Go on twitter or facebook

>go on twitter or facebook
>nothing but people STILL crying over Trump, almost as if they're trying to will an impeachment.
I've never seen this level of butthurt last this long. And the funny thing is that 99% of their lives are exactly the same as they were under Obama. What the fuck about Hillary losing made them all snap so badly?

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Maybe it's because twitter is like 70% Israeli bots and rigged algorithms to make peopel think there's a large resistance against Trump. There really isn't though.

Nice digits. They are being emotionally brainwashed by MSM.

Imagine if Hillary won, would you still be complaining?

I have people on my FB feed that make at least 3-5 anti Trump posts a week (CA fag). I cherish the salt. It's sad though really when you think about it because these people are wasting their time throwing an online temper tantrum into an echo chamber.

I actually have no stake in it, so probably not. Also, I'm not complaining, just discussing.

It's not dissimilar to the way all the right-wingers were triggered when Obama won

I literally had people compare the election of Donald Trump to 9/11 the day after the election. These people live in a bubble and have no idea how much of the rest of the country thinks they are complete retards.

The difference here is that the media is 90% left and so is social media. Social media was not a thing when Obama was first elected, least not like it is now.

And I had a republican friend talk like we had elected Stalin the day after Obama's election. Massive overreactions on both sides.