Christcucks btfo

christcucks btfo

Attached: quote-the-god-of-the-old-testament-is-arguably-the-most-unpleasant-character-in-all-fiction-richard- (850x400, 92K)

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key phrase is god of the old testament, he changed later, didn't he ?
that was one of the major points of the new testatement, so you should say jews btfo instead

>God's body count: 20million+
Sounds like /ourguy/ to me

That's a lot of -ists, -als, and -ics. Sounds like a libtard to me.

insults are an excellent way to prove your point.

Not an arguement

Yes, and it's good that our God is just. People who are evil will have literally Hell to pay, but God is also just, so the scales will be even.

Thank God God is not a liberal.

>projecting your political beliefs onto a literal fairy tale character

please purge all christcucks

Nor is the quote then.

>god is a meanie
>I iz smart

Every atheist ever. You fuckers are retarded. You are a parasite on the intellectual institution of the west. You are a jewish parasite. Over half of American Jews are atheists. You have no conviction in life or death. You are literally useless to society. Without God there is no morality. You are communist scum and the blight of modern philosophy.

God just sounds like someone who's been grossly misrepresented by the eternally persecuted tribe desu

>implying christcucks are moral

>implying believing in a fairy tale from 2000 years ago is a basis for """modern philosophy"""

>durr fairytale sky man

You're a moron. You know nothing about theology and you are a religious cuck. Kys.

>everything I don't understand is fairytales

You are a religious marxist and a retard. Without God there is no basis for morality. Morality is subjective without God and can thus be easily dismissed.

How do you explain the hundreds of contradictions in the bible?

seriously, whenever some christcuck says "hurr durr god is a conservative," it's just as if not more cringey than a libtard saying "hurr durr trump is voldemort." you're pathetic

>anything I don't like is Marxist


Good job on that strawman rant user

he's not wrong, deism is more woke anyways

The bible isn't the unaltered Word of God in the literal sense. Also there are not "hundreds of contradictions" this is a commie jew invention. It contains old laws and new laws for morality and spirituality. It is multi-layered, not to be taken at face value. When something appears to contradict seek a deeper understanding. Or be a fucking faggot and spew nonsense about how religion and western society is evil like Karl Marx did.

I was being inflammatory for fun. Though, I meant only a certain liberal strain of thought that excuses the evil to spite the good. Think: that monstrous Rotherham child rape scandal.

What the fuck are you on about? You're a brainlet. Read the fucking bible maybe you would have some idea of what the hell you're talking about instead of just spewing shit out your ass

>jew invention
>what is your entire bible?

>book makes no sense
>"hurr you're not supposed ta take it at face value durr"

Christcucks are pretty shit, but at least they're not mudshits. I'd rather be atheist in a christcuck country than in a mudshit country. Mudshit genocide when?


Never claimed to be smart.
I just think theism is bullshit.
>Without God there is no morality
Humans defined morals, not a god.
>You are communist scum
I'm a conservative.

Early Christians were Gnostics. They didn't accept the old testament god as the real one. They viewed Jesus as representing the real God.

>You BTFO.

>muh religion is da opium of da peepole

Faggot, you're a religious cuck.

Do you even know what a strawman is you fucking dipshit? Prove morality is objective if there is no creator. Why can't i fuck kids if I think it's okay and they think it's okay? fuck you, your godless cult is parasitic by nature.


YHWH of the Old Testament is a sandnigger version of Zeus.

There is a place in gehena for you goy

>ignores thousands of years of theology developed in Europe

The old testament is a culturally appropriated jewish invention. The new testament was written under the Roman empire. Fucking cockroach.

>depict all atheists as Jew nihilist commies
>not a strawman

If you can't make sense of something people have been making sense of for a thousand years chances are you're just a fucking idiot.

Get right

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and its beautiful

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Christfags in mudshit counties are scarier. It doesn't matter which religion it is, they're dumb enough to actually believe it instead of just using it when it suits them and start killing people for blasphemy and sex outside of marriage.

>Spends his time on pol creating straw men and winning arguments against them.

Your Communism is showing.

Talking to christcucks about religion is like talking to libtards about communism.

God defined morality. This is why every country has spirituality in some sense, and why China, the most atheist country, is also one of the least moral. We do not define morality. We feel when something is good, it isn't because something is logically good that makes it good.

BTFO Roach

Everything he says could be equally stated about his hero Darwin, and Darwin's bastard children: Nietzsche, Marx, Hitler, Stalin, Mao

Not all atheists are jew nihilist commies per say, but all nihilist jew commies are definitely atheists. Sounds like you've just been brainwashed by religious marxism bud.



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You spelled atheists wrong. To an atheist the current system of religion is wrong for all these reason but when you actually look at the reasons and the counter system they propose it's literal retardation. The same goes for communism. You just attack things you don't understand. I bet if you actually read Marx you'd become a full blown commie because you're a fucking brainlet

>eternal, perfect god

It is impossible for a nonexistent being to define something. It's in our nature to feel certain ways about things.
If it's a threat to the future of our species it's deemed immoral.

>God defined morality
All you’re admiring is you’re a sociopathic brainlet

God’s definition of morality is literally whatever he commands. There’s no actual concrete definition

>not to be taken at face value
Lol then you’re not a Christian

>The eternal, omnipotent, and omniscient being that we cannot begin to understand who exists completely outside of natural law simply turns a new leaf two thousand years ago and changes personalities.

richard dawkins is triggered libtard, used to like him when i was a teen and shit. now have no respect for that pathetic weasel. he's a fucking idiot.

