Trump is raising USA debt

>22 trillions in debt expected to 2021
>22 trillions in debt in july 2018

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who gives a fuck. it was already too large to ever pay back, might as well see how high it can go.


There was a point we should've stopped. But lets keep going and see what happens.

We're crashing this with no survivors.

Obama went from 10 to 20 in 8 years. Hillary would have been his third term. At this point what difference does it make, lol.

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A true Faustian

Based. Fuck austerity and "fiscal responsibility"

>~$17 trillion in debt
U.S. clock says we're at $21 trillion debt. Am I missing something?

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Who gives a shit? What are other countries like China gonna do, demand it back all at once?

What's better, a stack of money or a bunch of aircraft carriers and nukes?

lol I like how the chart makes a sudden shift in projection after 2018. the curve is much wider past that point.

That was the baseline projection. US debt has accelerated under Trump.

should i imitate european portuguese or brazilian

>3rd world mongrel dumb fuck thinking it knows how the american economy operates
>1 post by this ID

nah. fuck off, shit head. no bump. kill yourself.

most of the debt his held by us citizens

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Someone get on the wayback machine and find some Jow Forumsposts from the obama era whining about how our national debt would drive us into white slavery with chinese banks

it was literally $20T when Obama left office. get rekt shariablue

Now apply that to trade and you will be on your way to escaping the trump meme.

>it was literally $20T when Obama left office. get rekt
It's literally worse under Trump. Don't you get it?

How can your graph start at $14T in 2016?
This is fake news.

>implying the Trump meme can be escaped

It's total irreversible brain death. There's no coming back for these people. I know it's hard, but we're just going to have to let them go.
Brazilian is better.

We were at $14T at the end of 2011. This graph is exaggerating to make Trump look bad. We all know the debt is increasing, but this is bullshit data and a bullshit baseline.

if the debt is racked up to be spent on illegals, thats far worse than racking up the debt for your own people
only non whites and the self destructive disagree

the entire world was tariffing america and trump decided that was wrong

>implying the President can stop FeD, IMF,etc
What's he supposed to do?

how else will we have negative gdp growth AND M1 in national debt by 2020 in time for the election?

>implying we didn't inherit this from obama's economy
A year isn't enough to see if Trump can posibly affect the economy on the downward or reverse of the scale, even if we can assume it had went to shit since he won because the stocks market pulled out most of their money by the time he was approximating 47%

Redpill me on the national debt? What happens if it gets so big we can’t pay it off? If I did that I’d go bankrupt and have shitty credit for the rest Of my life . Same happens to Us gov?

US prints money to pay it off, leading to inflation. That's 1 option

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>2016 (obama years)
>Projecting the debt to be about $14 trillion
>Debt in 2016 was over $18 trillion
Why do the Jews lie so brazenly?

At least now we're getting somewhere with the money we spend.

the next thing is we're going to have to cut our military spending, but i wouldn't expect that from trump at least before his re-election.

It's political suicide and you'll be shellacked by every general and everyone who associates with the military but we have a war time budget at a time where literally no one with the power to attack us would.

We're cutting the cord of direct foreign aid and asking other countries to pitch in maintaining our overseas bases and that's a good start.

The democrats cant cut the military budget because they'll look weak, the republicans can't because they'll alienate the veteran vote that's vital to their winning elections.

>worse under Trump
>implying he didn't inherit the fallout of Obama's economic plans
fuck off schlomo

>"Mil-Industrial complex"
>racked up the debt for your own people

Trump loves tariffs and is using the very minimal tariffs levied by other countries on America as an excuse to start a full-blown trade war. He wouldn't choose unrestrained free trade if given the option. His actions won't result in a net decrease in tariffs in any way. He just hates trade and the notion of international commerce. The 'fair trade' meme is just an excuse, he'd raise tariffs even if they weren't levied on us by other countries.

They print more money and raise taxes. You're their slave like the rest of us. They will never be bankrupt when they can always take more of the value of our labor.

Don't have to pay back debts if you kill the moneylender.

Our Allies - Countries fucking us on trade.
Our Greatest Allies - Countries screwing us the hardest.


>kill the money lender
aka kill the American people

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Our bonds become less desirable and we start having to pay a higher interest rate.

Deficits only matter when a Dem is president, amirite magapedes?

Once you decide bankruptcy is inevitable, enjoy the ride.

The interest payments are growing exponentially. It could reach a point where we could no longer service the interest on the debt. We will see hyper inflation and huge buying power decreases.

I've said this when Obama was in and the Tea Party was railing him for increasing the debt. This is going to get worse and worse under any President with almost any party affiliation.

The "debt crisis" is a meme. The point of fiat currency is that you never run out and inflate the value away. We are a debt based economy. So long as the fed is buying bonds and banks continue with fractional reserve banking nothing is going to change.

Better invite 100 million more debt slaves since you're not producing them yourselves, goyim.

Spotted the newfag. Lurk more before posting, please. Thanks!

Debt is just fiat currency flowing around. Trade involves actual, physical goods and services. Also jobs. Very different.

>obama spent more money than all prior 43 presidents combined
>trump inherits terrible policies that set this in motion
>cuts programs and excess spending like no other
>renegotiates the terrible trade deals
>"hes not stopping the spending fast enough waaahhhhh"
shut up liberals and shills, and thank God we don't have obama still

You have not mde any point whatsoever>implying he didn't inherit the fallout of Obama's economic plans

So the economy is doing great because that's what trump inherited? You make an excellent point, dip shit

His first year was Obama's budget.

