Asking Jordan Peterson a Question

Jordan Peterson will be coming to my university this month and I am going to ask him a question and need some help sprucing it up.
My question is in relation to his response to jewish overrepresentation in positions of power he gave in this video
Heres my question
>This is two questions wrapped in one in relation to an answer you gave at the University of Toronto in April where you stated the reason jewish individuals are so over represented in positions of power in politics, banks, and the media is because Ashkenazi jews have an average iq of 115, so my question is 1) Why do we not see more Episcopalians in those positions of power, they have a higher average iq than jews and are slightly more numerous in the united states, and 2) Do you believe the reason certain minorities are underrepresented in positions of power is due to their lower than average iq?
~His answer will involve Jews being a disproportionate amount of people with post secondary educations. I dont really know how to reply to that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Can you please stop convincing young men to stop being self-pitying pussies? I'm trying to keep the bar pretty low for myself so I can be content menstruating about Jews on a Klingon Needlepoint Forum. At this rate, I might have to do something useful for once."

what do you want to ask from a deaf man

>~His answer will involve Jews being a disproportionate amount of people with post secondary educations. I dont really know how to reply to that.
Ask him WHY Jews make up a disproportionate amount of people with post-secondary educations, when Episcopalians have a higher average IQ and are slightly more numerous in the United States. This isn't an answer at all, it's just kicking the can one step down the road.

Here's another one you can try.

>Peterson, can you please just say the Jews run everything and will destroy us? It would really help me find the courage to never do anything with my life and it will give me the clout to demand others do the same in the spirit of hopelessness.

"Your argument against Jewish influence in western society was completely weak. Have you read Culture of Critique?"

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Just ask about the JQ

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Just skip all the bullshit and ask him why zionists and jews have decided to subvert control of apex power positions across the world for 100 years

What’s your opinion on the Frankfurt school?

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I can help with some reasoning

Since there are an enormous amount of whites compared to jews, and the jews are only 1 standard deviation ahead of us, there should be far far more whites with high IQs than jews. This is a standard calculation but I don't remember where to find it

Also, the number of whites with high IQs and college degrees is probably higher as well (someone please run the math) so he'll need to explain why Jews outnumber whites in these high academic positions.

Are traps gay

this is acurate

So Mr Peterson can you explain why Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries in recorded history? Are all of these countries just antisemites who use Jews as a scapegoat?

Why do you pester him with this?
He is already doing so much good for the rightwing. Why do you want him to fail?

Because he's a waste of time at a time when we can't afford them. I listened to a lot of his stuff and actually really liked it. Made me reconsider Christianity in a big way. But fundamentally he and Christianity are implicitly anti-white. His actions on the JQ just confirm this.

Because white dudes obsessed with jews like black dudes are obsessed with white dudes can't handle it when someone like JP, who has done more than they will ever do, wont validate their own feelings of victimhood, which are somehow different than SJWs who blame whitey for everything.

>Because he's a waste of time at a time when we can't afford them. I listened to a lot of his stuff and actually really liked it. Made me reconsider Christianity in a big way. But fundamentally he and Christianity are implicitly anti-white.

Nothing JP has ever done has ever been anti white.
He doesn't have to be a pitbull for your feelings of racial inferiority.

How is he wasting anyones time? This makes no sense. He is probably the biggest red pill dispenser in the world at the moment. a couple million more of his followers and we have ourselves a revolution, you idiot. Have you any idea, how much he is stirring the pot?

This is spot-on. People obsessed with jews may fall into the habbit of chronic victimhood. If they fail, it is not their fault. Its the jews fault. and JP is changing that... and that is a good thing.

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Juden Beit Peterstein*

The Last thing you want a jew to talk about is judaism

JP is christian, you moron.

Its like they don't even want him to become prime minister of canada. Dude is a powerhouse. OP can ask whatever he likes, just shouldnt be surpirzed when JP does not go full 1488 WHITE PRIDE GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW.


