Anyone ever hear your family/friends say some shit that you thought was crazy at the time...

Anyone ever hear your family/friends say some shit that you thought was crazy at the time, but later in life it comes to your mind and you realize you had just been given red pills you werent ready for yet?

My father said a LOT of crazy shit that I wrote off as nonsense when I was a boy. One of those things was attention. My Dad was obsessed with the spiritual, anyone heard or read Carlos Castaneda? My dad was balls deep in that shit. He always linked ones attention or focus (what they are looking at/thinking about at any given moment) with the soul and spiritual energy. He would always rant about people trying to "drain his energy" and most of the stupid shit people do he would chalk up to them trying take his attention and drain his energy.

I unironically believe this now, as the tranny epidemic is clearly just a desperate plea for attention from the least attractive and intresting areas of civilisation. The other night I saw a thread by a guy claiming himself to be a tranny, it was him justifying his degenerate lifestyle while proclaiming he is not ok with the pedo and tranny kids push. Basically he was trying to get attention by saying "im the unique snowflake! Based tranny thread!"

Obviously anons tore him an additional disgusting hole, and he basically admitted that he only does it for attention while trying trying to claim the opposite (whatever i just like attention when i wear makeup and cute clothes)

So anons, have you experienced this? Like time-delayed red pill that you swallow at s young age but it doesnt dissolve into your bloodstream till later

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sorry, man. Carlos was a a fraud.i used to love it love it too. but to the larger point...yeah. We tend to realize later what we should have seen earlier. Hindsight is 20/20

The next step is realizing that this craving for attention has been greatly amplified by social media. People no longer see themselves as what/who they truly are, rather they only see the image of themselves that they have carefully curated through facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. Also, I will mention that I stole my dad's copy of the Teachings of Don Juan.

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C Castaneda = very entertaining books


dude, this whole "movement" is called realism. google it. it also includes people like osho, krishnamurti and gurdjeff.
spiritualism is a completely different movement.

Your dad sounds alright, but Castaneda was a conman fluent in the Yaqui Way of Bullshit.

ug krishnamurti is the only guy i ever liked talking about consciousness and awareness.

I'm really surprised this isn't more common knowledge and is such a fringe esoteric ramble.

Every single one of us is a complex, dynamic system that evolved for millions of years to be members of social groups. Attention is as real as if it were a nutritious substance, both what an individual pays as well as gets from others. It's like a noosphere fluid, where a deficiency leads to disorders but an excess can be toxic, with therapeutic doses varying hugely by individual. Also it's highly addictive LOL

In a very real sense, it is nourishment that feeds a basic psychological need. And, as you say, one can definitely be deficient or toxic.

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>what is self-realization
>what is observing ego
>what is realization that every thought is ego and Self is not a thought pattern but source life force

>ever hear your family/friends say some shit that you thought was crazy at the time, but later in life it comes to your mind and you realize you had just been given red pills you werent ready for yet?

"dont let school get in the way of your dreams"

laughed so hard i had tears. only later did i find out very few people NEED to get a degree to live their dream.

i love people who develop skills and offer services/products so they can shit on school and jobs.
i hate people who just drop school and act like they shouldn't have to provide any value to anyone and that they should be just "free", while they become more and more dependent instead of free, while trying to redpill you on "how evil capitalism" is.

>Carlos Castaneda
Indulgences. Yeah new age bullshit but a decent message - shame the shaman was made up and the mythos was a big cash cow for the author.

Again, good stuff wrapped in (at the time of the early 70's) modern hocus pocus salesgimicks. Like THE SECRET, most pick up artist bullshit and almost all IMPROVE YOUR SALES NUMBERS type seminars - good advice wrapped in a bow and charging you $5,000 for free advice that you won't follow unless you pay the $5,000.

Slaves - only attributing the value of something to the pricetage you spend on it - like all self-help gurus.


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in early 200s my brother went around putting tape on all the computer cameras telling us they could see us........

I fear I fell into that trap and fighting your way out isnt easy. I started out trying to build a computer repair business but I just dont get enough clients to make a living so i'm stuck working a shit job for a corporation that will never care about my well being enough to pay me a livable wage because money goes to shareholders, not raises for peasents.

feels bad man

This and checked

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my dad also introduced me to castaneda and about powers our minds have. really appreciate that about him

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Personally my favourite take away from his books was his apparent relationship with two women at once with their blessing


My family say things like, "We used to have lots of friends but now Trump is alienating Merkel and the EU," or "You know gender is a social construct, right?"

This. There is some truth in it, such as stuff about mindfulness and controlling your attention, meditation and the illusory nature of the world, the ability to travel in "dreams," etc, but his stories were fictional.

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i'd never shame anybody who's failing.
i only shame people who get arrogant about it and even act like they are right.

my criticism was by NO WAY directed at people like you.

even if you'd be the most useless leech, i wouldn't have bad feelings about you. BUT. if you start acting like you have the best way of living and everybody else is just "part of the system" and such shit, i'd feel somewhat angry about it.

