Tipping is now RACIST Jow Forums

So now tipping is racist. So no more tips for nogs pol. Only be served by whites in restaurants form now on.

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Oh good. I don't have to tip blacks now.

Damn. This is powerful and deep. I'll make sure I only tip whites from now on.

Youre god damned right it is, greedy ass crackers

Link for the article? need something to be pissed about

>Oh good. I don't have to tip blacks now.
Works out great, cause you can believe they are not the ones who will tip you.

Waiters hate her

>tipping is rayciss
It's amazing how social justice is essentially coalescing into the "fuck white workers" movement.

Niggers don’t tip anyways.

I tipped someone 5$ this weekend to sit us away from a Muslim family. Best 5$ spent all week


niggers don't tip because they think the world owes them something. being a pizza guy was what redpilled me on niggers. i always thought races were different, but i didn't realize how disgusting and immoral niggers were until i worked for tips.

The shills, while retaining the lowest energy possible, would rather you put terms from the meme into a search engine, that way the interaction looks more organic to google. Always remember, if you're reading because you're mad, you're gonna make it bead.

Anything to kill tipping culture. Anyone that tips is a retard that gives gibs to even bigger retards.

Wait a minute. Black+work does exist?

Niggers already don't tip

Notice how they give no solution for this.

It's like "white privilege" and when you ask how to solve it they have no answer. It's only to stir up even more hate and resentment towards whites and drive that white guilt to 110%.

>blacks have jobs
I don't think I've seen a black waiter in my entire life.

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Literally nigger tier. If you don't tip attractive, well spoken, helpful white waiters and waitresses you should kill yourself.

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Whybwould you tip niggers? They get their tips through welfare and foodstamps. Never tip niggers

I had some blacks give decent tips but they were mostly middle class, it was the Arabs and Pakis that were the worst.
Once had a shitskin actually write 0 in the tip line on a $70 order

I love how they use "reported income" statistics saying people can't live on their wage but you know these people aren't reporting every dollar they get in tips

Straight-up lying
"Federal law. The American federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate."
If your shitty service doesn't earn you any tips they still need to pay you minimum wage

No tips? Start spitting in their food.

I live in a mostly white state but even when I go on vacation and stop off at a major living center the only time I ever had a nigger working as a waiter was at the waffle house. So I bet this is the main reason why this is being pushed, they know that niggers don't work and are pushing for cutting tips away from white people, that make less than minimum wage at these types of jobs and their tips are most of their income. This is a push to make it harder for white people and then to push for "fight for 15".

Federal Law actually dictates that if the Federal Tipped Minimum Wage + Tips does not meet the Federal Minimum Wage, Tipped Workers are paid the difference. The average tipped wage is actually about $12/hr because of this, which is more than what I was offered for working in a burning hot plastics factory.

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the next time you eat at a restaurant, don't tip if you're served by a non-white person. instead leave a paper saying you didn't tip because of tipping's racist history along with a link to this video

Because not even niggers are comfortable with niggers taking their order and bringing them food

It's true, but good luck trying to get that without a meticulous paper trail on your part and having a white upper staff. If you work in a place like any Asian food restaurant or foreign cuisine in general, you'll will likely never see that before being shown the door. They know unless you have certain skills like wine knowledge or legit customer service props, you're disposable to them.

Also this. Any black that isn't a hoodrat "bix nood" muthafucka will likely leave something (however small) because they know how fucking bad they are as a collective. Pakis and Pajeets are some of the worst people ever and I'm personally waiting for the day their entire subcontnent becomes a cheap source of glass.

looks like I'm not racist anymore

Their solution is clearly to get rid of tipping. Which then boosts the minimum wage servers get paid by law.

This all works fine for popular franchises, but tipping helps mom and pop restaurants. They can't afford to pay a full mininum wage, but they can afford the $2 an hour wage. The point of tipping is to pay the person for the services to make up the difference.

But what these people neglect the most is that tipped workers make more than if they didn't earn tips unless they refuse to work friday and saturday.

This is why businesses try to keep centralized tip jars and such, and split tips evenly among all tip tip receiving employees.