Bix nood kill juden

{This is two questions wrapped in one in relation to an answer you gave at the University of Toronto } cut this bit out

You claim the reason jewish individuals are over represented in positions of power in politics, finance, and the media is because Ashkenazi jews have an average iq of 115, so my question is 1) Why do we not see more Episcopalians in those positions of power, they have a higher average iq than jews and are slightly more numerous in the united states, and 2) Do you believe the reason certain minorities are underrepresented in positions of power is due to their lower than average iq?

Maybe you can also ask him white he always preaches to majority white audiences when minorities/brown people tend to be more collectivist.


*ask him why

No he's just bullshitting people. Jews are tribal. Jews habe a negative effect on society. We literally wouldn't have the problems we have with Immigration were it not for the jews. People need to realise this.

>We literally wouldn't have the problems we have with Immigration were it not for the jews. People need to realise this.

Goys are the most degenerate, rapefugee loving, leftist trash on the planet
daily reminder the chinese are goyim too

gas yourself

Why did you shift toward moderate political activism to the detriment of your academic career?

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>we don't have time! have to sperg out RIGHT NOW!

we can buy a shitload of time by substantially reducing immigration and changing birth patterns for white people.

imagine that - most people think of themselves as "good" and don't want to associate with NatSoc ideology, which they consider "bad". Why are you spergs so dense?

Ask him what makes the bible so special in comparison to other religious texts and what he thinks about the idea that his ability to generate meaning from it is just a reflection of his own analytical skills and if he considers it possible to find the same amount of depth in any other large text. At least if he was to apply the same attention to it, looking for hidden life lessons. Take texts of classical daoism for instance.

>Goys are the most degenerate, rapefugee loving, leftist trash on the planet

No it's just that white people are the most tolerant people in the world. Regardless, without jewish interests groups and jewish intellectual movements nonwhites could never have immigrated to western countries. Things like the 1965 Immigration act could never have passed.

Scream 'KIIIIKKKKKEEEESSS," Get it on video, and win.

>No it's just that white people are the most tolerant people in the world.

true except for the no
both of our statements are correct. Deal with it.

It's not true. Jews vote left/democrat more than whites. They're also way more degenerate behaviour wise.

He will just larp it around as muh 'cultural emphasis' on education

>It's not true. Jews vote left/democrat more than whites. They're also way more degenerate behaviour wise.
w/e man
looks like you got it all figured out. u should be my rabbi

Yup. 90 percent of everything "degenerate" you see in the west is a product of jewish degeneracy and white tolerance. Everything from cultural marxism, communism, feminism, LGBT, brown Immigration etc...all Jewish.

All the whores cheating and lying is jewish conspiracy

Come on man. You are better then this. Get back in there. Even i don't like those jewish cunts; but this shit isn't helping

>All the whores cheating and lying is jewish conspiracy

Actually I never said that. But jews do push sexually degenerate behaviour in the media and in film so they are partially responsible for that. Everything else I said is factually correct.

''So much good'', examples? He is literally approved opposition. You don't get to be part of ''intellectual dark web'' with other jews if the media actually is afraid you. You don't get an interview at Channel 4 to BTFO a dumb bitch.

For white society (or any other in general); we need to restore nuclear family. Everything else stems from that.

All this shit; with single moms. Whoring themselves out only to marry a man and getting life time alimony and child support on behalf of kids till they turn 18 by fucking their husband in divorce with courts in the pocket of feminists.

I am here on the other side of ocean; but my heart still goes out to those men. Worst of all; this disease is now starting to spread here

Not to mention no husband can pair bond with his wife (in modern times); especially due to the number of dicks she has already taken.

That's one piece in a very large puzzle. Honestly I would be happy if we just didn't have brown people and jews in our countries. Fixes 99 percent of all problems.

You would end up with pretty much what you already have with no brown and jews.

idk how that fixes the current family/gender dynamic in anyway. It's still a mess

Fucking nailed it. The amount of bitching on this board about joos is no different from BLM whining about hu-white privilege. Quit blaming others for your shit iq and genetics and maybe do the best you can with the cards that have been dealt to you. That is respectable

Stormfgts can go suck a dick.

>You would end up with pretty much what you already have with no brown and jews.

