It's great that he's turning away the boats. I'm just curious to know his plans for illegal Africans in Italy.
What is Salvini going to do about the illegal immigrants already in Italy
His plan was to deport 600k illegals throughout the following 5 years, taking away funds from integration programs and allocating them to deportations. I feel like that won’t happen until we make sure that not even the Coastal Guard brings in migrant boats.
Kill. Sterilize. Deport. Those are the options.
he is not gonna do shit, because he's your usual controller opposition retard
also an anti-vaxxer
forced deportations.
hopefully niggers go full chimpout over this, so "legal" niggers get deported too.
pic related
water boarding
Have faith pastabro these things take time
they will integrate,africans are our brothers and are more intelligent than the average dumb italian.
also their skin color is only slightly darker than ours,so it will jot be much of a problem
Hello M'tumbo, how's the pasta at the shelter today?
it's the truth