Porn is evil and satanic

And you know it, deep down.

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Yeah, but I'm a manlet

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I concur!

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It’s strange I can remember when I first saw porn being revolted by it. My friend showed a group of us in school this random women getting pounded I thought it was weird initially probably because it was a close up of the fanny and dick nothing else.


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I have gone from fapping every day to fapping 3-5 times a month. Gonna completely quit before long. Porn is a blight on our society.

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Goddammit I know I can stop. 7 days nofap boys. 6 months noporn.

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Are Christians rising up?
This just happened today in my city.
Is this the end of days?

Revelation 2:26-29King James Version (KJV)

26And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. 28And I will give him the morning star. 29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


Psalm 2:8-12King James Version (KJV)

8Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 10Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11Serve theLordwith fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

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Porn yes, that's why I only jack to hentai.

>sexual transmutation
That's bullshit but I believe it

Where do you start? Are the instructions clear cut in the book?

I tried that, I ended up rubberbanding hard.

good luck.

it depends how it's done. blacked should be punishable by death though.

I haven't came in 1.5 weeks and I feel fucking great. Wood recomend

Nofapping works for me I have more energy and even wake up earlier in the mornings ready to go.

The worst trap is laying in bed using your phone to look at sexy women. DO NOT DO THIS! Get up have a shower and plan how your going to make your world better.

You could've just said it was Jewish

true, but i've still been beating it to hkj

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Also avoid /b/ while just laying in bed. Literally just landmines of degenerate sexuality there.

Nope, cameras are to blame. Without cameras, there would be no porn, just memories.

Don't even spit on your dick or use some oil "for just a few beatings"...YOur mind will be immediatly shifting in primal mode with the pleasure and it's going to be extremely hard to stop.

jokes on you, I have a vive so I can self-insert


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Agreed. Blacked girls are no longer girls

believing in invisible men is evil upon yourself.
wanking is perfectly healthy and natural.

simple, cut all porn and have sex in moderation

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>Thinks porn is required to wank
>Being this retarded

Stop being such a retarded wanker, Nigel.

That's false...Both with or without porn. Stop repeating (((their))) lies.

Funny how the jews tell us that everything degenerate is good and healty in the west while they do the extreme opposite in their colony. Did you know that it's very badly viewed to masturbate as a jew ? Surely a cohencidence.

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Porn only sucks when you jerk off to it

Real men can control themselves

It's certainly not......good, but it serves as a release valve for the millions of sexually frustrated men out there who don't have much to live for. There's a lot of them.

It's a mix. Spilling your seed 3+ times a day consistently throughout the week will make you a lethargic beta depending on who you are.


just despicable -for fucks sake.


>it serves as a release valve for the millions of sexually frustrated men out there who don't have much to live for. There's a lot of them.

Because (((Main Stream Culture))) puts sex and vegane and penis as the ultimate goal...When people should go VOLCEL, marry while being virigins and then doing 5-10 white babies.

But (((they))) don't want this.

What is?

t.the church of Satan.

Now this is definitely bullshit but I also believe it

Say my interest does not lie with women but with doing work - important work

Would it help?

Currently on nofap for one week.
It's interesting when I'm alone thinking "now would be the perfect time to rub one out" and then I don't.
I just study or workout when I get the urge

Nobody faps to the man, it's about putting yourself in the mans position.

do some research. google sexual energy transmutation.
read about chackras and tantric sex & yoga.
plenty of available material.
look for breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness/attention exercises

So which is it? Jerk off or dont jerk off?

Don’t jerk off

recommendations ?

Fucking based! Good wallpaper as well

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Not all porn is "evil" or "satanic". Sexting your partner is one of the purest forms of pornography. Also, some women genuinely love expressing their sexuality.

>women love men expressing their sexuality
Yes however they want it directed towards them. If you direct all your sexual energy towards your wife, she will absolutely crave you.
My wife sensed the change when I quit porn and since starting nofap she's replaced my hand in relieving sexual tension. In frequency that is.

>you know it, deep down
i.e. it's deeply ingrained in our respective unconscious minds because we grew up in and continue to live in a heavily Judeo-Christian culture.

Porn is inherently satanic.

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I fap to homemade man-on-mare zooporn exclusively.

If it was going to hurt me, it would've hurt me in the last 25 years I've been watching it.

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So do jews fear VR porn where you can be in the perspective of the male raping the female?

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Porn has done nothing good for me personally.

On a societal level it has has only made weak ineffectual and impotent men. The sex drive drove men to work and contribute to society to win a mate. Then work with a woman to raise young and be the head of the family.

Now, why tryhard to be a chad when you can rub one out to material more novel and intense than the real thing.