Phones can monitor brain activity

So I have an iPhone with Apple Music. Just the other day I was looking at suggested music and I found a “favorites” playlist that was somehow generated for me.

These songs in the playlist were amazingly accurate. Scarily accurate. And I realized there’s no simple explanation for how Apple know I treasured these songs so deeply.

One example that is haunting me still: it’s the song that was playing when I lost my virginity to my high school crush. I made point to never listen to it again because it brought back such painful memories

And that fucking song was in the favorites list even though I literally never played it in my phone or google searched it!!!!!

That is the most extreme example but nearly every song on the playlist had a certain sentimental value for me, be it a song that was playing when I was tripping while camping with friends or when I was crying when I broke up with a GF.

I’m 100% serious, I heard of this conspiracy before and laughed it off but now I’m literally sure it’s true.

I actually might have to start wearing a tinfoil hat unironically

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And thats why you get an android and block all the permissions on it. So theres less to track you.

It’s literally not just simply tracking my searches it’s reading my brain waves

so uhhh, how much clearchannel radio buttrock you listen to, bud?

None its fucking obscure shit like my bloody valentine and sun kil moon

What songs have you downloaded or searched?

You do know if you type a song on youtube or on any service, they save that info and customise ads and make a profile of you right. They literally track every key stroke and listen to every word you say.

One time I was talking to my dad about the oil pipelines in Syria, I went outside to smoke a cig, opened up youtube, and guess what pops up as an ad?
Zion oil.
They lurkin

>I don't know how Artificial Intelligence and Recommendation Systems work: the post

Simple, it's because faggots similar to you have been listening to the same shitty emo songs. Humans always overestimate their uniqueness, pathetic.

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