Jow Forums just got Btfo
Jow Forums just got Btfo
>He's swedish
Im not against birth control or gay marriage tho. People can love opposite sexs but trannies and pedo fuckers need to be gassed.
Gays simply wont reproduce :^) and also shouldnt be allowed to adopt
>people are gonna brew up some birth control and gay marriage in their garage
Sound logic, we can't let him get the nuclear codes
> Pol got btfo by a swede
Get with the times fag, we all like birth control and abortion now because it means the black birth rate stays down.
Ban assault birth control
Ban assault abortion
Ban assault gay marriage
>Only one of these is in the bill of rights
Hmm... really gets the noggin' joggin'.
> thinks Jow Forums isnt pro-eugenic methods that mainly affect minorities