now that AMLO won in Mexico everyone will see how great true socialism can make a country and you'll surely get the BIGGEST, BLUEST WAVE ever in american history
even utah will go blue
>b-but le socialism fails everytime meme firstly: WRONG secondly: even if it does, we still win because mexicans will come here in DROVES and make texas blue
If there was literally one fucking thing good about shitexico your people wouldnt be fleeing that shithole by the millions for America.
Kayden Ramirez
the more come here the merrier friend, with mexicans we'll either learn how to make socialism great again or get more voters to KEK you trumpanzees forever, hahahahaha
Jeremiah Gomez
Let me guess....continued cartel influence/killing coupled with corrupt politicians. I'm sure daddy handouts is gonna fix that chump.