Do you fags ever get tired of being hypocrites?

Do you fags ever get tired of being hypocrites?

>Latina woman wins election because she worked hard, took 0 corporate money, and spoke to the needs of her community

>The Republican party is literally 98% white and the voting base is 95% white
Clearly they won based on policy! White people never play identity politics!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don’t expect any logical reasoning from trumptards and polniggers. Their chimp tier arguments and mental gymnastics can drive anyone to insanity.

Both prove Jow Forums is right about demographics also no one says the last sentence

user, I know this is hard for you to understand. But the races need to live separate from each other, otherwise faggots like you think they're seeing "hypocrisy"

She's a commie scumbag.

>Knocking doors to change votes
Never works. I was a missionary for 2 years, and knocking doors was always the least effective measure.

Anyways, I commend anyone who works hard and doesn't take bribes. I don't know what her policies were, or how they compared to the other democrat guy. However, you are naive to think that in [CURRENT_YEAR] democrats aren't more willing to vote for someone non-white than white. It's a core tenant of their belief to support diversity. Since "white", "straight", "male", and "christian" are normal, vanilla, etc. anything else get immediate support. She could have both done hard work and had help from her gender and skin color. Just doing hard work doesn't discount the other fact.

white people elected Obama


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nobody says the racial preferences of minorities are evil, faggot, just hypocritical. stop trying to flip the script.

>outworked the competition

you, like da ebil gabidalists!?!?

Hi fellow Mormon fren, where were you? I was in Japan

>be Mexican
>work like a dog

Better than niggers, but subhuman nontheless

Once she implements the communist revolution, those are the last shoes that she'll ever wear.

What a waste of digits.

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>Promised to gibs away other peoples money.

Not Hard Work Faggot

I hope you understand that we here at Jow Forums encourage liberals electing unproven Taco-Thots of unknown competency, ones who were waiting tables a year ago, to ALL of your Democratic seats.

Pretty please.

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Am I supposed to think white identity politics is a bad thing?
In a homogenous society, elections can be focused on ideas.
In multi-ethnic society, politics are a game of demographic struggle between the various ethnic polities.

Spic satan needs to by destroyed

She's a richfag that grew up in Yorkville. That's where all the rich whites live in Jew York.

Meanwhile there are way more white liberals than minority repubs and 99% of blacks vote dem you fucking hypocrite retard

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Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

Ouch. That must have been tough. I went to Las Vegas, and 99% of our success came from referrals. I knew some other missionaries to get success from tracting, but I never did.

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(just 20 percent more taxes and freedom destroyed as the bill)

Yeah, tracting isn't hyper effective, referrals are easier to teach and stick far better.
Japan was great actually, there was more of an uphill battle, but once I started properly working with members it was fantastic, lots of teaching and good times.
I had two companion from Las Vegas, both were solid guys.

That's a very positive attitude. Still sounds tough. My friends who went to brazil had a different problem. They said that they had zero problems getting baptisms, but getting anyone to stick to going to church or following the commandments was a problem. They needed to basically work against people getting baptized, insure they were actually ready.

We had some area seventy come from down there and was giving us some grand secret to a baptism a week. Essentially he said "It's a numbers game, just increase numbers." 20 first lessons every week, means 10 second lessons the next week, 5 on the third week, yadda yadda 1 baptism a week. We laughed.

>I knocked on doors until rainwater came through my soles
I guess you should have bought a decent pair of shoes made in America, instead of a third-world shithole country that uses slave labor for manufacturing.
Aurora Shoe Co. in Upstate New York
P.W. Minor in Batavia, NY
(dozens of others if you even do a cursory search...)

socialism is not communism. Communism is a fascist political ideology (at least until the mythical final stage that has never been implemented anywhere) and is basically the opposite of what socialists want which is to put power in the hands of ordinary people and provide things that will help ordinary people.

I think a focus on numbers is what kills a lot of missionaries, just talk to literally everyone and show the members that you can be trusted completely and they'll often trust you with their friends.
I hear south America is like that, retention' s a struggle. It's a people game I reckon. Talk to as many people as possible, look for little opportunities as you're working and things just fall into place.
Las Vegas would've had it's own challenges I'm sure, but there's a lot of members there though isn't there?

1 in 3 latinos voted for Trump. That's almost the entire black population. Fuck off Satan.

Cheap shoes fall apart. Buy better shoes.

>social democrats who call themselves democratic socialists

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She's the member of an organization that wants to abolish capitalism and the nation-state, you fucking bong.

