That camera quality looks great for that time. Reminds me of this: New York in the early nineties but the camera quality is far better than most footage you see from that time.
I like her but she needs to do what Maggie did and change the tone of how she specks . but i do like what she says
Ryder Davis
Watch on x2 speed for hype
Jordan Nelson
do you actually not like grime at all? also wtf is that lmao in seriousness my mates made me watch the video i posted at least 3 times, they are all fucking shit except dizzee rascal (who all the others wish they were) and general levy i unironically enjoy 15:30 and 20:40 in that video
Easton Lopez
they are riding of the back of grime roadman culture and the power and strength and violence that is associated with actual daily stabbings and rarely shootings that occur,
While living in a bubble of BBC and media love for their culture in a business contract for their managers. Fuck them and the deaths they celebrate and commercialise by proxy.
Jacob Long
Says a lot about our society that an ostensibly liberal, lesbian, LGBT activist, feminist, is considered "far-right".
Sebastian Anderson
god what an ugly woman, she's like a little gremlin
>do you actually not like grime at all? It's repulsive and unoriginal. These Y*rdies don't produce the beats, they don't play instruments, instead they merely grunt. That is not music.
So if nothing is done soon to curb the tide then the entire world will be populated by mutts and niggers, then completely by niggers. Yet people say they are fighting to secure a better world for our children.
Andrew Myers
fair, not even any MCs you like a bit? I think dizzee produced his first album at least what music you into?
Owen Russell
the people pictured in this video fall into the pictish kingdom not far from millennial woes actually
Chase Davis
satire or?
Ryder Reyes
pedohunters are the new ss
Levi Howard
Remember geography class? When some idiot leftie with a 2:2 in social studies or environmental science told you about the four state growth model of human population? Survival (high birth rate, high death rate), boom (high birth rate, low death rate), stability (low birth rate, low death rate), and then decay (death rate > birth rate)? And how she - and it was almost always a she - assured you that Africa would be the same?
Thank you niggers for destroying that myth.
Also - remember that Swedish fucker who told you not to be worried about population growth? That because the Bangladeshis managed to get their fucking under control, so would Africans?
He's got awfully silent recently, hasn't he?
The world is literally going to end because the white man keeps indulging niggers. The only possible solution for survival now depends on Europe and the USA collapsing so that food aid to these nig nogs can stop, followed by Chinese genocide carried out under directions of a perfectly logical and rational Chinese Communist Party. Earth's survival now depends on Asian communists.
Landon Martin
>accepting (((statistics))) The nigs will be eating each other before that graph gets anywhere near to reality.
how the FUCK will the government angle anti pedo hunter propaganda probably under the guise of police cuts and law and order
Brody Johnson
No. He hasn't been charged with anything. Do you want to live in a world where a slag with a vengeance can instantly ruin your life?
>not even any MCs you like a bit? There's a couple of individual songs I like, but apart from that no not really tbqh This is my favourite grimey song I listen to 70/80's music and select electronic music, with the occasional pop song/ old drake.
Hunter Davis
>Joe Owens shilling Please fuck off Master Brew, we all know you're getting directions from the Conservative Party considering how heavily you shilled for RUTH FUCKING DAVIDSON of all people.
Cooper Flores
>woes Is he still on the continent? Used to watch some of his content but it's almost sad at this point. What's his long-term plan, continue to preach to the converted on youtube and various conferences about the same messages until the great happening magically happens? I agree with him a lot of things but for Christ's sake, there's only so long you can speak while chain-smoking into a camera inside a darkened room before you have to step back and ask where your life is heading.
Connor Russell
Fuck you're right Africa will be the same eventually, but until we and our children are dead and buried.
Elijah Cooper
depends if he's done it before and is highly suspected now.
Connor Gomez
What are you on about? Master Brew is the antithesis of Joe Owens.
Nathan Brown
Gabriel Thomas
>that food aid to these nig nogs can stop
It is literally impossible for enough food to be produced for the billions that are expected in the coming decades. An ultra high tech society might be able to offer survival but that is about it. The chances of a diversity shit show running anything remotely complex in the future is diminishing by the day.
Adrian Miller
Blake Turner
>Calling me Master Brew in any circumstance >Letting Master Brew have Joe Owens when he is ours Apart from that your post is solid. The faggot is literally running a membership drive campaign. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a staffer at CCHQ.
Bennies been stopped, landlord cut off my electric because i owe him money. Apparently its illegal but police refuse to help. No electric for 2 days now. Cant cook, all the food in my fridge and freezer ruined. Anyone got some advice for me?
Josiah Wilson
Who the fuck are you? Remove the name and trip, it's embarrasing.
Jason Reyes
Leo Brown
She's a spy, she is attempting to take over British nationalism and destroy the movement. I will never vote for her, associate with her, or associate with an associate of her. She is trouble.
Camden Howard
contact job centre
Benjamin Roberts
you're alright mate, but stop about the army uniforms. You just look silly when talking to that manlet vet Eddie. It's the one area he knows about.
fair, your taste sounds decent all my mates listen to soundcloud rappers such as lil xan and lil uzi vert, worse than grime desu if that wasn't enough some try to look and act like them
Christopher James
citizens advice, they have pro bono lawyers usually once a week or more.
Daniel Scott
reminder this lad is still in college and needs extra time for his exams
Jose Williams
There's often some place in a town that gives out free tea and breakfast to druggies and homeless people as well as things like foam sleeping mats.
Also several different spots that give out soup at certain times of the week.
Lincoln Rodriguez
He's got a genius level IQ though so it's all good.
so why didn't they eat each other when pop went from 250million in 1950 to 1.216 billion 2016
Isaac Brooks
It's okay man, I didn't interpret it as an attack. Sure, I wont talk about uniforms.
Austin Hall
Chase Nguyen
i think the idea is ultra high tech society means they don't have 4.7 kids per woman.
Easton Roberts
>back in january >chilling in mate's flat with some ladz >smoking the reefer, high as fuk >we're all zoned out >this song comes on >i break into hysterical laughter >everyone looks at me like 'lol whats funny' >i say 'this is so fucking shit' >they all unironically go 'what? how can you not like this??'
people used to say popular music had gone to shit 10 years ago, no one could anticipate THIS shit being what 16-25 year olds genuinely like and listen to
Is there anything wrong with extra time in exams provided my grades are good? It shows I'm still understanding the subject matter and applying my knowledge in such a manner, just that it takes me longer to write and read because I have poor eyesight.
Logan Green
Easton Kelly
if we stop feeding africans and let them die..say good bye to wildlife and forests
>wanting athletes sweaty post-sprint protein farts in your face
Bentley Lee
There's some quite thought provoking tidbits to it but the tedposters here parade it around like it's some absolutely revolutionary document. Many of his criticisms have been made before in different forms by better/less mental thinkers.