NSA has 8 spy fortresses in American cities hidden in plain sight

They're collecting pretty much all traffic going through US soil, working closely with AT&T, monitoring calls, SMS, emails, chats, internet traffic, anything they can get their dirty little monkey paws on.

He warned you and you didn't listen.

Attached: snowden.jpg (640x420, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sites.hks.harvard.edu/fs/msparrow/documents--in use/Application of Network Analysis to Criminal Intelligence--Social Networks--1991.pdf



i am so sleepy i can barely keep awake

Look up PALANTIR, it's how they collect the data and piece it together to make profiles for everyone

the turtle in the desert is flipped over, who would do such a thing?

Did he "Warn" us

Tell us more Q fags

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What else is new...

Can confirm. They have one in Columbus OH, medium-ish building behind the Regus offices parking lot in the Easton section.

But that would be blatantly unconstitutional, i.e. illegal.

>hidden in plain sight
yes literally everyone knows that the government scans every piece of data that enters and leaves the united states

So? Are they going to round up everyone who has an opinion and ship them off to muh FEMA camps?

Fuck off.

Attached: womparoo.png (406x500, 92K)

That nice medium-ish building in Columbus? Man it'd be a shame if something happened to it.

It's a lot more insidious than that.

Imagine what you could do with the innate knowledge of someones day to day ongoings.

With the right kind of threats and quasi-official backing, you could damage someones life to the point that it's nearly unrecoverable.

Everyone has something that they can be manipulated or coerced with.

>anything they can get their dirty little monkey paws on.
they collect all data globally, there is nothing electronic they don't already have

The good that's actually done protecting the country, in conjunction with the military, outweighs whatever menial data they collect. Niggers put all their shit on Facebook and Twitter but get in a tizzy when their cell phone number is stored with five million others. If people want to bitch about a three letter organization, take a look at the FBI and the clown fiesta they're operating over there.

>yes literally everyone knows that the government scans every piece of data that enters and leaves the united states
they have this machine in the mail sort center in Chicago that scans all the mail and records it, it picks up data of thumb drives wirelessly

>The good that's actually done protecting the country,
not really it's done to make money

There's not much we can do. It seems that freedom cannot exist in human societies for very long. Sooner or later one group will usurp it, overtly or otherwise. There's a new law in Russia, effective as of yesterday, that obliges all ISPs to store user traffic, phonecalls, messages, everything. The ostensible excuse is of course fighting terrorism, but in reality, it's merely another step to gain power over people. You guys should be thankful that they at least have the decency to lie to you and pretend like they're not collecting anything.

so is the Federal Reserve Act, the National Security Act, and the Patriot Act which allowed for the exposure of the NSA spying (which already existed undercover).

I come from the year 1999, no time for explanations but by 2004 the NSAs carnivore project will be fully online and by 2008 they will have tracked down every conservative and put them into concentration camps. I've seen them personally. If you value your freedom you will vote for Ralph Nader and if you act now you can get a c-crane wireless FM radio for only 2 easy payments of 179.99 a radio on the go, with a built in handcrank for power... when there is none.

*thunder clap*

Even if its a byproduct of making money, it is still a first line of defense. The military is not capable of keeping track of multiple vessels from multiple other countries without their help.

Except not everyone has something they can be manipulated or coerced with.

Look at Trump. Some people are untouchable, no skeletons in the closet. We have nothing to worry about.

Evil jew rats and blood-sucking politicians have everything to worry about.

That's the great thing about Trump, he's a businessman, not a politician. Government is a business. Who better to run it.

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Republicans should have known better than to allow that shit. Of course dems will use it to spy on their opponents.

kikeden is a shill disinformation agent. oh wah wah muh iphone spies on me. Yes goy, you believe these pathetic infringements of your rights while we do the real secret shit behind closed doors.

This kike is a paid actor.

>The military is not capable of keeping track of multiple vessels from multiple other countries without their help.
well the internet was invented for use by the military and most of it is used by various military agencies

What happens when Trump's tenure is up?

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Enjoy my dick pics, gov't niggas. Thanks for being such good goys.

When I was a kid in the 90s, my step uncle used to get really drunk and ramble on about how "I work for the CIA" before beating up my aunt. He was an AT&T employee.

Universal surveillance is nothing new.

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I'm still pissed they mindfucked Manning into Womanning

The entire "Intelligence Community" deserves to be dismantled.

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CIA nigs glow, what about NSA nigs?

ITT: OP slowspoked project ECHELON

All communication systems will be shut down.

They sink.

I used to think like this. The more I learn about the way the world works the more I realize any perceived threat was put there by the same people saying they want to protect us.


>tfw when at Easton late in the afternoon on Sunday
>weekends over

Like Regus isn’t the real honeypot.

Oldest game in the organized crime repertoire. Find somebody vulnerable, offer to sell them (((protection))) if they refuse you come back and fuck up their business or beat the shit out of them, remind them how much they need that protection you can provide for a price.

ahhhhh 1999....when art bell was the host and george snoory was a nobody faggot. better times....

Womp Womp

You could maybe even force a supreme court judge into early retirem-


It's really not like this is actually fucking news. There was a news story years ago about how the NSA was cloning network traffic at the ATT hub in San Francisco. The Long Lines building in NYC was the subject of a Wired article years ago. I always thought it was just reasonable to assume that they had facilities like this in strategic places and the NSA was balls deep in them.

Truthstream Media did an excellent piece on this. Tall buildings with no windows. In ALL cities of any size.

You threaten with such confidence, mutt.
Keep your phone on, we'll probably call you in for questioning.

