>Mexico becomes Venezuela
>America goes full Goblin Land
What's the plan, boys? If we can interfere in Syria's business, surely we can do something about Mexico's rapid slide into Road Warrior tier hellhole.
>Mexico becomes Venezuela
>America goes full Goblin Land
What's the plan, boys? If we can interfere in Syria's business, surely we can do something about Mexico's rapid slide into Road Warrior tier hellhole.
This is the only thing you can do, we'll become your wall.
Nope, our enemy is making a mistake. Let this shit come to a head. You want the wall? Let mexico crumble.
We appreciate that, Amelio, but I think you probably have your hands full with the whole people-getting-chainsawed-to-death-in-the-street thing.
the problem is her face
But aren't they going to swarm us before we can bolster the border? Google "fire ants."
I want to fuck Nami so bad
if AMLO does too much he will probably get a visit from the state department and we will install a dictator beholden to trump (basically trump will run both america and mexico, a big win for the empire)
I dunno, user. I think a 5 with MILK MILK udders is a 5 worth knowing.
Yeah but that will just gear up the deportation machine. As long as they are here illegally, we can get rid of them.
The thought of the US installing a puppet state in Mexico and making it inhabitable again makes me hard, user.
another texas moment, send our boys south to claim new land
why isn't Mexico rich like Texas?
Real question: If we reclaim Mexico and turn it into New South Texas...how do we keep the Mexicans from shitting it up again?
it's a much shorter border and much easier to defend amigo
plus mexicans don't want guatemalans and hondurans shitting things up so they will man the turrets gleefully
I am open to letting the mexifus come over but the men will be lined up and sent to the gas chambers. The "good" spics that aid us in the war will be sent to guatemale
I think it has something to do with Mexico being a kleptocracy run by brutal warlords, Achilles.
By killing them during the invasion. As few as 110 years ago, war actually made sense and you could conquer people. We need to get back to that.
you have to remember, non-whites do not have the bleeding heat sympathy for other groups like whites do, so they will be happy to shoot on sight if it means having a higher living standard.
Fuck wrong webm
Because it's full of Mexicants.
>state department.
Just call them by there name you limp wrist faggot, the cia. The cia will start false flags, and pay a military man all cause Mexico is no longer america's bitch, so something must be done to stop them.
Hmm. What happens when these Mexican waifus balloon up to 280 lbs after being granted concubine status?
Of course you can. The CIA overthrew Allende in Chile in 1973. A few helicopter rides later Chile was on its way to prosperity, law and order unheard of elsewhere in Latin America.
Love it. If you could have this plan drawn up and on my desk by Tuesday, that'd be great.
>What's the plan, boys?
kill all of them and then nuke mexico.
>What's the plan, boys?
The plan should be massacres.
Sounds wasteful, user. I'm really invested in this New South Texas stratagem.
I know it's full of mexican intellectuals, but is the geography and resources very different. Is it a lot drier and lacking in say oil or water for example or is it really the people and system that make it worse
Holy shit yes this. I'd marry her in a heartbeat because those big fat udders are absolutely mesmerizing. God the feeling resting your face in those giant udders after work and a shower.. Slipping into bed and snuggling up to her warm body and soft tits pressing against your face...
Why even live..
we'll need all of the mexico to be a radioactive wasteland so the other beaners cant come flooding in once the genophage is unleashed
If I'm not mistaken, Mexico is rich in natural resources. Now, whether or not the Mexican people have any dominion over said resources, that I couldn't tell you.
The plan should be to abolish democracy or take away women's voting rights. Democracy will always lead to communism. There is no power stronger than the promise of free shit.
To be honest, we need to take up to the panama canal. Rightful American clay there that was given up out of stupidity. Also very small border there.
There could be a silver lining, and the runaways end up like Cuban refugees who are far right.
a nation is the people. if every mexican disappeared and was replaced by the population of japan would it be a better nation?
I don't think the southwest can absorb any more, user -- even if escaping a Godless communist hell means they're "woke".
based jungle chinaman
i wonder when the left will realize how racist the Han are, the Chinese won't let you into the communist party if you don't have 8 Han grandparents (one drop rule kek) and southeast asia has been BTFOing bengal monkeys for decades if not centuries
Love your thinking. USA should dump all of its nuclear waste to mexico, make a 'border' of nuclear waste that can't be passed without becoming a mutant.
