I never asked for this

I never asked for this.

Attached: DhFGHXHWAAAlJuV[1].jpg (960x960, 142K)

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Then start running faster.

>Then start running faster.
my Benelli has a long range.

Attached: M4-super-90-.jpg (585x310, 24K)

Enslave, Rape, Marry, Kill. Whats with the man on the end there. That fucking jaw line is too manly to be a womans.

Is the word turning African?

Attached: 1467799488064.jpg (225x225, 6K)

oh shit forgot my flag

don't hate

Peak Italian performance

Enslave 3, rape 2, marry 1, kill 4

Those are just tanned Italians

Why marry 1?