Hello incels. Red pill me on why you support this clown.
>inb4 holohoax
>inb4 dirty Hillary
>inb4 1488
>inb4 lamestream
Hello incels. Red pill me on why you support this clown.
>inb4 holohoax
>inb4 dirty Hillary
>inb4 1488
>inb4 lamestream
Other urls found in this thread:
crooked hillary
14/88 o/
lamestream media!
fake news
Half of them are children who are just being edgy contrarians (which is amusing, because Trump is literally the fucking president, so to be contrarian by supporting Trump is like expressing individuality by shopping Wal-Mart fashion), and the other half are stormfaggots who unironically think fascism is a good thing.
Most of the people in real life who support Trump are low IQ rural and suburban retards (based Obamalead) or hesitant Republicans who are prepared to do 'the deal' with Trump: you give us the Supreme Court and tax cuts, we'll support your dumb agenda.
Early-stage Musslini was literally a communist, so....
Fuck off back to fagdit nigger.
Is there some sort of Canada day sale on proxies or something?
>early stage based Benito
Wonder why
I will always believe in democracy. Australia is the furthest outpost of the West and if necessary it will be the last as well, but I'd rather this country stop existing than persist in a doomed world of fascism and tyranny.