Q user

It finally happened. My own mom asked me if I knew about Q user. I've been avoiding the whole thing because I don't like tripfags and it just seemed like average, everyday, vague conspiracy musings and LARPing, nothing special.

So what's going on? Why did this blow up and get mainstream? Is there any merit to Q or is it all cancer? Or is it more than that, and it's purposeful misdirection?

Attached: 762.png (500x372, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Could be the latter. Just cryptic shit. But easily common Jow Forums knowledge they started with.

>my mom
Is all it America mentally ill

Don't worry, it was a purely organic and authentic movement that wasn't heavily sponsored and pushed by anyone. No way. No sir.

So do you think it's a good thing ultimately?

Who do you think is pushing it? I haven't read much from the original posts so I don't have an idea.


A psyop gone out of control.


Interesting. Anything specific that gives it away? Doesn't Q talk a lot about Iran or something?

Regime change with Iran. Nothing about all the evidence of Israeli meddling in the election or how Mueller has been investigating Israel. Cryptic nothingness.

Attached: 1512697326488.jpg (2071x1258, 1.56M)

Someone who wants a further divide between right wing rednecks and left wing faggots. Maybe they are measuring the effect of his "red pills" and trying to consolidate the "Truther" movement into something useful for them.

It seems that "Q" has become more than just the supposed single person posting on imageboards. My mom showed me a video by "Q" which was critical of Netanyahu.

Also, why did he move to 8ch?

>ITT: user discovers social engineering
Tell your mom to shut down the TV before it's too late.

Thankfully this hasn't spread as far as TV. It's uncomfortable how much closer places like this have gotten to the mainstream. It feels like nothing is safe anymore. I miss when the internet was just a series of tubes and anonymous were hackers on steroids.

>this hasn't spread as far as TV
Fucking implying. There was a Comedy Central sketch on the whole Q bullshit already. And another reality check: eBaum's World isn't a secret club for the social rejects anymore either, if you haven't noticed by now.

Read it and decide for your self.
I find that a lot of it is not vague and cryptic.
"Proofs" have been provided as well.

Jesus Christ. Well where am I supposed to go when this place is ruined?

Attached: IMG_2355.png (512x384, 106K)

Yeah I probably should before just writing it off. Anything particularly convincing for you?

No fucking clue, but let me know once you figure it out. The Internet needs a reboot, every retard with a smartphone can access it now.

I feel like Q user existed as an anonymous Q, but at this point, like with Anonymous, individuals and attention whores have hijacked it to push their own agendas. The sort of thing that happened with gamergate; much of the power of it is removed by giving it a name and specific "leaders" who can then be picked apart and picked off, thus killing/discrediting the original. It's a stand alone complex

Yeah this reminds me a lot of Anonymous and Project Chanology

pol dropped the ball on this one, why is this board so lame now? Shitposters are elite researchers? Everyone with actual IQ moved towards Qboards. The shills won this one. Get ready to feel fucking stupid.

Enlighten me

I know literally nothing about Q user but I'm very curious.
Is there a good single thing I can read/watch to get an understanding of what is going on?

I told my boomer grandpa if he knew about Qanon and he straight up called him a kike lover. He'll be spared in the purge.

Attached: 1527474078809.png (846x585, 24K)

He's absolutely right and you need to enlighten your fucking self, nigger. The mods here fucked this whole site. The traffic left. It's 95% shill now.

Fucking retards need to be spoonfed. Just go and research yourself, faggots.


whoops didn't mean to reply. fuck me

Qanon is a boomer named Jerome Corsi. He used to write anti-Obummer rhetoric and gained enough clout that people tell him things sometimes. It's probably Roger Stone who is feeding him small tidbits of information but it could be Donald Trump Jr. as well. Either way Corsi doesn't have much real information it's just LARPing. Now you're up to speed.

This Q shit is so stupid. Of course boomers would find the one thing on Jow Forums that doesn't involve race or jews.

