What got you into hating trannies, Jow Forums?

Was it learning about the surgeries? When you found out about dilation? Was it the freaks you came across online? Or did you hate them before you found out all about them? Don't forget to post the pictures and the webms.

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Other urls found in this thread:


did you just assume my political stance

they're called trans but
it's 2018 they are women

I'm pretty liberal in the sense that American citizens can do what they wish as long as it doesn't harm anyone or themselves. I have no issues with people that maybe feel different than who they are but that's just a product of this snowflake society. Self mutilation is abhorrent and that's where I step back. I think or rather believe that transgenderism is a mental disorder. You're supposed to love your body. Just be a faggot or a half faggot and identify as an American and not a faggot. All of this bullshit is hurting actually sane faggots credibility.

Kinda just a visceral gut reaction most people have

If you look carefully, we are more interested in hating the people who are shoving "you're trans, cut your dick off, here I'll help for a tidy sum" than we are actually hating the trannies, who are merely the piteous insane chumps in this grand evil scheme.

But nobody on the Jow Forums-infiltrating-left wants to admit this because it's harder to paint as unrighteous.

Shouldn't it be "ball hair hairballs"?

The surgery is just ridiculous. There has to be better methods out there instead of "let's just invert dick and ball bag skin or use your colon for a fuck hole". Plus imagine trying to fuck that thing...

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Why even be a tranny? It doesn't make sense to me.
If you're a guy that "feels like a woman", just be a feminine faggot. If you're a girl that's masculine, be a butch dyke.

Idk man, the most suspicious are "transbians".
So you're a man and want to be a woman... but you want to keep fucking women? What? This makes very little sense in my head.
You could have been a weird dude that's into some shit, but now you're an ugly tranny that's also a lesbian? ??

The weird thing is, we have freedom to inflict self-harm, but it is not always balanced off by the propaganda of, as you say, loving your body. In a free society one would be free to be a fat ham planet or to chop their dick off, but at the same time others would be free to point out that it is much more pleasant to be fit and have a dick. Instead, we mostly get propaganda of self-harm, and propaganda of health is not considered politically correct.

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Man, everything. Starting with the insane authoritarianism. I'd die happy if I could see trannies being sent to camps, I really would. I hate trannies more than I hate anything else in the world.

>An inside out cock and balls = a vagina
Why are you Gromphtards so anti-science?

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The whole trans thing wasn't so bad until they demanded everyone see them as normal. So many men probably put on girl clothes in the privacy of their own homes. But the problem comes when the schizophrenic insanos start being paraded out on T.V. and in daily life like they are in San Francisco.

Flamboyant, out faggots are one of the main drivers of sexual intolerance.

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tranny activism getting into my vidya games

Rural and suburban retards just don't understand what's normal.

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you don't need to be gay.
There are transwomen who are lesbian.You could say they could have just stayed straight men. but they identify as women and want a female body

After many hours in photoshop

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But they do harm other people. They erode the fabric of society, they soread lies, they require society enforce their delusions, they waste tax payer money and they waste medical professional's time that could be spent on someone with actual health problems

common sense

12 years ago gays said they just wanted to be free to do what they wanted in their own bedrooms because they are just like everyone else. 9 years ago gays wanted everyone to acknowledge them and sanction their unions because they are just like everyone else. 6 years ago gays started marching in the streets and fucking each other at public parades because they are just like everyone else. This last year or so gays can't figure out what bathroom to use but want everyone else to pay for sex change operations because they are just like everyone else...

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When the decided that it was more than LARPing in a dress to be an ugly female with facial hair at parties to entertain people and wanted to be taken seriously

>Why even be a tranny?
because the tranny mental illness is a very shitty thing to have. i constantly feel like shit over the fact that im a male and not a female, its just an automatic reaction i have to my male features and being a male. i mean if i could chose not to have it id take that choice in a fucking heartbeat, but there isnt such a choice sadly. sure you could try to ignore it, but it gets worse over time and that does not work forever. the only treatment out there that i have seen evidence that it could treat this is HRT, things like pimozide or whatever was only ever tried on 1 person and it even said it should be only used in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria.

>we don't want you to mutilate yourself
>this is because we hate you
I think you have it backwards OP. We're trying to save people.

Reason and the gift of sight.

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>automatic reaction
Nah, it's years of jewish propaganda brainwashing and xenoestrogens in food and drinks. Have you considered getting testosterone? Also do you have a successful life or are you a pathetic 'tfw no gf' robot?
Are you attracted to men too or just women?

>We're trying to save people.
You can scream that till your head pops and they are never going to get it.

I dont even hate them, I hate liberals for promoting them as desirable and not mentally ill. I also don't understand why they don't just cut their dick off, but leave a piss hole. Why create that disgusting smelly gaping wound?