Lol. I don't even know what to say to that. Without shitskins and jews we'd probably have a huwhite galactic empire by now. Without the jews we wouldn't have become the degenerate nihilistic Egalitarian shitholes of today. Without the shitskins we would be able to explore the stars. White people are the only group who pay more in taxes than they take in benifits. We spend the equivilent of a second military budget on minority wellfare AFTER you subtract their contribution in taxes. Imagine what we could have done with that.

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Ask him about the black-white IQ gap and if that should be considered re: immigration

Jidf out in full force today I see.

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t. shlomo shekelstein

>1 post by this id
we've been had, lads

>Lol. I don't even know what to say to that. Without shitskins and jews we'd probably have a huwhite galactic empire by now. Without the jews we wouldn't have become the degenerate nihilistic Egalitarian shitholes of today. Without the shitskins we would be able to explore the stars. White people are the only group who pay more in taxes than they take in benifits. We spend the equivilent of a second military budget on minority wellfare AFTER you subtract their contribution in taxes. Imagine what we could have done with that.

The leaf is right
you sound like a nigger.

>Because white dudes obsessed with jews
You clearly havn't been fucking paying attention.

Ask him why he is so opposed to Stalinist communists but cozies up to Trotskyite communists all the time.

Moreover if you worried about minorites. Kicking them out won't help you (if that is even possible with the democrats).

You need to learn from your past (native americans) and the Chinese. Minorities need to be breeded in the main ethnic group and or breeded out of existence.

Democrats are doing extremly well in this regard if you think about it; most minorites are left leaning. They wan't abortions; democrats still hold the blacks by their balls. Making sure to not reward competence where ever possible. Feeding them mindless bullshit and maintaing defacto control over them.

Exiling them in the long term won't make a difference.

>we'd probably have a huwhite galactic empire by now.

Yes because all white people get along.

>. We spend the equivilent of a second military budget on minority wellfare

Welfare breeds cancer.

Yeah and you sound like a jew.

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A better way to state it is why do you not oppose Trotskites the same way you oppose Stalinists? Pic related.

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You're going to get your ass handed to you OP.

you cult faggots are disgusting. I've done more than you will probably ever do you fucking basement dwelling faggot. Stop projecting your feelings of insecurity on to me simply because I already know how to wash my dick.

I found a tremendous amount of value in Peterson's writing and lectures but at the end of the day he is another intellectually dishonest false prophet who will do more harm than good over the long term.

Underrated comme t

Ask him about this:

Ask him how it feels beinga quack?

>Moreover if you worried about minorites. Kicking them out won't help you (if that is even possible with the democrats).

Yeah I don't think it's possible in a country that's only like 65 percent white. Omni seperatism is the only way.

>You need to learn from your past (native americans) and the Chinese. Minorities need to be breeded in the main ethnic group and or breeded out of existence.

No breeding with them is a terrible idea. Just look at south america.

>we'd probably have a huwhite galactic empire by now.
>Yes because all white people get along
Uh... They don't need to. Europe colonised 85 percent of the planet and european countries didn't get along.

>. We spend the equivilent of a second military budget on minority wellfare
>Welfare breeds cancer.

Some types of welfare do. Shitskins always breed cancer.

total jewish pop of united states as of 2017 (jewish virtual library)6,850,864
60.7% oh US is non hispanic white
325,719,178-(325,719,178*.607)-6,850,000=non jewish non hispanic whites in the US
which works out to 121,157,637 people roughly
now an iq of 115 is 84.1344740241% or 1 in every 5.7 people lets assume that every jew in the united stated has the average iq of ashkenazi jews or greater so all jews in america are now 115 or greater
non hispanic non jewish white in the united stated who match that scenario would number 21,255,725 which means in that scenario being generous they are outnumbered 3 to 1
in 2012 it was reported 35% of forbes list was jewish which sounds about right but you have to remember we are assuming that all jews in America have an iq of 115 or greater making the average the new floor for them.
we can now easily conclude that there are over represented.

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Indeed, Goy. Stop worrying about politics and better clean your room. Also remember what horrid crimes collectivism has led to, so better be a good individualist and worry about yourself rather than your fellow man.

Ask him: Is there any circumstance in which collectivism is justified?

