You won’t send me back

I do the jobs your fat lazy white asses won’t do

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What the fuck are you on about

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Yeah the jobs we won’t do like deal drugs, rape little kids, skin peoples faces off, behead each other like your Aztec ancestors, etc.?

Real funny, wise guy.
I’m talking about those outdoor blue collar jobs that will roast your albino asses into a crisp by the sun, those fast food jobs that you obese fucks seem to eat so much, those janitor jobs, etc

woah dude epic!

i'll send you back to make me more of that delicious mexican coke, bitch.

Not even the Right gives a shit about the best interest of corporate America anymore...

Perhaps, if you have a shit job that pays shit you should offer more money to motivate people to do it or just fucking automate it already...

Stale b8

Oh you mean those jobs that you can't make a career out of? Mein kek!

We don’t make coke in Mexico we transport it