I wonder what evolution would do to Japs in Mexico. Would their skin get niggerized? What would a brown japanese thing look like? Scary stuff.
Fallout 5 Todd edition
I wonder when the left will realize how racist everyone is. They are the most racist, living out there own fantasy of white man's burden championing the rights of the oppressed who can't do it for themselves. It's hilarious once you realize how racist they are.
Ted Kaczynski was right.
What's happening in Mexico?
Okinawians skin are a lot darker than the rest of japan. The Ainu are also a lot darker
They voted for Bernie sanders
The lad definitely looks like he sleeps well at night. Not conflicted...at all.
Are muh commies the muh Russia of retarded magapedes?
Only dumb amerimutts are screaming at the results
If you've never seen Frankenstein vs the World, I'd assume it'd look a lot like that.
Your either an undercover kike, undercover leftist or fucking spastic
Imagine being this smug when your homeland is Mexico.
Disastrous Central American socialism. Think garbage can fires and wild dogs eating people.
Build the wall
holy shit, like ants out of a nest
VIVA MÉXICO CABRONES!!!!!!! we will conquer you so no worries.
Traidor date un tiro
Its Jow Forums, spastic is Ockham's razor
This is no time for levity, Miguel. We just want what's best for you.
The Mexican Republic is a fucking joke. All I want is a Synarquist Coup, to restore pride, prestige and most of all competence to Mexico.
I guess I'm a spastic then. Voted for Trump as the chaos candidate. I am totally disillusioned with politics. The jews are behind most(all) of the shit destroying the west. If mexico gets worse we can get more of the public turned against them.
Go read more about bismark, it's not that it's the right thing to do, but it will help you reach your goal.
Based Pajeet. Sadly, that's like putting a band-aid on a shotgun wound if things get any worse.
Oh boy this should be good. They voted for a legit socialist? Was it that guy who declared immigration to America is a "human right"?
Mexican Socialism fails and boom more fucking migrants oh god, the more we Mexicans lose face and are despised.
If mexico falls apart more do you really think the majority is going to want to welcome them? Americans voted for Trump because of immigration. If mexico appears more dangerous I believe they will become more firm in their stance.
But then the very people we want out will be considered citizens
Welcome to New South Texas, user.
Fuck this gay Earth.
State is a Progressive bastion that hates Trump (or it was until he purged it)
Texas is rich now?
>mexico will conquer America
You can't even deal with some cartel fucks with at most semi autos, try fucking with the US
compared to mexico, everywhere is
they already are
Chilling and true. Nice one, Lionel.
those are some nice milkers buddy
you gotta patrol your thot to make sure that doesnt happen
Dude that flag is fucking sick
Thicc and yummy, post moar plz
Google "flaming goddess."
Bait.... And yet
for posting a most superior Nami,
Have a (you)
>If we can interfere in Syria's business, surely we can do something about Mexico's rapid slide into Road Warrior tier hellhole.
Shutup you filthy goy. You only do what your unseen masters tell you to do. Mexico literally does not matter to your masters, so we're just going to ignore that problem.
>What's the plan, boys? If we can interfere in Syria's business
You mean making everything worse like usual?
the thing about lefties, they won't admit they are wrong, so they will keep this guy in office for multiple terms, just to convince themselves that it will work out if given enough time.
t. Former Soviet Union
Fritz, we can't just take it up the ass from brown invaders no matter how rock-hard that makes you.
>salivating intensifies
If there was no America, there would be no migrant crisis.
>Makes you think.
>that monkey that leaps from the balcony onto the car
Why isn't the wall being built. I think this will be the reason he will not win again. If that wall isn't built.
look at the senators map (pinkish is morena)
and deputies
the north is with AMLO
Them asians(japs) truly mastered the underboob
>>America goes full Goblin Land
God damn it, Straya, we're trying to save the Western Hemisphere over here.
Go to Okinawa, most civilized niggers you will ever see. Plus they turn white in the winter.