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>logically good
"good" is a value, not a fact that can be determined logically.

>projecting this hard

fuck off you mud eating nigger!

>richard dawkins
He did a great service in exposing how vapid scientism really is.

>christcucks btfo
>describes Jow Forums

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so they were already christians when they wrote it? not Jews? sure

fuck you kike

that he did.

it's just called science retard


But "evil" people didn't choose to be evil. They were just dealt a bad genetic hand and or experienced childhood trauma that was beyond said evil people's perceptual control.

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>duhh SAGE

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>God is infanticidal
Are leftists the true believers after all?

>just dealt a bad genetic hand
"unflavored races" Chas. Darwin, Prophet of Scientism

>he changed his mind lol
(((Old Testament god))) isn't the New Testament god. You mean Yaldabaoth nigger. Take the gnostic pill.

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>literally "and that's a good thing" the post
(((Christcucks)))are the original liberals.

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Prometheus Rising was a good read.

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This echoes of the ancient heresy known as Sebellianism: God is one being who wears different faces and expresses himself as different beings as time goes on.

The God of the NT is the same God as that of the OT and Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second person of the Holy Trinity is the fulfillment of the inspired prophesies of the OT prophets.

Dawkins has no moral leg to stand on as he has no transcendant basis for morality. Thus, in his view, morals can be no more than biological impulses contingent solely on deterministic causal chain reactions, meaning they aren't any more meaningful than eating, sleeping, or shitting. Plus, he exlusively employs examples that lack context and gives zero credence to any nuances that accompany said examples, meaning his entire moral critique of Christianity lacks any foundation and only attacks strawmen.

He will keep doing this for as long as people keep buying his retarded books.

> old testament
lmao at you dumbfuck

(((not christian)))

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>you need a transcendent basis for morality

>its moral to sacrifice your innocent son as long as God commands it
>its moral to have omnipotence and let infants die during childbirth

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Jesus was a kike and explicitly told people to follow the Old Testament. You either accept all of Jew boy’s word and youre not worthy goy

wtf i love china now

Jesus was incarnated, not conceived. He did not share the DNA of any other person.

Joseph was a cuck and Mary needed to avoid being stoned to death

Thoughts and actions are not the same thing.

Our thread just got closed
The god of the Old Testament is Satan. The Jews worship Satan. YHWH is Satan. This is why Jesus tells the Pharisees their father is a liar and a thief.... Its Satan.

>misogynistic, racist, homophobic
He says that like it's a bad thing.

Issac wasn't sacrificed; God prevented Abraham from killing his infant son. This defied the expactations of the time as many gods did demand child sacrifice.

Death is a consequence of a broken and corrupt nature in which all mankind shares. God is the only one who had the ability and willingness to offer mankind a way out of our corruption while allowing us to keep our free will. That, and any infants who die find their resting place in heaven before they are ever able to experience the suffering inherent to the human condition.

Also, you have no ground to complain or criticize Christian morality if you can't offer a moral foundation rooted in something that is not bound to the blind machinations of the material universe.

>see Dawkins thread while browsing catalog
>severl response
>12 images
>no Dawkins memes

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Guy likes his thesaurus.

Real talk though, when I first read that back in 2007 I thought it was cool as fuck. Now it sounds so cringy.

>I'm an edgy teenager at heart and nothing is smarter or nicer than me!
Pride cometh before the fall.

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Sources: Dawkins' biased and hateful misinterpretations

And yes I did actually buy the book, in hardback. In fairness to me I was 17 at the time and very suggestible.

Boo hoo. My lifes shit. Fuck god. Lol.

>1 post Dawkinsfag
Fedoras BTFO by math.

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Boo hoo my sister got gang banged at the kabab shop. Why did god make me such a fuck faced coward. Fuck god. Lol

>Isaac wasn’t sacrificed
Obviously shithead. He was supposed to purely because of God’s command. That is the only moral, nothing you actually think of as good or bad. And that is objectively horrible and cucked

>broken and corrupt nature
Really? Because im pretty sure God created nature, or is he not omnipotent and can’t save innocent children? Or does he just condemn them to Purgatory for shits and giggles. Shame about those innocent Hindu kids rotting in hell for no reason than being simply raised by Pajeets

>any infant who dies find their resting place in heaven
Not even according to your book

>you have no room to criticize the existence of rape and murder because GAWD

Cucked, kiked, and commied

>jesus the kike actually secretly hated kikes

>he literally doesn’t know what the Pharisees are

Cuck cometh before the bull

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Deities are all powerful conceptions of the human mind and thus always reflect the outlook of the society which creates them.

This is why the OT God is so cruel and merciless (created by Jews) and the NT tells his followers to be universalist, race mix, and is basically a text in support of globalism (created by Jews for intentional distribution to goyim).

"We will know our disinformation campaign when everything the [american] public believes in is false"
Jews have a way of rewriting history.

>any infants who die find their resting place in heaven before they are ever able to experience the suffering inherent to the human condition.
Abortion is the best thing, then?

>literally following the instructions of Rabbi Yeshua of Nazarith
>not Christian
Nice mental gymnastics

Demons trying to get you to curse god.

Sounds (((christian))) to me

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