Is Jow Forums pro-abortion?

Is Jow Forums pro-abortion?

Attached: pregdaughter.jpg (1434x960, 349K)

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Yes. especially if the baby has some sort of deformity

Against abortion
For killing babies

abortion is murder PERIOD

I think that ethically, there is no serious position for abortion. It is in any way murder of a child.

I'm pro death anti-choice when it cimes to niggers.

Yes, if it's retarded or non-white.

>the cross
every time

Abortion is murder, but murdering non-whites is not morally reprehensible.


only for blacks

I think it should be illegal for whites to get abortions. Unless they have been impregnated by a primate.

I want a loli to impregnate

What are you looking down on them for? They just accomplished something far more impactful than anything you'll ever be capable of.

for the last time it depends on the race

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Pro-Abortion for non-Whites

yes but only for non whites

She's a dog but imagine how tight that cunny was daym

In principle I'm against abortion, but I'll offer some context here.

My girlfriend got really sick and ended up in a coma when she was 4 months pregnant with our baby girl. We already have a 4 year old son, but we were left with a terrible choice; either let his mother die trying to give birth to his sister, or have an abortion saving his mother's life.

After days of debating this back and forth with hospital staff and family members on both sides, we concluded the a life would be lost in either case and that we had no guarantees that my GF would survive without further treatment (thus giving the unborn a very low chance of survival as well).

It pains me to say that our unborn daughter paid the ultimate price for her mother to wake up from coma and make a nearly full recovery. She is now able to be a mother to our son, even though the entire thing haunts my mind every single day.

I don't think there could ever have been a good solution to this situation..

for normal whites, no.
For anyone else idgaf thats their problem.

However if its a white child that will be born with deformities to the point in which it will forever be dependant of constant government,medical and family supervision then yes.

Basically if it is fully retarded then put it down.
But being deaf, blind,autism, then no.

I disagree. Non whites can be human too. But murdering commies is not morally reprehensible. Now if we could diagnose in prenatal stage if the baby is a dirty commie.

was waiting for the punchline

Yeah I bet even nips could fill that whole

>shoots up school
>has impact thus value
did they teach you that flawless logic at McDonald's hamburger university?

Is this the same girl? So we can clearly assume that approach doesnt' work? lol

No surprise here.


Unwanted children end up being the burden of the taxpayer, who shouldnt have to pay more because stacey cant keep her pants on. Not to mention those children usually grow up fucked in the head and on benifits rather than being a productive member of society.


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Absolutely not, not even in cases of incest or rape. I think killing a child just because you don't want it is a sin and ought to be a crime and abortionists should be prosecuted. Ultimately I think people need to be taught to be careful with sex and understand that sex has consequences beyond STDs.

I will admit however that more definitely needs to be done for women and children post-birth and adoption services should be beefed up to help account for mothers who are unable to care for their children.

except the child will turn out to be a mong, or just a trashy degenerate that will probably end up pushing anti white trash.

the kid is wearing a niggerball cap and the dad is tattoo covered, the child has no future.

Endangerment of mother life is one of not many reasons when it's fair. Don't beat yourself over that.

at least he's white :/

yes, it should be mandatory for subhumans.

Manlets completely BTFO

That kid on the right is taller than "her dad". What a pathetic cuckold smile on that "dad's" face btw.

Cristcucks BTFO as well.


It's 100% her.

>retarded or non-white
Same thing

>I disagree.
Of course you do, you're a Slav (not white)


But whites are primates. Anything from lemur to humain is primate

Should be legal
>after gettign raped
>if it's medically necessary

Should be illegal
>if you didn't use a condom etc. and just don't want a baby

also advertising for an abortion as a legitimate form of birth control should be illegal. saw this shit in a subway station in vienna once, made me fucking sick

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Thank you. My main concern was that our son grows up with a mother, a father and extended family heavily involved. The nuclear family must not be destroyed.

I see the 4H kid got a ribbon for breeding his cow.

rape is a gray area for me. You can use morning after pill asap in that case instead of waiting for fertilization. If you wait, you commit to raising the kid.
You're Canadian, so not white either.

Yep. This.

My city (including me) is over 95% white

Absolutely. Jow Forums is actually the one who convinced me of the logical conclusion that abortion is helping the world through the miracle of prematurely killing off minorities and white trash.

For niggers only

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And yet you're a nigger.

Sorry for your loss, user.

Killing in self defense is the only justification for murder.
You did what had to be done.

Oh no. Who tf let her wear pants like that?

Oh yea and I am pro abortion, some people should NEVER have children

>Dressed up like a skank
>future single-mother
>wears a crucifex
lel, gets me everytime

I didn't used to be, but then I learned it's 90% niggers and mud sharks having I'm ok with this

i'm straight up pro-abortion.

we need more abortions.
we need to fund planned parenthood internationally.
they should get $50 billion annually for domestic and international work, provided it involves the offering of abortions.

china, india, the entire southern hemisphere; all should have free birth control and abortion paid for by the US.

because fuck those roaches.