No, he is right. By your logic you could tip everyone. Next time you visit your dentist, give the assistant a tip for being well spoken and attractive.

Rewarding someone for doing a good job is acceptable, but expecting customers to tip waiters because they did tjey job tjey are supposed to - this os retarded.

Tipping culture is absolute cancer and any excuse not to participate in it is a good thing.

Sounds like commie bullshit

I’m glad I never had to rely on tips in the decade or so I spent in hospitality, but some of the really good waiters/waitresses could smash an extra couple of hundred on a really busy night.

I only tip other white people niggers get nothing

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>tipping women ever
No thanks.

...wh.. user...
Stop, youre blowing my fucking mind right now.
I live in Baton Rouge, and i just realized that i have never had a black waiter either...

>This will surely connect us with the average working class

They have to work in the first place

Thats FUCJING right you bigots

If youve EVER (LITERALLY EVEN O N C E) tipped someone, youre racist. End of discussion.

Kill it by not eating out.

You only tip dudes?

Why niggers try to make everything about them?

pic in comments

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I never tip nonwhites. Ever. I don't hire them. I don't use them for maids or lawn care. They can get on their fucking knees and beg the white man for foregiveness before I would ever consider helping them.


I refuse to patronize establishments that employ blacks.

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indeed it is asnon

Oh look, another attempt from the cultural marxist left to abolish another custom that exposes how awful niggers are.

Attached: niggers-steal-tip-on-table-in-restaurant.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Muh Slavery

Cant believe it.

I never leave cash tips on the table. I wait for the waiter and say no change. I spent an extra few mins hanging out at the sushi place in Miami Airport waiting for Fransisco to come back to the table to give him the tab. By the way, if you are ever in MIA and hungry, go to Sushi Maki and ask for Fransisco, he was a great server and very nice guy.

black people don't tip regardless

>tipping is anti-white


Tipping is a sign of a wealthy society, if your people don't have enough extra money to tip their waiters then something is wrong. The only reason why we don't tip every employee is because most people don't have enough money to. But if you've got enough money then the best thing you could do is tip everywhere you go, because you'd get the best service.
>but expecting customers to tip waiters because they did tjey job tjey are supposed to - this os retarded.
You're not expected to tip waiters. You're expect to tip good waiters. Huge difference.

Going to a restaurant is a luxury, if you don't feel like spending money why even go? Eurofags need to grow up and stop acting like they're entitled to everything.

I always wonder what reason a human could have to make a post like this

>Cash u sum sneaky reparayshauns nigguh

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>Tipping is racist

Alright let's not tip black people anymore. You can still tip whites since you can't be racist to them because racism = prejudice x power or something

my utter shock that nig nogs want to normalize their rude behavior. tip your servers

I feel like spending money on the menu items at a nice restaurant.
I don't feel like being pressured into handing over a few coins to an employed, saccharine beggar.
If I'm engaging in fine dining I expect the wait staff to be the same quality as the food.
Tipping is just an archaic practice that allows penny pinching restauranteurs to pay their wait staff below minimum wage to maximize profits.
They can, for the most part, afford to pay them minimum or higher without increasing menu prices and still maintain a healthy profit.
It's a matter of consumer expectations and I expect decent wait service at high end restaurants.

I wonder who owns this little company ATTN?
>Matthew Segal
>Jarrett Moreno
His Instagram is private now but just look at the picture


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kikes using nigs again what a shocker

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like poetry

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I'll tip an extra $20 if she lets me snap a photo of my load in her mouth before she swallows.


Funny cause his country requires a DNA to gain citizenship??

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I point this out when they say they make below minimum and they quickly try to cover it up.

>t. Francisco

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This is fucking weird now that I think about it. I've seen some but there are so few.

>Americans actually defending tipping

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They still have to match minimum wage retard. But I agree that asking for tips at fancy restaurants posses me off because I feel they should be paid a premium wage.

What the fuck? Isle of Man has its own flag?

I had a black waiter once. Tipped very well. He was wearing tails, and he knew to only address me and never my date.

the filthy kike restaurant owners should be forced to just pay their fucking employees a normal wage.