>White people never play identity politics!
We do, but it's subtle and usually by implication. When we do it directly it will be better than any of you, just like how we do everything else better than you.

>I think a focus on numbers is what kills a lot of missionaries, just talk to literally everyone and show the members that you can be trusted completely and they'll often trust you with their friends.
Definitely gaining member trust was always my first goal. It always seemed like that was the most successful way. Yeah, lots of member in Nevada, and it's a high baptising mission (if you compare just to the states). My brother had a similar experience in New Mexico. I think being around 2% to 5% of the population gives a lot of opportunities for members to have non-member friends.

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Is it bad that I think membership rates in a state shouldn't be more than 10%? I found Utah to be a pain to deal with and so many Mormons makes it less of a challenge, therefore more lukewarm members. Apologies if you're from Utah.
But they're a different breed man

Oh wow, brown people voting for one of their own and advocating for socialist policies. Who would have thought?... Good, for too long White liberals and leftists have thrown the true( White) citizens of this country under the bus. They're going to realize very quickly that their only hope is to take their own side and fight for their own people. The coalition of the ascendant can go fuck themselves, replicate the third world shit holes they came from, and accept full blame when it all comes crashing down. The White man isn't going to carry weight for you faggots anymore.

Also, how did you end up here? How are you coping with the red pill? I struggled with church for a while, only properly got back to church this year after a rough patch.

>wears an old pair or sneakers while on campaign trail to seem more relatable to poorfags
>claims to have worn them through in a single campaign season
I'm calling bullshit. I wear shoes until gorilla glue/duct tape can't hold them together and can confirm it took at least 18 months for those shoes to degrade that much.

>take a picture of some old shoes in your closet
>this is why I won

>Is it bad that I think membership rates in a state shouldn't be more than 10%?
>But they're a different breed man
It's very true. Utah mormons in the bubble have oddities to them. Some turn into pharisees, others are just really naive, most weird. I grew up in the south, so being around Christians is normal, but being around other LDS wasn't.

>Also, how did you end up here? How are you coping with the red pill? I struggled with church for a while, only properly got back to church this year after a rough patch.
Before my mission when I was in high school my friends showed me, I think. That was a decade ago and I never got off mr. bones wild ride. Redpills I found easy to swallow. I've been inactive for basically 2 years after I've moved to a new place but I've been going back these last two weeks.

>she worked hard

Never worked a day in her life, like every other lazy piece of shit "gibs muh dat" commie.

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she won because she's fuckable and everyone knows it. also new york is full of brain washed
leftist retards.

>I went to Las Vegas
No kidding? So did I, 09-11. What zones did you serve in? I was in North, Central, East, Elko, Black Mountain, and Green Valley.

and yeah, success was referrals and part-member families for the most part, though President Christensen discouraged doorknocking anyway.

The best/worst part is that I guarantee you that those walmart-quality shoes cost as much as a good pair of workboots.

God I want to sniff those shoes

>thinking shes a commie



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this is true

It's easy to "get out the vote" when you and none of your volunteers have jobs.
t. A guy who worked 60 hours a week

Wow. I didn't expect to need to be specific, but I was in Las Vegas West, 10 - 11. Pretty close by though. Went to Pahrump, Reno, Fallon, and various parts of Vegas. Were the rumors true that the elders over on the east had to wear their suits if it was below 80 degrees, and were required to have a specific parted haircut?

>respect the hustle
>openly promoting thuggery


Gaydar activated.

I think it was pretty soon after my mission for me, and it's been much the same, ride never ends.
Good on you user for getting back on the horse. It's a struggle for sure, stigma surrounding less active RMs do exist I've found. Keep it up, we're all gonna make it

Not like a specific parted haircut, but the part was required. And relished. We had a mission culture where extra rules made us feel extra elite, and somehow every west missionary we saw looked slovenly, overweight, and had the tie too long or too short.

I don't remember a temperature for suits since I was on bike most of the time. I accidentally crossed into the West a couple of times, and my son was stuck there when he was in Mesquite during the boundary change.

Man, I wish I could remember more rumors about West missionaries aside from the grooming and member camping. I gather they're a lot more similar now, but I haven't been back there in years.

I'm glad to hear you guys are coming back, there's a lot of things that keep you inactive that you just don't expect at first. It's hard to imagine it before it happens. A couple of my best mission friends stopped going, not a lot of sense we can talk into them but time heals a lot.

