>worshipping a kike

The redpill that pol can't swallow.

Attached: christkikes destroyed.jpg (640x960, 135K)

satan gave humans free thought which is why god could no longer predict us

Who will win the World Championship Title for kiddie fucking, christcucks or literal faggots?

Then your deity is not powerful.

>An all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good God, could and would destroy Satan.
And he will, dumbass, have you even read the book that you so religiously criticize?

If satan punishes evil doers in hell then isn't he good?

You christcucks keep updating your fantasy novel to stay relevant. Sad really.

Attached: christkikes.gif (885x808, 137K)

It's always amazed me how this "challenge" by atheist gets answered on a daily basis, and yet they still present it. One must allow evil to exist if, one is going to allow for free will, also
Lurk more newfag.

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What happens on this mortal plain is our free will and choice. God does not interfere. Also what one considers evil is a societal function. Lions kill mercilessly. Are they evil? Any book written by man is complete shit and fantasy. But there’s no denying we have all felt god in one form or another

Again, he doesn't, READ NIGGER READ

>not worshipping a kike means you're an atheist

sure whatever

Attached: doos vult.jpg (300x168, 9K)

Right off the bat the chart presumes 'evil' is somehow opposite or separate from god and not just a human interperetation of a universe that deals in dualities. You Atheists really need to stop worshipping your skydaddy.

So your deity couldn't create free will without evil?

Christcucks are going over brother. HH

Evil is the disobedience of God. If we didn't have the ability to disobey Him, we wouldn't have freewill. Might I suggest picking up a book on philosophy, so you might be able to make basic philosophical arguments.

It's pretty simple. If your deity cannot create free will without evil, then you deity is not all powerful.

>Implying that He can't
I like to wear blue shirts, doesn't mean it's impossible for me to wear a red one. Take my above recommendation, please, then come back. I do truly want to have a solid debate.

It's pretty simple. If you think something exists that is not God (including your conceptions of evil) then you are probably talking about something that is not big enough to be considered "God". Sorry you're stuck on your sockpuppet skydad.

You cant partition off a portion of everything and pretend that it's not still part of everything.

>yin-yang symbol.jpeg

The last blue box on the left side is just a "Can God make a Rock so big he can't lift it?" argument in disguise. Being all powerful does not allow one to create paradoxes or simultaneous mutually exclusive things.

If free will is paramount for meaningful interaction with God and the whole point is to create intelligent life capable of salvation. to have that meaningful interaction with, then perhaps it goes hand and hand that such being could choose evil.

>Implying that He can't
So your deity is evil

How many of you today pretended to drink the blood of sandnigger on a stick?

Freewill was never a cornerstone of the Abrahamic faiths. Never has, never will. It was always "do my will or die" through and through. This is why it is stated so much.

The Abrahamic god operate on the logic of "my will = good, if not my will = bad. Their god doesn't operate on the morality of virtue (7 sins/7 virtues) like we think and hope for. Rather a process of "what I want".

This is why their gods morality even in the Old Testament is a so difficult to solve. The god isn't a operating on our A/B morality axis, rather 1/2 axis. This is why when their god tell people to kill people, he never catches himself in the moral hypocrisy.

If any concept is big enough to become a symbol for everything that exists (for example, "God") than yes, evil is included within the God concept.
Saying "God is evil" kind of leaves out a couple other things you sneaky Jew.

wow, really makes you think

Why do you worship skydad unironically? Is it just a failure in your abstract thinking to conceptualize something greater?

Nice shill faggot. Epicurean paradox was addressed by Thomas Aquinas almost 1000 years ago. Quit being an edgy cuck

Atheism is a black pill, not a redpill. Christianity is literally the redpill.

It isn't a paradox. It is an argument on a god's morality and why you should worship.

It can not be a redpill when it can't even get its own self right (10,000 versions of it). There is only 1 truth.

Satan didn't give us anything mason faggot

You worship and kike on a stick. A religion of sandniggers, and you want to take it out on me by calling me a jew? I'm your worst nightmare, kiddie fucker. I'm White and a right winger, which is a lot more common and growing, than you would like to admit.

>There is only 1 truth
That's God.
>There are 10,000 versions of it
That's a problem of humans being oriented in 3-dimensional awareness trying to conceptualize something limitless.

god and satan are brothers you retard. that's the truth. one fell to darkness when he discovered his power. the war between the over and underworld is one between brothers.

I didn't mention what I worship. You doing ok?

Good job being a white right winger which is apparently a lot more common than I would like to admit...and growing! This is all great news.

god transcends good and evil. there is an apparatus in our brains that perceive spiritual experiences and interconnected nature of life. LOL don't use simple minded reductionist arguments for something that needs to be nuanced and deeply entrenched in personal experience. So just because you are virgin to feeling one doesn't mean it doesn't "exist" ( another false paradigm loltheists love to use)

>That's God.
>Immediately in the next breath tries to conceptualize something that is limitless by his own definition

Ok, tell me about your belief. I can't wait to hear all about it.