My Dad showed a lot of disdain for TV shows, movies, video games etc. etc. occasionally we would watch movies but rarely. he bought us video games but always told us they were a waste of time. he scolded us for always talking about television shows and reminded us they were made up and essentially meaningless. sometimes I would attempt to watch/show him movies I'd like and he'd just get up halfway through and go do work or something.

At the time I thought it was really strange. but now that I'm 26 I see how toxic and childish it is to be obsessed with TV shows and movies as a lifestyle. it's ok to enjoy those things in moderation, but it's not worth the kind of attention and emotional investment we give them as kids.

I still watch TV occasionally, but I try to be like my Dad and focus more energy on working on my own skills/projects/hobbie etc. rather than being overly concerned with fictional scenarios played on a screen.

I want to fuck these japs

who says you can't do it?

You're right, where can I find them?


It's your needs, so figuring out how is your job.

your dad sounds like a boring faggot. you're supposed to let your kids enjoy things before they become the jaded faggot that he most likely he is to this day

I can't read chinese

Apparently my great grand father on my fathers side would just rant about the Bolshevik Jews all day. He was a German immigrant who came to America before World War 2 during the depression.

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What if I told you that having good sex with no matter what type of woman is satisfying enough to make you lose interest in any "hot girls" you see on the internet? Wouldn't it be far easier to just stop fantasizing and get some real woman locally?

OP you're draining my energy right now

yeah my dad was pretty boring in that respect. his only passion was working and that resulted in a wealthy lifestyle but idk if he was truly ever happy. I still think he was right about TV and stuff though.

you don't know what you're saying by "real woman locally"

i know it's hard to get into real women after a decade of internet. but it's the only solution if you are really fed up with jerking it of to porn.

The thing is there's shit tier shows and movies for braindead fucks to waste their time and money on, while there are also godtier movies and shows that can nourish the mind. I wonder what your dad thought about reading books.

You're gonna make it, I can feel it.

Life has a way of humbling that mentality for sure.

they say money cant buy happiness, but you know what REALLY doesn't buy happiness? Poverty

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>they say money cant buy happiness, but you know what REALLY doesn't buy happiness? Poverty

the thing is that only real world personal progress and productivity is fixing poverty, nothing else.
a stone wont move unless you move it with real world action.
that's why ego is so toxic, because it opposses pure action and obedience to the laws of nature, which means that you get results for acting the right way, not by "the university likes you and helps you out magically".

Pretty sure those are koreans.

>the university
*the universe

My dad's a liberal and he told me to have few kids. Both my parent's "rule" is to have, quote "only as many kids as you have hands".

Tell that to africa, retards.

Yeah, he sometimes liked to watch NOVA and other educational type stuff. I don't think his stance was neceissarily that all media is a waste of time. I think it was a larger statement that consuming media is a passive activity even though you can gleam some good info from it. I had 2 brothers and I think he just saw a bunch of nerdy kids obsessed with Final Fantasy and wanted us to start focusing on more tangible things in life, which I think is a reasonable expectation. but at the time I just thought he was a dick about it

>Principal sends home a letter lamenting the extremely low scores of black students.
>Mom and Dad: Wow, no surprise there.

it looks like trucking 4 yr old wrote that kanji and hiragana get that shit outta here


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I was kinda drunk and was hanging with my brother and his wife. She started talking about how her chick friend who had wanted to quit working so she could stay home and raise her new child herself had changed her mind and was gonna keep at her career and put their newborn in daycare.

I offhandedly expressed that I thought that it was kind of “fucked up” and I guess I hit a hot button issue. My sister in law snapped at me and started asking why is that “fucked up” and began bitching about it being unfair that women can’t have careers and all this other nonsense.

Naturally my brother, who had decided to marry her, stayed hush and left me to my own. Luckily I didn’t give a fuck and said I’m entitled to my opinion and she hers. Things eventually calmed down but the way females hold grudges I just imagine I’m going to be excluded from future female events she coordinates.

I figure in 10 years when my brother is sitting in my living room, depressed and half wasted, because he’s getting divorced I’ll maybe bring up little shit like this and ask was it worth it? Dealing with all that bullshit?

I havent read Castaneda but a bit familiar with some of his concepts second hand. My father spent some years in the Amazon and was following shamanic teachings.
You know how OUR elite get high and draw energy from ritual child abuse and sacrifice? How they use dmt and commune with other entities in exchange for power? How these knowledge has been passed down in various ways for thousands of years among the ruling families?
That same knowledge exists in its own way in the jungle too. There IS such a thing as "shamans" who use dmt and alteres states and rituals to generate black magic, as well as some those who oppose them. I personally believe and learn more and more that Christ is the ultimate way to combat this. That is a huge lesson that I value more the older I get.

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what exactly did you achieve by worshiping christ?


>tfw you initially think MODS then see the feet and hands
There's balls and a benis hiding in that shadow.

Thanks user. You carelessly posted something that most people are gonna go oh fuck that's CP and close the thread. You killed the thread and you should feel bad.

Had a great aunt who told me back in 1970 to be very careful not to give out my social security number.


Making the choice between "I want to rule" and "I decide to SERVE".
Control or freedom.
Deception or Truth.
Dark or Light.
Judgement, or Love.

greatest sexual fantasy would be to fuck them one by one

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