>it's years of jewish propaganda brainwashing
its really not. i know about this shit too, i know about how they want the white race to go extinct and shit too. im aware of the fact that for some it could be a tactic of reducing births. despite knowing all that i still just cant shake feeling like shit about being a male. despite the fact that being a tranny is degenerate and i wouldnt be able to have kids, i still cant get over it.
>Have you considered getting testosterone?
before HRT i had normal male levels of testosterone. i used to feel even shittier back then before i was on HRT. but with estrogen i feel better than i remember with testosterone.
>do you have a successful life
not really, im just an 18 year old neet pretty much.
>Are you attracted to men too or just women?
im attracted to both really

I "misgendered" a guy working the register at my favorite outdoor outfitter's.
He put me on blast and lectured me for a whole minute while the other cashiers did nothing and he held the bag of equipment I had just paid for.
I was held hostage for a mistake that was completely reasonable.

Fuck. Trannies.

sniff some tranny yelled at me now I have to go cry on Jow Forums fucking beta

We need a quick return to our traditional family values.


Which will never happen keep dreaming pol your jewish masters are turning you into faggots anyway

Calling a man a man is not a mistake. Do not give in to the tranny.


Shouldn't it be fauxgina?

When my 16 year old cousin decided she was a boy and no longer uses our grandmother's name and I'm afraid she'll never have kids

Muh trannys muh jews muh mixed race muh immigrants muh muslims muh faggots dont worry Jow Forums you will always be buryed under progress

From what I can tell, most people here don't "hate" trannies, they feel bad for them. They hate the people who spread tranny propaganda because becoming trans is very very very harmful to the human body, and none of these extremely grave physical consequences are ever addressed or discussed by trans activists. In fact, bringing up the problems such as dilation and infection, ingrown hair, slightly higher suicide rates post-op will get you banned from many forums where this is discussed, as seen in the case of r/transregret. There is no other medical condition on earth where we mutilate the body to align it with the delusions of the mind. And yes, it is a delusion. How can a person say "I feel that I am a woman"? How do you know?
What does it feel like to be a woman? Could a woman even tell you? If you were born like this, then what do you juxtapose this feeling of womanhood with, if you never knew what it was to be a man? On its face, the feeling of being something other than what you are is nonsensical, because you have no point of reference or comparison. The statement "I want to be a woman" at least makes sense, but the statement "I am a woman" is a mockery.

We don't keep anorexics starving, we hospitalise them and treat them until they are healthy again, because we recognize that they are unwell and it is not necessarily their fault. Playing along with it is not helping, it is destroying lives and leaving it's victims sterilized and lacking the ability to experience sex and love as a complete human being. Sex change surgery goes against the hippocratic oath and the duty of care required by the medical profession and the people who came up with it and perform these surgeries are sick in the head in a unique and fucked up way. Quite literally unit 731/mengele-tier shit and it is a booming industry.

Just be gay FFS, you don't need to lop your cock off. Just be a homo if you need to be a homo.

You failed your training, go back and suckle at the nozzle of your groomer.

You just don't understand the condition no one here does but being honest they shouldn't lop of their dicks medicine to shit at the moment they can keep the tits though

jew boomer incel faggot

Jesus I forgot about this... The sickest minds could never conjure such horrors in fiction. Only real life is this fucked

Kek. Imagine how hairy Spanish trannies are...

Normal people are repulsed by things that go against the natural order.

I do in fact hate trannies for all these reasons. They are authoritarians and want to impose bullshit on everyone else. They are doing awful shit to kids. I hate trannies and I want them rounded up.

Don't be so self destructive. Can't you go serve in a kebab shop or something till you get your head figured out?

Jow Forums normal people user if that's the case why are trannys being excepted into culture

leaf poster kill yourself you suck more cock than all of us

when it went from
>just leave us alone

We get it, you like aids, its not normal, it will never BE normal, its degenerate and disgusting and should be a shameful thing to everybody outside of queer clubs.

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did you see that surgery video in this thread? are you thinking deeply about this topic?

Haven't seen these ones before. Christ.

>What got you into hating transfaggots?
I learned about their existence.

What you think of as culture is just the opinion of a few thousand Jews.

It will never be normal speak for yourself did you not hear England are pushing even more trans stuff keep crying

Ohhh not more than you. Surely you must be really adept to get a top spot shitposting for the kebab gang. I bet you will be very well fed tonight.

When they wouldn't shut the fuck up and leave me or my children alone.

I already said I don't want them to chop of the dick not every tranny does you do realize that

Kebab shop kek wtf is that your mixed breed gang or something

Body dysmorphic disorder is not the case for all trans. This is indeed a disorder.

Some trans dont identify as what society defines as Male, while not feeling that they want reassignment surgery. This is not a mental disorder, it simply means they dont identify with arbitrary traits.

Masculine vs feminine traits are arbitrary depending on culture and time period. Pink used to be a masculine color. Men in latin cultures hold hands.

While it has become popular to say a women born in a man's body, this is not an argument made in academic gender theorist circles.

They are saying that gender (as societal category) vs biological sex are separate. One is arbitrary and used as societal control, the other is material.