All that spending was bailouts to jew financiers during the financial crisis. None of them were held accountable and there is already an asset bubble inflating again.

basically this. it's kinda like getting in over your head with a credit card. you know you can't ever pay it back so might has well just max the shit out and take the money and run.

It's doing better and will get even better with the return of our manufacturing base.

Most of the debt was spent on Jew banks and rebuilding Iraq and other shitholes countries. Now we will at least spend more on infrastructure here at home.

You can't have it both ways numb nuts
That's what faggots do.

If the fiat-currency that is debt does not have real assets under it, that currency disappears or shrinks (bad debt) and you get deleverage and deflation, i.e. a crash.

But if obama did this it would be bad because reasons

Magapedes were calling for Obama to get lynched over this

Can't make what was never great, great again.

Burn this country to the ground, burn all countries to the ground

jesus christ i hate this board

He's right though. Americans just can't compete with the masses of Asia. They can in certain high-tech areas, but this don't provide mass employment for the Trump Base like the manufacturing of olde.

China is just too big and their workforce isn't full of entitled teamsters. They are fucking hungry and will work well and work cheap.

America is better off being isolationist. They are large enough that they can provide for themselves most things. Why race to the bottom with Bangladesh and China? It's a losing proposition.

Trump wants to get out of the global economy unless it's favourable to the US. When the USA was the top manufacturer, they could blather on and on about free enterprise and they joys of capitalism -- that's sanctimonious bullshit. It's patting yourself on the back for being the biggest, most dominating player --- Well now you aren't the biggest player, and you will be shrinking in the future. Now you'll want some protectionism to safeguard yourself from bigger more efficient competitors.

How can I long the US debt? Do I short the DOW?

Canada has almost the exact level of debt... very slightly less. (national + provincial)

We spent a shitload on the bailout of GM and pumped stimulus too... because Harper felt it was fair to shoulder out share of the burden.

If women's spending patterns are to be believed, she'd double it every six months and hit $5.12 quadrillion USD in debt, completely BTFOing anyone who worried about the debt ceiling rising to $20 trillion.

She would blame it on the Russians.


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Correction: most of that debt has been squandered by welfare and is now the US taxpayer's burden.

post the debt to GDP ratio, current and projection, faggot

See we should spend trillions upgrading our infrastructure and housing and then say fuck it time to go back to gold standard, really anything but fiat. With the Fed we’ll all be dead.

Hmmmm. I remember trump bankrupting himself...... and then becoming
>wildly successful

This is exactly why people laugh at us you monumental retard.

America has lots of natural resource assets.
All the minerals in our mountain ranges add up to over 100 trillion dollars worth of assets.

A growing economy means a growing tax base means more tax income

It worked under Regan
It worked under Clinton


Now what's the debt to gdp ratio if the economy grows at 3% - 5% a year

Gang weed

We can just print more money retard

it literally doesnt matter. the whole point of capitalism is to bankrupt the government, so apple or google can buy it back.

It wouldn’t if he actually cared to remove Obama’s “legacy”

All countries should stop paying back debt.

who would come after the money if the US just stopped by the fed back?

>Spends 22trillion.
>turns around and tripples money supply
Whos laughing now?

Only idiots and delusional retards think that the debt will ever be payed.

funny how the moment obama left office and trump took over the right stopped caring about the national debt skyrocketing. yall should probably kill yourselves

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get ready for that defalt nig. beter divest. Trumps almost 100% in real assets, he could reset the whoel economeny and be minimaly efected.

flat out write off china and russian owned treasureies

That was in 2012/2013.
When it was clear that fucking no one in power was going to actually do shit to arrest the debt, people essentially took blackpills en-mass and decided it was a doomed topic, much like repealing social security and white nationalism.

>P R O J E C T I O N S

>22 trillion in debt under Obama
>Trump doing so good, debt goes down
>How can we spin this? :thinking:
>Uhhh Drumpf will totally make it worse!!!
>Phew, that was close xD

It was literally 8 tril until Obama hot into office. You don't get it!

The guy had multiple failed businesses.

Expected him to make America great again.

>get the popcorn folks

international bankers should die anyway

Yeaaahh... Obama ended his presidency with 19,9 trillion

That graph... lol

Based off of 3% growth
We just had over 5

Here is the redpill

Since ~1950's we keep getting shitty government programs and services that turn into frakenstein monsters that nothing short of a civil war will stop.

>welfare state
>warfare state
>war on drugs
>handouts to minorities
>40x the amount of bureaucrats compared to the private sector for the same exact jobs (see education)

All these things constantly push for more and more tax money, and if you DARE cut taxes guess what the government threatens to cut? The headmaster of safe standardized pencil sharpening etiquette for public school district 451 in Illinois? NO NO NO friend, we gotta cut the Firemen, policemen, and national parks!


>economic illiterates
Obama has destroyed the economy. With so much dept you have to pay so much money

Even if the interest rate is only 5 %, with 18 trillion in dept you have to pay
$900 000 000 000
each year just for the interest rate without reducing the dept one cent.

It is impossible to pay the debt back. At this rate you need to default the state and start with zero.

The Current national debt is 21 Trillion. Who the fuck made this graph?

Also it's not showing projections through january 2025 for Trump's second term.

Debt is just a number, and the top 10% needs to be genocided.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Assuming 0% growth in both the public and private sector; that graph is completely correct.

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whos going to collect the debt, op?

>he fell for the "national debt works the same as a household's debt" meme

the debt wasn't 14 trillion in 2016

This is how I know that rates will not rise even if the MSM keeps claimg they will.