Please burgers, reply to this:

Also, Q predicted this.

This thread is literally 95% astroturf. Wtf. And the turf got faker.

Is this just because nobody's here? Fucking kys mods.

around 56% is, yes

All shills btw. The corsi boomer angle is worn out thourghly false. See for yourself. Corsi himself claims Q is fake, why would he do that if he was supposadely running the larp? Shills just dismiss out of hand and hope you won't bother fact checking yourself. I can't stress enough to the newfags ITT to do independent research and not wait around to be spoonfed. This place is compromised and a den for shills and subversives.

Your mom posts on Jow Forums and spends most of her time in dick rate threads on /b/.



Q is a massive LARP. By making vague, coded, predictions that can later be attributed to any number of subsequent events, the people behind Q have convinced thousands of boomers and rubes that they are privy to top-secret intelligence briefings. #Sad.

Attached: 12b036d97745748b89ef5b68c4650815.jpg (320x270, 10K)

Where should I go instead of here? 8? If so, what boards? Don't they have sort of like a subreddit system? And what did the mods do this time?

Thanks user I'll read this

The wholeboard is slide threads! It's fucked up.

0 / 10 see me after class

It’s bullshit based on stuff that probably isn’t bullshit.

The other guy posted the link. It's the Q containment board on 8.

The internet's fucking weird right now. Everywhere is shit. The whole world is watching this drama. Trump won.

8ch net/qresearch
>8ch net/qresearch
8ch net/qresearch
>8ch net/qresearch
8ch net/qresearch
>8ch net/qresearch
8ch net/qresearch
>8ch net/qresearch

It's run by US milint. One of the phrases it likes using (darkness to light) matches a tag of one of the US milint psy-ops teams.

I do genuinely think it's real at this point, it's probably what it says. Your mother knows about it because it's being organically spread to help reduce to shock when they expose the clinton etc lies. It's not that hard for us to get up to speed on. Google neon revolt, it's a good news source for Q.

Thanks guys

Fuck right off with that bullshit. Neon is garbage.

Are you me? I swear I hear about this shit every other day from her.

kek unless you're my brother

Jow Forums shilled him off

Reply please

Same here Op. it fucking sucks, the absolute worst psyops I have ever witnessed in my life yet retards still bit on it.

Lol. Korea with the truth.

This is what QAnon is about(or so they say) in a nutshell

This is all the updated posts to judge for yourself

wow a boomer asked about Q user.
Imagine my surprise

Attached: 1506849478337.png (904x711, 390K)

I left a little message for /qresearch/ telling them to fuck off.


Attached: shreks message to qresearch.png (1132x225, 137K)

Look for Pig Dimples.
Rancid cats howl why in the alley?
Think nigger cocks.
Your hearthbound milkbags are my treat.
Putting the oven in your roastie.
Bear leftward as the dingus neighs.
All as one.


(ps i fucked your mom's hairy asshole and she gave me so much shit I refuse to do it again)

This is it! This is the video my mom showed me lmao. So is that really all Q is? I'll read the actual posts, but the video doesn't really say anything that substantive or groundbreaking.

It's all bullshit, basically chanology but for boomers.


>hurrr what is q
>hurrr totally not a q thread hurrrr
>let me post it all day hurrrr
i hate you retards so god damn much

watered down larp for boomers

If Q were anyone but Trump, leftist politicians would be all over it and shutting it down over “illegal leaks”. They’re NOT doing that because it IS trump, and they know he can leak anything he damn well pleases.

Its just a promotion stunt for the new Jane Bond movie. You all fell for the kike tricks.

To be honest, even though I'm skeptical about the whole thing, I want to believe that. It would be perfect.

>muh boomers
>muh psyop
>muh vague and criptic codespeak
>muh larp
>muh qtards
>muh Trump is a zionist
Daily reminder that the 40,000+ sealed indictments are also for you glowing shills

Fuck off pastanigger

New Zyklon Ben cartoon

>Shills on suicide watch

Attached: q1.jpg (800x578, 186K)

i thought he still visits for bants
i never can tell who is jewing who these days.

