White people:
>I want my fellow country men to have decent jobs with fair wages
>Buys cheapest products from China
Choose one
White People are Hypocrites
>Asian ppl working for untermenschen-salary and therefore having unbeatable prices
>Implying this is our problem
You need a Portland punch.
What are you hoping to accomplish with this thread?
To expose that you are hypocritical fucks. You claim nationalism, then turn around and shit on your fellow countrymen's jobs because "muh cheap products." White people are greedy fucks, and their nationalism is fake.
You have to talk to somebody about all this anger you are holding in you. It's not healthy and we do not have socialized healthcare.
China is so mad that they cant innovate. They're gonna stay mad folks, they're not gonna innovate. Back to the rice paddies with you, chingchong. No one wants your poorly made goods anymore. Turns out the quality was trash, just like the "people."
Goodbye China, you were not a very good friend.
We don't shit on their jobs. Due to our superior systems we'll allow our folk not to be reliant on those tasks that other people seem to be so happy to do.
fuck you kike
seek professional help
>and we do not have socialized healthcare
Yes, you do. If you wanted a nationalist nation, then you can have one tomorrow simply by purchasing American made products instead of foreign ones. It really is that simple. The fact that Americans choose to buy the cheaper products instead of American made is proof that they do not want or intend to support nationalism.
I would, certainly. Most people won't though, because they'll buy whatever is the cheapest and you should get used to that fact. And that's not because of muh nashionalizs or muh fahshisz.
east-asians are white
So we agree then and have a common enemy, capitalism. Nationalism can never exist as long as free trade capitalism exists because people will always buy the cheapest oversea products instead of supporting jobs for their own countrymen.
meanwhile those anti-china people in Hon Kong actually refuse to buy any product that has the "made in china" label, there are even shops specialize for that
at least have a try poor faggots
This has nothing to do with white people. The problem is the inability to delay gratification
>implying the average american has any say in where the products are coming from
Tariffs would fix that.
>common enemy, capitalism
True, but other than that..
He's starting to get it
I got it all along, but no way in hell I am going to be a Nazi one race superiority cuck. I am a better human being than that.
Uyghurs aren't East Asian you stupid chink.
get off Jow Forums you niggers
Lmao no serious natsoc believes in racial superiority that's just kike propaganda read up on it sometime any race can be natsoc it's about protecting your nation and race not hating others
Seriously, fuck your race protecting bullshit.
Imports should be banned
t. Jew or mixed person
If I told you we could have your perfect command economy tommorow if you would support white only nation. Would you take that deal?
We're all just cogs in the mechanism called life.
Chinese people know their place better than any other race of people on this planet.
This is what makes them dangerous.
>niggers are equal to white people and asians and should be in charge of african countries
What appeals to you about communism? Are there any element present in national socialism that overlap with what you like about communism? Which barriers exist for you in supporting national socialism?
The commie version is better
Lol wow user protecting your kin so not Satan like
Wow it flew over your head so far that it hit the twin towers
He's just upset he projecting like a mofo
Why do white people need the government to survive?
Natsoc can never deal with the realization that is globalization. Communism can unite the entire globe.
The globe's already been united. Haven't you heard of the Internet?
It's far from communistic.
Race baiting retard.
Kill yourself racist.
>communism can unite the entire globe
>jewish boshevism intensifies
lol the problem it not capitalism, it is consumerism which is not always a result of capitalism you just the people to enforce a tight cultural net through the state or people controlled ideas.