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better clean your penis*

>No breeding with them is a terrible idea. Just look at south america.

You don't need to breed with them. You need to breed them out of existence. There is a difference between that.

You need to stop their lineage (by promoting lifelong single/married without kids/abortion - propaganda) - Again i can't believe how good democrats are doing in this regard

It is effective; the intelligent blacks that you see; most of them have some white blood in them.

If you breed someone into your ethnic group for 10 generations is he than really of another group ?

(say example - black guy/girls breeds with white their kids with white; theirs with white and so on)

>Some types of welfare do. Shitskins always breed cancer.

Welfare breeds the weak. It's mostly niggers and shitskins right now.

Assuming you do find a solution to them; the low iq whites will be there. Welfare should be abolished based on principal not on who is benefiting from them.

now following up on our quick number crunching we find the median iq of any group of people is 1 in 2
this means that only 1 out of every 2 jews in their median iq is 115 would meet or exceed this threshold this means we can take the jewish population and halve it to see how many jews meet or exceed 115 and compare it to non hispanic non jewish whites who meet or exceed this threshold.
3,425,432 jews vs 21,255,725 whites
in a real life scenario they are outnumbered 6.2 to 1

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It was the Episcopalians all along

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>You don't need to breed with them. You need to breed them out of existence

I'm not sure that white people are capable of that given the conditions of modern industrial civilisation. However I fully support the genetic replacement of nonwhites in white countries.

>If you breed someone into your ethnic group for 10 generations is he than really of another group ?(say example - black guy/girls breeds with white their kids with white; theirs with white and so on)

Ah yes "bleaching". I'm not a fan of it. It's best to avoid any admixture. However given the current circumstances it's probably inevitable.

>Welfare breeds the weak. It's mostly niggers and shitskins right now.
>Welfare should be abolished based on principal not on who is benefiting from them.

I'm not a big fan of welfare generally but his is an over simplification. Personally I support Murray's proposition of getting rid of welfare and introducing a universal income. Not because I find welfare to be wrong on principle but because it doesn't accomplish what it seeks to accomplish.

>2) Do you believe the reason certain minorities are underrepresented in positions of power is due to their lower than average iq?
I would just ask this one. The other one will be answered with bullshit like population density, historical pressure, and a cultural work ethic. There's no avoiding the second question.

No ask him about the occult’s relationship to the ufo phenemon, what the occult being real means for modern psychiatry, and why the CIA and USAF are obsessed with UFOs, and the occult

Should I clean my room mr Peterson?

so now what have we learned?
we have learned that tit for tat using iq as our measuring stick and Forbes list representation.
that somehow jews have doubled their representation. not skewed 30 or 40 percent through good connections and hard work. DOUBLED. now of coaurse iq doesnt mean everything. people can get ahead with hard work, good connections, or even the right personality traits, such as openness and high sociability.
you should ask jordan peterson accounting for iq what personality trait leads to a successful life that jews are twice as likely to have for some reason that whites?
because im assuming these personality traits are also distributed like iq, and that any way you slice it we outnumber them. in short what is it that is not a natural personal trait that they have that we seem to lack? could it? is it? nepotism??

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I know you are worried about the jews but muzzies are coming to get you.

>I'm not sure that white people are capable of that given the conditions of modern industrial civilisation. However I fully support the genetic replacement of nonwhites in white countries.

Sure you can't do it. But they would.

As for my country. Things are fucked; as they always are. If this modernization/westernization doesn't work out; we would go back to older days rivaling groups for dominance.

Not to mention if we westernize; the western culture itself is not sustainable

Luckily i would be dead before all shit will kick off.

Take care brother

What you are missing is group dynamics.

Humans are not just individuals but most of all social creatures and they will always intuitively form groups. This naturally happens on a mostly racial basis. The blacks will stick to their own, the Arabs will stick to their own, Jews will stick to their own, etc. - they won't mix, but rather build their own, tightly knit communities within white society and pursue their own groups interests within it.
Removing welfare will also harm lower class white people who can't make a proper living in a society where they can't make a decent living due to immigrants being available as cheap labour.

Don't ask a question that will get you into deep shit you retard.

