This place isn't redpilled at all and most of you are feminists. If that doesn't change the white race will self destruct, then go extinct. Here are a few key issues:
>None of you support genocide and none of you would actually carry it out. Things have gone too far to not enact genocide on a global scale. >You all support ridiculous age of consent laws and hate the idea of arranged marriages. Women should be forcibly married off at age 13. Period. >You all support Christianity which is the most dysgenic, blue-pilled, cancerous nonsense ever created. White bent over for Christianity and will bend over for Islam eventually, unless you change. >You support educating women and women's rights. Total bluepilled nonsense. You actions belie the truth. >You support individualism, personal freedom, and human rights. All of these are artificial social constructs, and allow for any strong enemy to pick you apart piece by piece. >You always target the symptoms, rather than the cancer. Your idiot LARPing in the streets against antifa while the (((elite))) laugh at you retards from their ivory towers.
I'd go on but you get it. The truth hurts and your failures are the future you chose. >
Lots of people support genocide, marrying little girls, paganism, abolishing women's rights, and tribalism
Kayden Collins
Shut up you dumb idiot.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
What is the overdose for redpills? You are not even edgy, you are legit anti-social Not saying you are wrong, but this sort of thing is small scale. It will take an enormous--like, 100's of years--swing the Overton window that far.
Holy Christ! I have 12 gig folder of images devoted to thus topic. just lurk moar.
Samuel Reed
Go start a genocide with your 13 year old uneducated pagan wife and get back to me, champion.
Lucas Wood
>Jow Forums never talks about enlightenment, true nature of reality, psychic abilities, etc >pretends to be redpilled This place is pathetic
Jacob Davis
Can't find a husband.
James Wood
Pol has been occupied.
Grayson Wilson
I like gnostic Christianity the focus is on experiencing god in your self in your own very mind none of this faith about a man in the sky. “If those who lead you say, ‘See the kingdoms is in the sky,’ then the birds of the air will precede you. If they say to you, ‘it is in the sea,’ the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realise that it is you who are the sons and daughters of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you will dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.”
Chase Nguyen
Stop bumping this thread you idiots. Remember to sage.
Grayson Hughes
>this place isn't redpilled because it doesn't agree with my viewpoint 100%, I'm so disillusioned
Kevin Allen
“I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes.” “
“It will come not by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is’. Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth and men do not see it.”
Brandon Hughes
If you're tired of the fags on F4ggot Chan come to
Camden Richardson
Why would a woman want a husband that sees her as property?
Juan Lewis
It's ironic that it used to be women who would say "it takes two tango." Without men who are willing to fornicate and commit adultary, women's liberation is meaningless. When single men remain chaste until marriage, reject divorced women, reject single mothers, and remain faithful to their wives, women have no alternative but to marry the best man who'll have her, or die alone and childless. Old, lonely women write articles about the "shortage of good men," seeing no relationship between women's lib, and the current status-quo where men either pump and dump women, or ignore them entirely.
Jeremiah Diaz
Because all women want that.
Brayden Thompson
It's amazing watching incels tell people what women want.