/sg/ Syria General - Gassad Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad *new*
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>S Syria Jun 29
i.imgur.com/18vqw05.jpg (embed)
>Yemen Jun 25
>SE Syria Jun 24
>Libya/Derna Jun 24
>Iraq Jun 14
>Idlib May 31

Devs June 29
>FSA surrender Harak, Ibta, Da'il, Al-Musayfirah and Tafas, civs in Da'il raise Syrian flag
>SAA have reportedly entered Karak
>Sayda/Umm Mayadin/Nasib/Tayyibah/Um-Al Mizan in negotiations, weapons handover and defection to SAA reported in some of these towns
>SAA control hills overlooking air defense base West of Minshiyeh in Daraa
>Hilltop of Tal Zamitiyah captured from Southern Front Brigades.
>SAA control Shaik Said village and cut rebels in two pockets
>IDf says they will provide humanitarian aid to civs fleeing Daraa op, will not accept refugees
>Idlib; HTS launched large security op against IS in Sarmin/surrounding area, kill/arrest several, set up checkpoints and curfew
>Next Sochi talks between Russia/Iran/Turkey will be held on July 30-31
>Libya; LNA announce full control of eastern city of Derna
>US Senate confirms new commdr for Afghan war, will be 17th US general to oversee ops since start of war in 2001
>Yemen; UN envoy expects to get warring factions to sit for talks for 1st time in years soon, says both sides voiced willingness for negotiation


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Other urls found in this thread:


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>mfw i see the after baking (embed)

Attached: 1526258770257.jpg (637x720, 332K)

Hezbollah girls are cute.

Attached: hezbo-asuna-3s.png (1633x2048, 1.94M)


Attached: Bashar 1520774050568.png (640x360, 379K)

>mfw no qt wife to pedrogi and tea


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>Hour of victory, the arrival of the republican guards and the elite forces Abu Al Fadel Abbas Brigade to Dael and Tafs area

kys i'm not a larper

I hate smug Boomers more then life itself and i hope they live long enough to be forced to enjoy the doomed planet they created
I want it to be like the Cultural Revolution and for boomers to sent to the countryside to pick fruit or some shit

Glad to see my pic posted.

Attached: the-girls-are-winning.png (2220x1500, 3.31M)



Attached: Anime Houthi waifu 1526074558859.png (900x1111, 466K)


According to this guy the SDF will merge into the SAA.

Attached: 1481132016257.jpg (960x720, 241K)

if i recall something like this was also rumored last year

everyone post houthi memes, want to add some more to my collection

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Attached: hezbollah-girls-610x350.jpg (610x350, 68K)

I am guessing that the USA wanted to put a stop to it but then Turkey cockblocked them.


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you deserve a massive beating, subhumans

And how does this imply that britain will lose territory?

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UK will lose Territory once the Irish people Demographically retake the occupied counties

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Attached: yemen west coast.png (468x1026, 919K)

Attached: Houthis 1530288240246.jpg (800x410, 76K)

Leave it to the s**dis to misuse the best fighter of the late 20th century.

Attached: houthi translation.png (390x196, 38K)

Attached: Chad Houthi.png (304x640, 318K)

What is: the F-22

Attached: Aesthetic Houthis on Mars _pol_ - Syria General _sg_ 4chan (2).webm (854x480, 198K)

That guy looks like a skinny skeletor lanklet, yet he's holding that rocket launcher with one hand like it's nothing. Is this the power of khat?

>20th century
Yeah, sure.

>implying introduction date makes it a non 20th century fighter
C'mon user, in every way except from service date it is a 20th century fighter


In all honesty, you are right. I forgot. 1997 first flight.
It kind of baffles me tbqh.

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Attached: houthis.jpg (872x560, 205K)

this (blade runner 2045)

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Attached: Houthi dance _pol_ - _sg_ - Syria General - -Visiting _gif_ during Ramadan is sinful- Edition - Poli (854x480, 1.86M)

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Attached: Aesthetic Houthis on Mars _pol_ - Syria General _sg_ 4chan.webm (854x480, 229K)

Hey that's my pic nigger give it back


Grugbin Saudi angry that Plant chewing tribe can beat Grugsaudi with smaller club

Grugsaudi say he smash Plant chewing tribe to long nose tribe

But Grugsaudi cannot smash plant chewing tribe

Grugsaudi smart

Attached: Saudi Grug.png (485x539, 52K)

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Pros and cons of SAA gains

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Attached: bashar gains 1525264217188.png (1000x563, 708K)

Didn’t know /sg/ was a place for posting your wet dreams. “The sun never sets on the British Empire” would still be a mostly relevant phrase even if that nonce fantasy happened as NI is in the same time zone as the rest of the UK

I could never have hoped for such Gainz

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>AMLO might actually win

Attached: naja-ja-putos-16163948.png (500x522, 135K)



Oh yes the Daraa thing is happening so fast despite the air of uncertainty surrounding it before the offensive started

Attached: bashar gains 1523953920235.jpg (473x629, 90K)

>Says the Brit

Stop being a nigger, your part of the union Jack club wether you like it or not.

Attached: 1522443024978.gif (450x506, 3.34M)

>says the iraqi

AMLO was always the front runner.

Nigger please, British men aren't even half of what makes a woman here

>cheering for cartel gommunism

Attached: 1520039929723.jpg (768x1024, 123K)

Nice coping
the An*lo percentage of the population is now constantly shrinking in the occupied counties
Once it hits 49% all that will be needed to do will be to call the Referendum

>someone actually took the time and effort to create and post this specimen

Attached: 43B9CC7F-B5CD-4303-830F-BE7863AE236A.jpg (683x683, 70K)

I'm fine with that if it ever happens I like to reastablish New Muster and kill everybody from Auckland.

Attached: New_Munster_Cross.jpg (1754x1240, 96K)

AMLO isn't a commulist and the Mexican government is already allied with one of the two big cartels.

Attached: tumblr_lmhex1nMNB1qzw2nao1_500.png (500x211, 89K)


Anglos were never the majority of Protestants in Ulster lad

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>tumblr filename
>nazbol memeflag

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I can keep doing it just to spite you.

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Nice argument, nigger

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I need this world cup to end with Russia vs BR and Russia winning 7-1.
At that point we can confirm officially that Putin has managed to distill and weaponize pure meme magic and finally crown him king of the world.

Do not disparage superior perfidious albion in a thread made by a pure aryan blood drinking ANGLO


Is tax evasion justified? If I pay, that money is going to Israel.

Attached: mad_gunman_by_rednblacksalamander-dc8638q.jpg (1024x1138, 277K)

taxation is theft

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The ANGLO man must bathe at least twice daily in pure fresh from the source aryan BLOOD

I'm speaking with a Syrian refugee, who is currently living Sweden, on fucking Chatroulette.

I asked him why he didn't return home, even though he is from Damascus and it is free now, and he said "Sweden has been so good to me, Assad is bad bad man".

Attached: file.png (1479x711, 671K)

>being gay in 2018