Q has not provided any clues on where to find key info.

why is he a noose though

Attached: IMG_3267.jpg (480x360, 24K)

Jow Forums sucks now, yes. Q is a larp, a very successful one, shilling hopium to the broken

This is the problem. It’s hopium
Let’s do some accounting.
0 arrests
0 disclosures
0 real world happenings of any kind

Never to be unsealed

kys you shill leaf faggot

>the 22 year old boomer who still lives at home and has a curious mom

Attached: 1F65AD69-AFD8-429E-8091-F960B4302509.jpg (700x350, 87K)

Sounds too good to be true, is too good to be true.
You’re going to die in a Jew war for greater Israel burger brah

Yeah I know, but I can dream. It would at least explain why the whole thing has boomer written all over it: because it's the big, lovable Boomer in Chief himself

Damn user you are really spot on actually

It's a larping roleplay by trump's political enemies to keep boomers preoccupied with a sideshow act that has no end so people never actually step up to do anything themselves; just an attempt to lull people into grabbing popcorn and watching what's happening instead of getting involved with politicians, calling them, sending mail, and increasing pressure to help fix this broken mess

I’m surprised even Ben knows it’s a scam, and he’s the definition of a civic nationalist clown.

>22 years old with a boomer mom
No wonder you have autism, she was what 45 when you leaked out?

I've been posting on Jow Forums since the first /sp/ senpai and I know to ignore the shit out of Qanon. It's probably someone like Assange from what other anons have said. Someone that has access to information but isn't really in the game.
I think my entire problem with it is it is a 'wait and see' type of shit, who cares? There's nothing to do.

Yeah if the whole message is wait and see, then that's disappointing. I'll just pay attention when something actually does happen.

Here pussy, have some more hopium. The nice aliens are coming to save you and they love drumpf

My mom also approached me about Q user, but she knows I've been around these parts of the internets for years so she is receptive to my redpills now. I dropped the JQ on her, with the synagogue of satan verses, the Jews hate Jesus - its in the Talmud- and the USS Liberty and she was actually receptive.

boomers grew up when they still put lead in the gasoline

If your relatives are into Q and you're not using your Pre-Q Anonhood as a position of authority to suggest ideas to them, you're an idiot.

>being this gay

Let's play a little game. How to spot the shill

Remember anons, nobody unpaid will repeatedly go out of their way to discredit Q.

To win the mid-terms they have to dish out massive red pills, the scandals will break out before then and most likely will drag over several years until sentencing.

The good news is, more investigations will spring out of the events that will unfold this Fall.

2017 and the first half '18 will pale in comparison of what's about to come upon us in the coming months and years.

No one is paying me to call Q a boomer larp faggot

>Let's play a little game. How to spot the shill
>Remember anons, nobody unpaid will repeatedly go out of their way to discredit Q.
This is Jow Forums, not infchan, we chased Q out back in november after 9000 back to back numbered CBTS threads, several running concurrently

I'm on a new Pro-Ana forum and someone in the off-topic question was talking about Q-user
What the fuck is going on?!!! NORMIES ARE WATCHING CHAN LARPS NOW?!?!?

Attached: 1512638113407.jpg (409x296, 39K)

Poo in loo and no
Pic related

Attached: c7pa7ypan65z.png (500x600, 18K)

>Is there any merit to Q or is it all cancer?
who else can get the president to say tippity tip top shape, as requested by skeptical anons

who else can get pictures of the president's pen and signed orders

who else can get pics of NK from AF1?

whether Qanon today is the same legit Qanon from before is another matter

You do realise that Q user is Frank aka Anon5?

Attached: 1517001292553.gif (990x919, 3.64M)

4ch is comped

This. Getting the President to say something he always says but you never noticed isn't a skill.