Allie Stuckey is the best conservative woman

Allie Stuckey is the best conservative woman.

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Pleasantly surprised how this turned out.

"What are things her little girl never said?"

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Are you fucking retarded?

>shes a german shepard
>my little girl

you need to read. Then read again. Then ask what would a liberal say


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thanks for letting us know dogs cant talk.

>best conservative woman
>my little girl is a fur babby :))))))))) no adulting for me

you can't call yourself a conservative woman if you don't have at least 3 white children at her age

Spicy memery at work here. Individualists and people who call their pets their children BTFO

If dogs could talk though imagine how fucking racist they would be when discussing other breeds. YouTube would have a fit.

fuuuuuggggggg of all the times I stop reading halfway through

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>not comprehending the concept of a joke

You might have bowl cancer

Seriously, why do leftists think that making up stories about “MUH 3 YEAR OLD CHILD HAS X OPINION ON THESE NEOPOLITICAL ISSUES ONLY UNDERSTANDABLE BY ADULTS. IM AT A LOSS FOR WORDS” are believable?
People don’t really believe their child said that right ?

thats a low bar, friend

Presumably they're appealing to the idea of "if a child can understand this, why can't you?". It's a fallacy that leaves you open to being accused of following childish beliefs.

Why is there ALWAYS some faggot who can't get the joke that's two sentences long? Is your ADD this bad?

Americans, once again, showing off their superior intellect

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xenophobia is a cock wash term , driven by the leftist cock wash ...

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People using their children in their political agendas deserve the rope

I just found this woke toddler meme making fun of lefties. I feel like a 30 year old boomer finding out about a meme from knowyourmeme and not Jow Forums.

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Is the 14 words using the children in a political agenda?

Kek. The meme has transcended to Xbox 360 levels

>my son
>not my wife's son
He could have done better

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Ah i see you've been fishing before

Not really, wanting to protect the future theoretical children is just what society does. Singling out an 18 monther and going "she said fuck drumpf yaaaaas quween slaaaay" is just political propping.

This is BS a child would never say the words tribalism or xenophobia.


I'd put ten grand down that she's a degenerate slut like everyone else.
good people don't exist. conservative, liberal. doesn't fucking matter, they're the exact same fucking thing now. we need to rise up and slaughter them en mass, leave a great lake of blood.
Good people do not exist. and if you are not a good person, you need to be culled.

It's a play on words referencing dog breeding. Since people like to mix dog breeds and make monstrosities.

hey FBI you need to calm the fuck down

Not FBI lad, just disillusioned. I look out at the world and see nothing but cancerous festering piles of refuse. at degenerate sluts, and criminals. at a society that is incapable of thinking, of comprehending the consequences of there actions, or even thinking five minutes ahead. people with no self understanding, mindless beasts that do nothing but rut and fight. they need to die, be purged. they do not deserve the gift of life that they have squandered and wasted.

can't believe we give these people guns

>You cant make progress unless your flood your country with third worlders who have no education or desireable skills

...shame she was talking about conseravshits...

Why don't Americen understand irony?

Seems legitimate.