If you say, no gender and sex are the same, we are having a definitional argument instead.

Holy Christ man

Old Coworker is a male to female tranny and a mexican. He/ she read a news story about a tranny being murdered in another state and was fucking inconsolable. He/she had never met or heard of this other tranny. Kept shrieking, "They are killing us! They are killing us!" Bitch, this is a fucking office. Act with a modicum of professionalism.

Get over yourself.

Seems you may be forgetting your culture. Enjoy this friendly reminder. No need to thank me.


it was leftists faggot telling me a man in a dress is a woman because they say so.

Ok. Well we can both agree on something then.

We don't want kids being given hormones and chopping there own dicks off with taxpayer money without discretion of the parents.

Are you sure one of them isn't you user I swear I can see you in the video

this this this

they can push all they want, it will always be disgusting and vile to normal people.

wow good job completely ignoring what i just said

Sharp eye but no, just your sister.

No they still need a deterrant hormones are necessary Plus have you never seen a nice looking shemale before

intense doubt that normies think this

Yup i don't care if they cross dress either. Remember when drag was just some stupid thing people did for fun once in a while? Now it's like they tell them if they have ever cross dressed ever, they're actually a girl.

when i found out they were spreading aids to unsuspecting victims. if a minority is willingly trying to kill it's own kind, that's some next level mental issues right there. coupled with chopping their weiners and dressing like a fag then crying because nobody accepts them, yep, mental issues.

What are you 99% mixed breed

God I loathe trannies

M8 you just need to adjust your thinking. My hair thinned out some years ago, so after a long time trying to cling to what was already lost, I cut it all off. I would catch my own reflection in a window or mirror I was walking past and get very bummed out, because I didn't look how I felt I should. I thought I looked sick or like I was dying, I really really hated how it looked. I could have gone and gotten some fucked up medication that gives you ED, or had some Frankenstein surgeon cut my scalp up and do their barbaric, shitty surgery, instead I just trudged through and accepted it. What made things easier were comments from friends who said shit like "user that really suits you", even though they may not have been sincere it helped me to realize that this is what I am. Nowadays I never wear a hat, I keep my head completely razored and I love getting my skull out, I can still get laid at about the same rate too, if not more, which I never anticipated. Other people pick up on your confidence and how you carry yourself, not just your appearance. I never thought that would ever happen, given how I felt about it when it first started, those were dark days.

What I suggest is that you have your manhood validated, not your imagined womanhood. Participate in activities with other men and have them acknowledge you as a MAN, have women acknowledge you as a man, don't wrap yourself in knots thinking you're something that you can't even describe. You don't feel like a woman because you don't know what that would be like, because you are in fact a man. Come to terms with that, because none of these other cheap substitutes can ever be able to match up to the person you can be as a man. Be a man. Be recognized as one and take your rightful place in the world.

They're not. We're being forced to tolerate their existence. Most people don't know or have a friend's that are trannies nor do they actually want to be around the vast majority of them.


What, you think you can make a generalization that applies to >99% of humans? Think again, fucker!

When they started pushing this shit oc children. If a grown man wants to cut off his cock he should be allowed to, but we're pushing this shit on children who we dont even trust to make breakfast for themselves much less an irreversible life altering surgery they could regret later in life

If I was I would still have that 1% over you wouldn't I.

user why lie to me normal people are not disgusted by trannys Jow Forums is

Because you are hurting people. Please stop.

You were most likely a immigrant user

Honestly I hope theres a Jow ForumsLGBT/ april fools joining the asshurt will be massive

Do they train you units at all or just put batteries in and toss you on the street?

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When they came for my kids.

>You were most likely a immigrant user
Did you just assume my status?

Isis soldier browses pol

Why do people like the shemale cock so much thats all that /lgbt/ crys about muh chasers

then they aren't normal either for accepting such filth

>Isis soldier browses pol
Did you just assume my religion or apply a religion to me against my will?

This is solid advice for all men.

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I started to hate these people when they went crazy with the science denial. I'm a biologist and study sex hormones. The physical affects the psychological. Anyone that goes on about masculine and feminine energy and 60% agender needs shot for their own good.

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What I'm trying to say is that it's better to be a bald man and feel that you have a great skull than be a balding man in denial with shitty hair. Know what I'm saying?

Don't try to be something that isn't you, because real women do it far better and you'll just end up a shitty, fake woman. Better to be a genuine man than a counterfeit chick

Did you just assume my ethnicity did you just assume my gender oy Canadian wheres your posting on Jow Forums licence

I bet you felt very clever typing that basic gestalt on the topic of insane people slicing up their genitals

i honestly dont have a problem with them in concept even if i would never do it... or them but i do think they should be labeled trannys on their drivers license

to hell with newyorks 32 genders. there should only be 4. male, female, hermaphrodite and tranny and it should come with some sort of penalty if they dont check the right box on paper work at work or on their drivers license paper work. maybe even jail time if some one fucked them without knowing