day, and then my friend hung himself. My grades were shit and it appeared that everyone else was having the time of their life.

I graduated in’98. The following year Columbine happened and I laughed my ass off. Can you really blame me? After taking shit from assholes day in day out, I finally saw someone from our side fight back. And what a fight.

If I could push a button and bring back all those kids I would. But I gotta say, it was pretty wild to see what happens when you poke the bear too much.

Anyway, no, I don’t miss high school. I wish my brain would grow a scab over those memories.

I'm guessing you aren't married yet.

Not really. I miss being in the military more.


I don't miss high school at all. It was shit when I was there, and I have no reason to go back.

I never had lockers. Never had back packs. Just binder because kids kept bring drugs to school. No outside food or drinks because kids kept bringing in booze.O laughed when those kids in Florida complained about clear back packs. Grew up in southern California. What ((they)) want America to be.

i fucking hated high school. it was cringey af.

Not really


I miss the lonely walks around the building
I miss being pushed up against the wall
I miss being told what to do, what to think, what to be.
I miss the rush of a ringing bell
I miss it all, I do I do.
I miss it all.


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Based leaf, also happy Canada Day, northern buddy

They had dissolved.

I miss that my worldview and concerns were much more simple and that I could extract a HUGE ammount of pleasure from playing video games.

Same to you! Have a gooder, bud

I wish high school had actually prepared me for the 'real' world. Sure it had its benefits and such but looking back high school could have been more prepatory.

Why are games no fun anymore????


it was normal. though i was an lonely autist who just walked around campus and did ok in my classes.

I went through mine without talking to people or making a single friend. So no.

I agree with the image. Good times. I wish I didn’t worry so much.

high school was the worst 4 years of my life. graduated 20 years ago in 1998. everyday when I got home from school I'd just pray for death, it was really awful.

I miss it a bit

No, but I also wish I could do it over again in a way since I know how to pick up women now.

it's ok I guess. Any advice from you anons on how to have a good senior year?

>tmw you didn't go to school at all because the "school" you were supposed to go to was utter shit.

I miss the dreams and ideas that could have become my life, but I don't miss school.

2002-2006 here. I loved high school mostly because I got to learn about people and society in general - remember some of the watershed moments in my life that occurred during high school. Still fondly remember some stupid shit I did or saw someone else do, the funny stuff, the cringy moments, etc.

you can miss something without making it the pinnacle of your life. I for one miss the structured, yet no stress routine, the long summer and winter breaks, etc.


worst part of my life by far. college was based though, but high school ruined any chance of being genuinely happy for me. i have not been truly at peace for 15+ years now.

>Any advice from you anons on how to have a good senior year?
Stop shitposting, go get laid, get high, and get drunk, because the year after, the whole world will shit on you. Unless you were born rich, in that case, do whatever you want.

I miss the classroom banter, awkward teachers, that one paedo teacher, senior pranks, sitting in the cafeteria just talking about shit etc. Good times.

emilianus flavius regulus

1981, 1985
none, none

I feel like it's the loser HS dropouts who are makings there posters.
The kind who peaked in high schools and had all the cheerleaders riding their cocks because they were the resident bad boy, but then real life began and all could get was some loser plummer or janitor job for minimum wage and they became fat and mybe married some ugly worn out roastie and are hating their lives wishing they were back in HS.

Well not me. I was a loser back in HS who never went to parties, never talked to anyone and everyone knew I was a loser.
Now I have a job I enjoy, a ton of free time for my IT related hobbies and i don't miss HS at all.

I'm 19, I graduated high school 2 years ago. 2012-2016. I miss it. A lot. My life is now pic related, I almost want to die. They said things would get better after.....

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It's a mix of them being shit and the fact that when you grow old, your abillity for suspension of disbelief dies out. You can no longer get immersed in the fantasy of you being a WW2 soldier or a general leading troops. When you reach your mid 20s you realize that you're just pushing buttons and wasting what's left of your youth away.

It was nice to have a sense of community. Nice demographic scraping though. You with the government or some kind of ad agency?

First 2 years were absolutely fucking amazing, constant baby's, new friends all the time etc. Year after that was ok and the last 2 were so shit because all the classes got mixed up and a few really good friends left the country. All in all it was pretty decent but I wouldn't go back.

>. You can no longer get immersed in the fantasy of you being a WW2 soldier or a general leading troops. When you reach your mid 20s you realize that you're just pushing buttons and wasting what's left of your youth away
This happened to me when I was 16 years old. Never played a single video game since.

Wait until you're 30.
It only gets worse from here.
More sleep. More drugs.
Meaningless sex. Broken heart.
Nobody stays around, everyone goes away in the end.

Ffs bants

>Do you miss your highschool years?
No. Never again.