30 yo Boomer is proof of changing Times

Millennials are leaving “youth” and entering midlife. The oldest millennials will be in their early 40’s within the next 5 years and the youngest will be Ben entering their thirties.

This is the first real example I’ve seen of millennials and gen z kids making fun of millennials entering a new life stage.

It signals the end (along with trump etc) of the 9-11 to 2020 paradigm where millennials were the youth and boomers were the older adults in charge of things

Now millennials will Be middle age, gen x will be the older adults and gen z will be the youth as boomers retire

This new paradigm will last about 20 years expect it to be quite a bit more stable and quiet than this last 20 years.

Should be real apparent as we enter the 2020’s

Attached: 30yoboomer.jpg (1490x1430, 332K)

This meme kinda grows on you.
Have a Coke.

Quiet and stable? By 2030 this entire planet will be changed. You will look back and wonder about life from this period. You have been warned

You are so wrong its not even funny, you will see

You really do need to fuck off with this shit.

Well no shit. The subprime mortgage crisis is pretty much a millennial problem and was when the largest shift happened, before that we had 9/11. I just hope the zoomers have to deal with the crazy social and economic disasters we had to deal with.

>You really do need to fuck off with this shit.
This only proves summer and reddit have combined forces.

Attached: Da'wey.jpg (1024x1024, 68K)

What changes do you see happening?

What an organic, authentic and non-forced meme you got there. Your TPS report will be amazing, Mr. Goldenstein will get you a promotion next fiscal year.

had the same growth and development as mutt shit

You’re right user.

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I never said it will be a good change or bad. Just that this planet will be entirely different by that time. The global economic collapse is inevitable. We can’t prevent it but it is necessary to happen. The change that follows the collapse is what I’m concerned about. Good or bad change will happen

>that 30 year old boomer who still believes in weird conspiracy theories about professional subversion squads being paid to post on a board full of autistic people


Will I be able to flee to other countries if the changes are bad?

yes because progressives love this place and never use Machiavellian tools of subversion

nobody is that stupid. we know you do it solely for brownie points.
>ps this is a viral advertisement for sugary poison water

We’re in control of the demolition, user. We have access to everything that we need to change this world for the better. (((They))) only have hope by way of multiple assassinations; and even that might not be enough to defeat a galavanized population.

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Last thread was comfy, but stop making it every day.

Millennials have already dominated pop culture going on almost 10 years now, so that’s not new. However, we (Millennials) are just now starting to get our feet wet in the world of political office and entrepreneurship. We’re now at an age where holding political office isn’t out of the ordinary so we’ll start to fill slots, but it’s not going to be commonplace for another decade or so. Of course there are isolated anecdotal cases of young people striking it rich on startup companies or other lightning in a bottle enterprises but just like political office we’re starting to get to the era where we are going to be managers in offices and various other positions of seniority, therefore we will be playing an influential role in how the workplace and workplace culture evolves.

Every generation goes through the same phases from adolescence to adulthood, they usually always think “well I’ve reached X milestone so now I rule the world”, but it’s never true. All of our politicians are crotchety old boomers, and that’s because our politicians are always crotchety and old and right now the boomers are in that phase. By the time we Millennials are in that spot we won’t feel like we’re ruling the world, we’ll most likely have the perspective that the 20-somethings have a grip on society even though they’ll be saying the same things about us then that we’re saying about boomers now.

Looks like a nice evening, Personally ill be playing Total war and drinking a few local brewed IPA's

>that 30 year old boomer that's so shit at handling banter that he thinks any meme making fun of him is a conspiracy
you thought amerimutts were a conspiracy too, didn't you lad?

30 year old boomer is Wojak’s cousin and Apu is Pepe’s autistic son. I don’t think there’s any official origin stories for all the brainlets yet.

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my brother claims to be a millenial, but he's a 1998 baby


really weird how they all use the same speech pattern yet have different IDs, huh?