While you are correct you are missing another group dynamic. Woman - Men.

Woman have an in group bias. White-Blacks-Asians-Latina all do support each other.

Men don't have in group preference.

>Removing welfare will also harm lower class white people who can't make a proper living in a society where they can't make a decent living due to immigrants being available as cheap labour.

Remove the welfare and get rid of both. Only the strong should succeed.

"Well, that depends on how you define 'Jews', and also on how you define 'Episcopalians'. Because there is a white snake and it has a little black dot in it, and there's also a black snake but with a white dot. This means that if you take 1000 peasants and distill them, you get one nobleman. Then you take 100 noblemen and distill them, and you get a king. And then you take 10 kings and distill them, and the result has to be a Christ. There has to be something higher than the king because as you see this forms a pyramid, so you need to have something on top of it because otherwise the king would do whatever he wants to and he would kill and rape people; and since we don't see this happening in reality we know that something made of the essence of 10 kings exists. When you make this question you are ignoring the fact that both, Jews and Episcopalians, -and again, I'm assuming that I know what you mean by these words, because we really don't know the definitions- follow their own definitions of what a Christ is; and sometimes these definitions are the same, but at the same time they keep being different. In a sense it boils down to the fact that there's a Christ behind either Jews and Episcopalians, and then the question is how would you define Christ? That's a very hard question to answer because the answer depends on whether you're an existentialist or not. I think that..."
>listening to snake oil salesmen
Grow up kid. Find something better to do with your time.

what does he think of zizek

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Ask him if white people exists, and why it's so important that they become minorities in their own countries.

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I predict Peterson will reply with the apt, succinct and correct conclusion: “you, OP, are a faggot.”

>I know you are worried about the jews but muzzies are coming to get you.

Statistically there aren't many muzzies here in the US. That said nowadays the supermall is full of hijab wearing goatfuckers. Where I live spics are def the biggest problem though.

>As for my country. Things are fucked; as they always are

I don't know much about the situation in pooinloo desu. But things seem to be getting better (pic related)

>Take care brother

You 2

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So much good for the "right" indeed.

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Yeah. The jewish community is stepping in. They can't let white people have a say in Immigration restrictions or any sort of right wing politic. They literally admit this.

Bitch I may be drunk but this is a dumbass nigger shill thread andnif this is ignored and people still respond they’re dumbass nigger shills too

Fuck y’all

>Men don't have in group preference.
Which is why the group exerts force upon its women - often with most severe punishment - to keep them from getting involved with foreign men. That is something you should not underestimate. Peer pressure is strong - particularly when it comes to minorities in 'hostile' land.

>Remove the welfare and get rid of both. Only the strong should succeed.
"strong" is misleading term, because a modern western nation does not value strength, it values intellect. Not everyone has that. You can't build a nation relying on intellect alone though. In times of relative peace it may seem that way, but power is still with the masses and at some point a nation needs men to hold the rifles. They don't need to be extraordinarily smart for that.
Also, you are underestimating people. Those that can't succeed won't simply perish, they will find ways to survive and those ways will only cause chaos and weaken the social cohesion. It makes society less worth living in (lower trust, more crime, etc.).

How the hell did their GDP triple in a decade?

Not sure. All I know is that the spike in gdp per capita growth seems to correlate with independent rule.

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Don't bother making it about Jews, he "can't"answer those questions. Make an argument for white identity or protecting the collectivist aspects of white culture regardless of the Jewish danger. He is a hypocrite as his message has double standards for white people. Ask him why he preaches and promotes individualism in the most individualistic cultured countries or something like that.

Ask him about the break between jung and freud and how it relates to freuds hatred of the goyim that is found in his letters

"Why should i wash my post-modernist penis?"

access to the worldwide market via technology - the internet mostly - and Desis with dual-citizenship in wealthy western nations running their businesses here and there at the same time.
some proportion of it are telemarketing, scams, counterfeit products and unlicensed services, but I think they're coming from societies that were so deprived and so close to poverty so recently that they are working way harder than you'd expect comfortable western nations to do. just like people who grew up during the Great Depression, they're working their asses off and investing every rupee.