>that 30 year old boomer who falls for the monster kike psyop marketing campaign
That 30 year old boomer who falls for the monster kike psyop marketing campaign
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Fucking boomers man
Fucking boomers man
Fucking boomers man
its anuda shoa
Holy shit im glad im not the only one who noticed. This specific product was being millhoused before the boomer meme. It had a catchphrase like "juicing" or something retarded. Maybe it was on Jow Forums?
Tucking boomers man
I like the purple and the orange monster ultras but still have to sage. This type of posting ain't politics my nigger.
Yeeees "White is the new Black"
Drink up your Monsters goys!
the boomercaust was real! thousands of boomahs submerged in sugar free monster energy drink and electrified into vapahs!
countersage the conspiracy must be unraveled shill
This. There’s something going on here, this isn’t a natural meme
Not going to lie I actually went to the gas station today, picked up one of these, returned to my apartment and took off my shirt, put on my sunglasses, and relished the meme as I took a sip.
I felt, dare I say it, young again.
Someone just skim the first 4 pages and take note of the amount of reddit spacing compared to winter. Fuck, I actually feel legitimate sadness. Even worse? you can't say fuck all or any thread with a mild bit of quality will instantly degenerate. Luckily this one's already there.
Sip(ping), retard
>he doesnt get how memes evolve
fucking boomer
Monster was owned by Hansen's soda and then cocoa cola bought them out. Coca cola became kosher certified in 1935...They've already jewed fanta ( created in National Socialist Germany) with multiculturalism and now, monster is next. They won't ever stop, not until they wipe Europeans, and all they created, off the face of the Earth.
>he doesn't realize how much influence Jow Forums has over culture and how easy this free marketing is
t. coca cola employee
reddit has a bigger impact over culture
now go seethe in silence
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Star Whores? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>t. coca-cola/reddit contractor proxy shill talking to hisself
worst monster ever for sure
It’s confirmed that CTR and Coca Cola company are working together to undermine Jow Forums
>Coca Cola pays CTR to do a psy op on monster marketing it a maymay for cultural purposes
>CTR gets revenue from Coca Cola and can continue to sustain their operations
>that 30 year old boomer who is not shooting Monster Ultra sugar free direct into his veins
. It’s confirmed that CTR and Coca Cola company are working together to undermine Jow Forums
>Coca Cola pays CTR to do a psy op on monster marketing it a maymay for cultural purposes
>CTR gets revenue from Coca Cola and can continue to sustain their operations
I lowkey want a Monster® Energy Drink.
Does anyone know if they make a sugar free variety?
>Whites are discriminated against while blacks get oppression points they can give liberal judges for a reduced sentence.
Coca cola our goys confirmed?
if you are not getting high pressure enemas of Monster Ultra blasted up your butt hole you are not a real young/boomer
wow, it's almost as if their company would rather make money selling energy drinks than pointlessly shill politics. imagine that.
How many memes come from Plebbit?
>TFW the 30 year old boome memer cured my addiction to monster
Monster was created by Michael Savage's son, who is a billionaire on the Forbes 400
>Doing nothing political
That's GREAT
>Doing political things and NOT TALKING ABOUT IT
Not Great
Who would win in a fight between 30yo boomer and cringe compilation shrek?
I almost picked one of these up while refueling today, just to try it. Ended up passing on it.
we all know pic related is the patrician choice
rehab is 4 quitters.