Fuck off, Maddox.

Go to a country where it's legal. I'm pretty sure if you do it in a legal country the act is outside of America's jurisprudence.

Only if the kid is a nig nog bixnood

Of what race?

yeah for niggers

Thank you. It means a lot to me to hear this.

Kek. That cross.

yes fuck retards and niggers taking my tax dollars

Attached: more niggers aborted than born.jpg (639x400, 51K)

U fucked up repent faggot NOW

This isn't a bad idea. We already waste a ton of money on foreign aid. Shifting those funds to overseas abortion clinics in targeted areas would be a wonderful change of pace.

Both of them should be aborted.

Abortion should be compulsory in case of harmful genetic mutations, especially down syndrome

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when necessary

Face blindness, the inability to recognise and distinguish between faces, is common in people with autism. If you think that the girls in these pictures are the same girl you should talk to a shrink

a bullet is way cheaper and the effect and morality are the same. Just saying.

That's terrible man but I believe you made the right choice. Now your son and any more kids will have two parents. It had to be done.

Poor medical advice.
If this isn't a larp and its real, did you get a second opinion or were you a slave to your public health care doctor's only opinion.
Recently, a euro couple couldn't take their son to another country and had to let him die because their government wouldn't allow it.
I'm sorry for your loss but in USA you are allowed to get more than one opinion. People have beaten cancer with a zero chance original diagnosis.

No. Control your instincts and don't fuck like an animal.No child should suffer because you done retarded decisions and went full animal.White women already seem to be mass abortionists , even in communist times ,they were dying from shoving hangers to kill the babies and were getting infections afterwards.They should be educated to love their children , and showed to them the good part of being a parent , not all this bullshit spewed everywhere "hur dur babies are bad, kids will occupy all your time and will be rebelious brats", they should be teached how to raise a kid , and how to keep in leash the rebelious behavious , or at least to understand how a child's mind works , but idk how many of them can since most from what i seen , try pretending to be adults when they are little kids instead of enjoying their childhood and acting as kids, maybe that is a problem too.

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Then did you marry her or is she still "your girlfriend" even after 1 kid.

We had 13 specialists from different fields debating this with us. Most of them advised against any hastily made decisions. We couldn't even begin treating my GF with medication as it would damage the fetus (strong stuff), which meant that she would remain in a coma for a long time - maybe forever.

We could have given her medication while she was pregnant, but they guaranteed damage to the fetus, so.. There's that.

It sucks, but I don't know what else could have been done.

Pro choice
Birth control is never 100% effective and not everyone is competent enough to be a parent
More so when some places have retarded education and refuse to teach sex education or about birth control
Also there is to many fucking people already, so if someone wants to abort, why not

Most people dont give a shit about already living people, yet they suddenly care about a unborn baby, its retarded

We've been together for 10 years and will get married once she has made a full recovery.

is that Mike Cernovich? The fucking state of the alt-right lmao

the retard meant beast

nah, it's way more expensive to start using bullets.

the first few are cheap, but then you gotta pay people to go into the jungles and look for the fleeing people who also shoot back.

just killing a million sandnigs cost a trillion dollars over 10 years.

50 billion a year, we could do a billion abortions a decade, and be hailed as heroes by an ever increasing majority of the world.

Sorry for your loss user.

Thank you.

For non whites, yes. For whites, no.


I'd accept abortion if the pregnancy threatens the mother's life.
It's unacceptable in any other situation, if the women doesn't want the child to ruin her 'career' or 'social life' she can always give it up for adoption, we have these kinds of institutions in place for a reason. Killing unborn babies is unforgivable.

I'm sorry to hear about this. I was in a similar situation, the only right choice is the one you have made. I wish you a good life.

Thank you. I wish you the same.

>supports race based abortion law
>knows tho Super Jim Crow Era will never exist
>fully supports roe v wade in the meantime
Why not just say "i support abortion law as it stands" instead of pretending?

What about rape, especially in the case of a loved one?
Would they have to live with a shameful reminder forever?

Sorry user. Im against abortion as well but I don't see how you had a choice. Life is incredibly cruel sometimes.

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No, it's not the child's fault it's a product of rape, the mother has the right to give it up for adoption if she doesn't want it around.

It was a shitty situation, but I wanted our nuclear family to persist. I thought to myself what my grandfather's generation would have done, and that made it a bit more clear, but not any easier.

sometimes people should be killed

Whose sperm did junior borrow to put in her?

You're retarded if you think an abortion is cheaper. You need medical staff for that, various utilities etc. A bullet is 1-2 dollars. Are you trying to say that a complicated "medical" procedure is costs less than 2$?

It's clearly dads. Just look at that face.

Imo it's acceptable if the baby is for sure going to be retarded or born with a crippling deformity, if the woman was raped, or if the womans life is in danger.

If its used as mere birth control for an irresponsible thot then its morally reprehensible.

can i kill you?

I want to live in a society where it's available but rarely utilised