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They are reinforced to withstand a nuclear blast, and I believe can be sealed against chemical and biological attacks. They also house diesel generators to keep it going for a very extended period of time.


Says the dirty jew rat. How many diseases do you have? Ashkenazi plague-infested filth.


That's interesting, imagine a few theoretical people theoretically mailed hypothetical boxes of USB drives effectively around the US to interestingly affect something. :^)

>Mike used his work email to track the emails of his son David
That's... not how email works
You basically sound like a tech reporter who has no idea how any of this stuff operates

10 not 8


Good times then in the Kingdom of Nye.

Art Bell & Malachi Martin First Interview 1996 - YouTube

Art Bell & Malachi Martin - SECOND Interview - 1996 - YouTube

at least we can still post memes

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so what? loyal citizens have nothing to fear

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Forgot pic. Major Ed Dames was remote viewing me and I lost my concentration.

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The tighter they try to grasp the more likely it will be they are all killed. Delightful.

ten years
40 years
200 years

I ain't doing none of them

You court war jew.

Here's the one in Chicago. It's right outside the train station. I walk past it every day.

Attached: spy-fortress-chicago.png (796x647, 1.06M)

The only issue is the warrior's spirit is nearly gone in this age. In any sane society all of these people would be dying like flies. Legions of bombers and soldiers would amass to torture, mutilate and kill every last one of these freaks. But as usual people just bend the knee to these satanic shitstains. Kali Yuga indeed.

Do you guys realize that’s why liberals are so successful right now? Everyone and their mom bought cell phones and laptops in the late 90s-early 2000s, they have been spying on everyone for longer than that but now they could just sit back and let you talk, they no longer have to specifically track individuals because literally everyone is being tracked. Now anyone who is a prospective politician has to do what they say or have all of their dirt selectively released to the public. That’s the secret.... we all have dirt and have done bad things, yet we all fight to keep our stuff hidden because it isn’t socially acceptable. This is why so many politicians bring such degeneracy into countries, because if they can make it the norm then the dirt on them is no longer useful.

>LARPING this hard

The people collecting the dirt are truly practicing satanic things and use blackmail to infiltrate places. Their blackmail causes politicians to do their bidding, their bidding brings degeneracy and multiculturalism to us. The people at the top know they are being destructive. This is intentional. This is good vs evil.

hmm I'm feeling sleepy too

maybe we should go to bed, user

And no I don’t mean the random Agency employees, they are mostly just normal people just doing their jobs. It’s what is even further above them.

how do you know?

What are you supposed to do
Abstain from all of modern technology?
Protesting won't do anything

i am sleepy tho
i cant stay up much longer

I want to believe this is for the most part true but by nature we would never know whether or not that is actually the case.

The fuck you talkin bout cuckia? In about 14 years you will be livin out some mad max tragedy with your dead wife's picture book as your only memory of better times.

Sure you can take individuals down -- still. But you lost your sense of omnipotence. The illusion don't work for you and your mates anymore. We are on the winning side of the zeitgeist, because we know your pillars are crumbling.

Don’t worry goys, just a giant concrete fortress in the middle of NYC

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Oh noes the government knows I like edgy memes, guns, and granny porn.

Imagine having to filter through my internet activity to see what kind of person I am. Top fucking kek.

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How about posting actual emails instead of "quotes" you typed up on a word doc.
And this

This is probably the LA center
34°03'02.0"N 118°15'08.1"W

normies don't care...
they love their brave new world
Snowden is a real hero... the entire
world knows how sinister the "good guise" (gchq +nsa) really is...

Attached: Capture+_2018-07-01-09-48-09.png (1440x2417, 2.09M)

It's called foxacid nigger.

planned parenthood?

Nigga we've know about this for almost 10 years. America with a 12 pack in the fridge and sports on tv don't give a shit.... what it is bro!

Define loyal, CIA nigger

No you idiot, im talking about the concrete AT&T building with giant antennas on top next to it

Snowden didnt really uncover anything that was already eknown. People knew about prism, aol cia cooperation, and eventually cia/att cooperation. Stop acting like a newfag, we knew this shit in 96

I will say that at least the building does look pretty fucking cool in a weird sort of way.


>step uncle used to get really drunk and ramble on about how "I work for the CIA" before beating up my aunt.


The original whistleblower was an engineer for ATT in San Francisco. There was a specific room where the network traffic was diverted and cloned. I can't remember the specific room name, but there was a national TV news report about it. ATT or the government never came out and admitted it, but it was heavily implied that the NSA was watching everything as the room in the building was actually run by the NSA and was classified as such and the routing equipment in the room was made by Narus.

> still not as powerful or far reaching as Jow Forums
let that sink in.,

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Its one of eight rooms they have nationwide. The room you are referencing has a number and former att employees are involved in a lawsuit.

But again, this is stuff the pioneers already took for granted

nigger nigger nigger nigger
i want them to tell me one day how many times ive said nigger on the internet they would be counting for years

sites.hks.harvard.edu/fs/msparrow/documents--in use/Application of Network Analysis to Criminal Intelligence--Social Networks--1991.pdf

Room 641A

Attached: Room_641A_exterior.jpg (833x625, 83K)

tell me something i dont know


This has been going on for longer than people think. My pops worked for AT&T and has been to facilities where they collect. Very secure, complete with eye scanning.

Yes, and if you get into bro filters you can understand better how they filtered all the mass data for further analysis or long term storage.

bump this is creepy as shit

Apparently Narus was an Israeli company as well

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