We were pretty elitist in my mission, not to the point of extra rules, but we had a very hero worship like culture, with rock star like figures being venerated for their successes. And my goodness, we were obedient to a fault, we put too much weight on our shoulders that didn't need to be there, which did a number on me.
It's easy to slip away friendo, hard to come back. It's mostly personal issues rather than testimony that pulls people away. Feels good to be slowly getting back there

What's the Mormon's end game? I really wouldn't mind a Mormon world order desu.

We were just about to hit a point where it was too much weight when a new mission president came in. He got rid of a lot of beloved mission traditions but I think it was for the best.

A lot of our different rules came from a legendary mission visit by Elder Kikuchi, he gave us a street contact template and special morning schedule where we'd actually track getting to breakfast on time. I loved it.

It's hard for missionaries to understand the personal issues, there's a lot of "it's true, isn't it?" rhetoric but YSA wards can be depressing places especially if there's a long drive and you don't fit in. Most of my mission went straight to BYU-I right after.

Official end game is surviving till Christ returns, but while we're doing that I wouldn't mind a Mormon elite class running civil services or something like that. We're already halfway there with the three-letter agencies, we just need a way to scale

>Man, I wish I could remember more rumors about West missionaries
>we saw looked slovenly, overweight, and had the tie too long or too short.
We say the East as squares that couldn't relate to real members, so we felt cool in comparaison. Haha. Our culture was expensive watches (or expensive for a missionary. Eat nothing for 2 months then buy a $200 watch with the allowance), paisley ties, and huge knots. The bigger knot you could tie the better. We also had mission raps studio-professional made. A bunch of dorks trying to act ghetto.
I'm surprised there wasn't more rumors to make it over there. We had some pretty bad problems with missionaries over here. A handful got sent home because they couldn't keep their pants on. A couple got sent home for being gay and spying on their companion. About a quarter of the spanish speaking elders got sent home for doing weed. We even had a group of furry elders who made comics.

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Everybody accepting Christ through baptism is kinda the thing we want. That way we can hang with everybody in heaven, provided they stick to the path till the end. Mormon world order? That'd be interesting. Like this user says We're kinda in a lot of agencies already, a lot of the banks in Australia even have Mormons on their boards, we're kinda like the jews, but the only thing we want is to be frens and follow Jesus together.
Elder Kikuchi is based.
Brah, YSA in general can be a miserable place, it's really hard. Just gotta get my crap together so I can find a woman and get out.
>cool watches
Holy crap, thought we were the only ones.
Ours was gshocks man. I have 3. It was said you weren't a true disciple until you had a gshock haha.
That and gray suit, brown belt and pants and sock ties. Uniform of a true disciple.
It was nice, but I can count on one hand the amount of missionaries who were sent home in my mission

this lady is a running on stale obama memes, shes got nothing, goldman sachs will own her and stfu her communism goofing off real soon like everyone else.

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where are my sniff posters at

The mormons as a collective? Worship God, endure until he returns, spread the gospel. Help other mormons out when we're looking for jobs, or moving (man the number of moves I've helped), etc.
The mormons as individuals? Worship God, get a temple married, have a family. Temple marriage means being married for eternity. If you do everything right you "grow up" from being God's child to a God yourself, now with your own billions of children that you'll have prepare a world so that your children may grow up as well. Not your standard christian belief and some will shy away from talking about that (milk before meat) but it basically says that in the first few pages of the "gospel principles" manual that we teach to new members.

Watches and cologne were big in NLVM too, more like 50-70$ deals from Ross though. And shades, Oakleys were huge especially because we had one sorta-shady guy who had some kind of in with them. We did have a guy make a studio album, mostly singer-songwriter guitar stuff but there was a rap in it if I recall correctly. Plenty of mission filmmaking. We liked pro-looking ties, actually there were a lot of Trump ties, we made fun of "bishop ties" but loved antiques. Those disobedience stories sound like what happened during the last president and when ours came in, apparently he sent a lot of guys home in the first few months.

I'm having a hard time scraping up stories of guys who were sent home while I was out. Usually it was when they were greenies so there wasn't much to share. Some of us did get in trouble for kicking over sin bins before I came out.

I haven't even been in YSA for years, I've been living in places where it's too far away or there isn't even a unit, and I absolutely love family wards. I don't even care, I love teaching rooms full of married people about marriage. I figure I'll need a miracle to find a compatible woman anyway, but I might move to Utah when I'm more stable, just to snatch one.

yeah, I hate it when we're dodgy about deep doctrine, it's not like we're going to convert hardcore evangelicals in the first place. Keep Adam-ondi-Ahman and If You Can Hie To Kolob in the hymnbook, praise Joseph.

