Anyone else notice how leftists, especially of the female variety, will laughsplain shit? it's very bizarre...

anyone else notice how leftists, especially of the female variety, will laughsplain shit? it's very bizarre. they talk with a tone that suggests what they are saying is humorous. it comes in two different forms. they laughsplain their opponent's position to imply that what they are saying is ridiculous. they also sometimes laughsplain their own opinions to imply that their opinions are so obvious that they shouldnt even require explaining.

im pretty sure it was started by jon stewart and from what i've seen it's the entire premise of rachel maddow's show. i listen to a lot of npr and the men and women do it all the fucking time. once you start listening for it you hear it everywhere

Attached: LOLSTUDY.png (385x373, 294K)

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Bumping for laughsplaining because I've run into this annoying phenomenon and never thought to give it a name.

Soi overload in that picture.


they just look so soft and weak and pliable. ew

It's how they cope with bring too fearful to honestly advocate their positions. If they pretend to laugh while saying it, they can always back out of a Frank discussion by saying "Don't take it seriously; I'm just joking, dude."

It's a symptom of a frivolous person.


it plays into peoples evolutionary desire to be accepted by the "tribe"

if you say something thats so misguided that people laugh at you its a pretty short trip from confusion to humiliation

basically the idea is to bypass reason and logic and to attack your monkey brain at its most vulnerable

its the same reason they cry bigot or racist or homophobe all the time, those are labels that weve been conditioned to view as social stigma and these bullies are basically just peer pressuring you to go along with them or face exclusion

the scary thing is that they arent even doing it on purpose. theyve been tricked into thinking its legitimate discourse

1 post by this id

piss off


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you know that only counts posts in the current thread right? not overall on the board

>1 post by this ID

Laughing is a signal that you want approval from others.
Thats why women laugh at your jokes and sometimes things that aren't funny.



Nice numbers

its probably not even that nefarious of a reasoning
saying something in a half joking, non-serious manner gives you leeway to deny how strongly you feel about it. its beta behavior, "testing the waters" so to say. It comes from a lack of confidence in what they're saying.

They grew up and never broke from watching Daily Show, Colbert Report and now John Oliver. They associate smug lecturing and laughspaining self-righteous sarcasm with intelligence and wit.

Also making your opponent seem comical invalidates their position even if it's a reasonable and smart one.

I still say "Lulz"


These bearded FTM are disgusting desu

I say lol because I've been saying it since playing mmos in 2005
I'm still manlier than you cunt ass bitch

>It's how they cope with bring too fearful to honestly advocate their positions
that is the same reasoning behind the Valleygirl accent rising in tone towards the end of a sentence. questions rise in tone towards the end, which is how you know it is a question, so by doing the same with statements, the speaker is looking for agreement in their statement. they aren't in fact making statements, but putting out ideas which they want the group to validate. they have no conviction in what they are saying.

I must say i've noticed this a lot and the thing is if you're outnnumbered whatever you say comes off as in their mind either mean or aggressive, university was the worst for it i have quite "aggressive" eyes and maintain eye contact at all times , speaking with conviction to those who dont or lefties they find it quite uncomfortable

i thnki saying "laughsplain" 20 times in a single sentence is propably also linked to extreamly feminine traits ...

They do this when it's out of their Overton window.

The modern liberal is so narrow-minded you can't start with facts or anything obvious. You have to start with feelings. Specifically, their feelings. Find where the feelings are conflicted, and extremely slowly lead them out of their mind sickness.

in dutch lol means that something is fun or funny.

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Yes. It's fantastic. They make themselves look like the immature children they are, and their passive aggressive nature eventually explodes into insults and forever ruins their image to any external observers. Time and time again I've discussed something with a leftist, always starting with them having a high and mighty attitude and ending with strawmen, condescending remarks and a noticeable lack of arguments.