>alex jones
Alex jones
I use to listen to alex jones and visit prisonplanet.com back in 2004-2007. That's where I first learned about the Ron Paul exploratory committee.
Why is this stupid meme being forced on us?
>anything remotely enjoyable that I do makes me a boomer
this thing has gotten out of hand
>that 30 year old boomer who doesn't like boomer memes
Imagine my shock
t. boomer
Based boomer
russian disinfo campaign to cause unrest between the young and old. they already got us divided between right and left, christian and atheist, and every other line you can think of. now they are trying to divide americans based on their age.
I like the prison planet heavy metal stuff somebody made if him
atheism is never natural. all atheists are jewish slaves, especially the nazi larpers
How can you make such a sentence without proper investigation?
How do we fix the thirty year old Boomer?
ok, ivan
nice sentence structure, boris
>russian bots want me to live a healthy and productive life that doesnt revolve around feeding a system that uses me as a scapegoat
this is correct fuck this division nonsence.
Don't be mad about being too old to be part of generation Z, but too young to be part of generation X. You just got fucked. Shit memes wont help.
Why the product placement?
Boomers drink diet cola and beer
Remember the
>that first /sip/ of the day
It mutated to the 30 year old boomer meme.
>another us citizens. Proves our point.
The only line you are mutual on is pedophilia in the us -.-
You sick bastards
To advertise energy drinks.
It's obvious and disgusting. Crop corporate logos out of memes you pack of stupid fucking cunts or else other companies will do it too
fag bashers unite
16 year old newfags basically
It's tha' fuken bilderbergers Nd the illomnerty. Dere putten chemtrails in mah twinkies
Just take it easy
>yuengling can
boomers confirmed for good taste
Way ahead of you brah
It's a 9fag tier meme, it's not funny, it's not smart or witty, and it's as close to being as shit as a thing can get without literally being a log of shit.
Gas yourself.
t. non sipper
Shh goyim, (((hedonism))) is good for you
As a 30 yo boomer I love seeing an accurate portrayal of myself and by diet coke drinking wife.
Excuse me I have to go shear my hedge.
hello welcome back to another top ten today we're gonna be taking a look at the top ten gayest posts of all time
number 1 only got clout for being a complete faggot with no remorse
I started cracking up thinking about this meme when I was in line to buy one of those monsters. Got some weird looks.
shit tier english abilities
I was in Ohio for business, met up with a friend that moved to Cleveland a while back. He said "try this Yuengling beer". Not too bad, desu. I wish it was available out west.
It's a joint /tv/ and /ck/ shitposting operation. Any forced fucking meme comes from /tv/.
Don't believe me? Go to /tv/ and spend a half-hour there lurking. It is the fucking cancer pit of this entire website.
Isn't the meme making fun of boomers low-info complacency, while also creating nostalgia for our parents when we were both younger? Is it really just an ad campaign? Damn that would suck.
I thought it came from Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
oh fuck off retard, you could make that lame argument for literally anything.
>new star wars movie tanks, lots of angry fans posting about it
>i-it's muh russia, trying to divide the public!!!
Fucking dipshit. I thought you kikes were supposed to be smart.
>*listening to Sevendust*