>"her community"
>she's from Westchester

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Huh? When to we deny racial tribalism? Why would we do that??

Nixon were the rage over here. Specifically this "newton watch" that so many missionaries loved. Tie bars were also in fashion.

>I can count on one hand the amount of missionaries who were sent home in my mission
Yeah, I'm sure our "cool" attitude causes some of these problems.

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Nobody says that you retarded nigger. We point out people vote in racial blocs.

Every group white males extended rights to used those rights to vote against our interests. We were never in a position where our hand was forced, no one fought and won their right to vote, we could've destroyed the feminists and the niggers instead of giving them a seat at the table. We're learning our lesson.

She ran on a policy of "vote for me and I'll make sure those racist white men keep paying those taxes that support unproductive brown people"

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She's a cutie and has tons of charisma. I can see why the right is worried about her.

Oh yeah, forgot about the Oakleys. Everyone had to have one of those. We didn't have any deals, but people had to have it. No filmmaking here.

>kicking over sin bins before I came out
Not familiar with this phrase. Is it similar to PT Cruising? (past transgression cruising, where you and your companion would talk about what cool sins you did before your mission)

>I figure I'll need a miracle to find a compatible woman anyway, but I might move to Utah when I'm more stable, just to snatch one.
Same. I've been considering this for the last couple weeks. I've got a job offer back in UT, but it'll be around 20k less than here, and of course no guarantees anyone wants an inactive RM with worthiness issues.

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No, sin bins were those free newsstands that advertised escort services and had nude women in them, more of them closer to the Strip. We had the term "PT" too but we were pretty strict on not talking about them, mostly we just joked about it when we saw a PT's Pub.

>of course no guarantees anyone wants an inactive RM with worthiness issues
You've got a leg up on inactive non-RMs with worthiness issues, think about it that way. I'm in contact with a few fashy/fashy-adjacent active members in Utah, if you want to work out a way for me to contact you I can get you introduced. And I'm hoping to at least make a visit in the next year.

13% voter turnout.

This. I don't see how anybody thinks this is beneficial to the Dems. She took down a higher-up congressman, and thus is controlled opposition.

who is this again?

hmmmm working hard wins elections?

>respect the hustle
so she admits she’s scamming people

>took 0 corporate money

did soros ask you to put this in?

>White people never played identity politics!
>And now we are

>mental gymnastics
>men can be women. Women can be men
The Never-Trumps, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a good thing. The only thing this slut has accomplished is driving the divide between the Clinton neoliberals and the DSA types even further. I guarantee Dem inner circles are panicking that one of their top senators got unseated by a literally who bartender.

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Fucking summer...

A lot of RMs struggle with worthiness, myself included.
But we can make it, just gotta keep working on it and relying on Christ as cliche as it sounds. Don't stress about the time it takes, just keep on going.
>fashy Mormons.
Those exist apart from us? Being a racially conscious fashy Mormon is suffering my dudes, especially in Australia. At least in Australia while members usually aren't fashy, they are relatively racially aware, due to the Polynesians acting like negros. There a an unspoken dislike of Polynesian amongst white Australian Mormons, the racial tension is pretty real.

worried? What she has more charisma than Trump or JR ¡ lol

Any proof she ever wore them?

>Those exist apart from us?
Yeah, there's a decent-sized Twitter community, and some Discord coordination to keep phoneposters happy. Probably a much larger group would be sympathetic if we figured out how to present ourselves.

We've even got a guy making synthwave, I don't know if that's too 2017 now

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> talks a bunch of cuck shit
> 666 trips


also no one is saying that, its a false flag

no need to apologize. you were just born retarded and there was nothing you could do to change that

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I'm a part of some fashy discords, but none Mormon.
Haha noice, he's not bad, it's ok I still like synthwave, I'm probably small brain but eh. Good stuff. I wish there was a fashy Mormon movement in Australia. In Queensland (a state of Australia up north) they're pretty racially conscious and fashy, even amongst Mormons. Maybe I should move up there.


She probably walked about 5 miles in those cheap ass shitty shoes. Sage

>Obvious bait gets multiple responses.
Why are people so retarded?

I know at least one Aussie Mormon fash, unless you're Gamegoy Color. I'd drop you a discord link but I think that's frowned on here? And I don't want to flood the place with shoefags either. Give me a burner email, you too, I don't want to lose touch with you guys.