Trump loves populist lefties and hates old school conservatives

“Congratulations to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on becoming the next President of Mexico. I look very much forward to working with him,” Trump said. “There is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and Mexico!”

López Obrador, 64, became Mexico’s first leftist president in decades on Sunday following a landslide victory over ruling PRI party candidate Jose Antonio Meade.

The left-wing populist embraced a “Mexico first” stance against President Trump during the campaign — and even went so far as to call him a racist “neo-facist”.

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Trump is love. If they tell you otherwise, they are lying.

they kinda look a like lol

Because he's going to hopefully fix all of the problems in Mexico and ease the situation for the poor down there, hopefully easing the situation on the border too. Much better for the USA than a nationalist getting elected.

It's a bit like Germany and Erdogan, except the whole German government except for Cem Özdemir are too cucked to support the pro-democracy, pro-Western left wing in Turkey.

>It's a bit like Germany and Erdogan
is that the Erdogan who shuttled 2.5 million illegals into the EU in the last few years... and then demanded payment to “stop” this practice, only to continue it at a rate of 40,000 per month?

I would congratulate a losing side for adopting a losing strategy as well. It’s just too delicious to not gloat in it ironically. I too woukd be as excited as Trump to work with someone doomed to fail hard from their hubris.

>The left-wing populist embraced a “Mexico first” stance against President Trump during the campaign — and even went so far as to call him a racist “neo-facist”.
i don't understand, isn't the US left calling trump a racist "neo-facist" for having a "USA first" stance?
trump is obviously congratulating the new guy because it means new possibilities to work together to stop the mexishit scum from migrating north.


I am very happy that these crooked Vincente Fox motherfuckers didn't win.

Erdogan is a crooked bitch who should be gangfucked & thrown out of power.

Amlo is basically Bernie Sanders if he was a nationalist. Trump probably knows this is going to be a shit show, but why not try to start off on the right foot before it all goes to hell.

oh boy!

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yeah hopefully we can use this insane idiot to end mexico once and for all

>donald drumpf can't lie
are you sure hans?

man I hate german posters

>a “Mexico first” stance
What kind of a stance should a Mexican politician have then? Especially with all of the anti-Mexican statements coming from the U.S. President? Someone who sucks Trump's dick would never have been elected, especially not in Mexico.

What about a “let’s build a beautiful wall” stance in the North and South and hang all the criminals in hyper fast 7 day max processes?

>Trump congratulates the Socialist
>Socialism makes Mexico even more of a shithole
>More Mexicans pour into the US
>The left either has to support Trump's immigration policies, or concede that Socialism is bad

Because I take the unconventional stance that pro-democracy and pro-Western policies are a good thing, and the poor should be helped and social problems should be solved instead of holding nationalist and islamist fundamentalist rallies and burning things in huge bonfires.

you cant really be this naive. the left doesnt concede

>first leftist president in decades
>PRI is not leftist
jfc does the whole left-right thing mean anything anymore? The PRI was always leftist, at least supposedly.

Or his policies do enough for Mexico that they stop coming here, I guess.

Obrador is like Bernie Sanders about welfare programs, but he's nationalistic.

Srsly. What's wrong with having a good relationship with Mexico? Or Russia? Or NoKo? What do people want, another war?

Nigga ain't even far left. He's still very conservative in a lot of stuff.

The PRI was always whatever it wanted to be.

Trump is a liberal. He's only playing at being a conservative for votes.

Literally how?

Both are populists; one on the right, other on the left. It's possible they might get along as neither is ideology bound. Obrador understands markets work better than government. He wants them to work better for the people.

NYT said the Republican party can win the Electoral College until 2036 with the numbers that they have, as long as they can keep middle American White males turning out at the polls.

PRI is the most pragmatic party ever doing the whatever necesary to win

This is fantastic, this is literally he best thing that could happen for Trump.

It will be wrong socialism in Mexico you fascist fuck

>lumping nationalism in with islamofascism

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Sulu to Kirk: not sure we can avert world war 3, the Deathbringer President cannot be stopped.

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>when illegals hear that a socialist won in Mexico and is promising gibmedats so they all go back home
Was this Trump's master plan?

They'll stay knowing we can provide even more gibs.

A good relationship isn't always a bad thing but isn't the Mexican government shitting on the USA by not giving a shit about their borders & low key encouraging people into illegal immigration?

Why give them a good relationship when they aren't putting anything positive into it?

wasnt this the guy who said in his campaign that he would protect people trying to get the USA because it is a human right to enter the USA illegally?

>a portion of them leave anyways since the US is starting to become less tolerant of their bullshit
>dems lose a part of their vocal support
>independents are no longer hearing the dem's stupid bullshit
>dems start losing general popularity at a faster rate
>Country goes less gibmedat, more towards the enforcement of laws
>more illegals start going back

Something like that, yes. He's an idiot though and that isn't going to work out. He can't do shit on our soil.

well this is going to be funny

PRD is affiliate with Foro de São Paulo. Mexico is extremely fucked
Prepare their anus for native american quotas due to "historical reparations", pushing the legalization of abortion in all Mexican States (if not via judial coup in Supreme Court), faggots everywhere in Televisa soap operas, and on and on and on.
Plus, not only AMLO will NOT decrease the violence and corruption but with him both will always increase - and yes, this is possible.

PRI in Mexico, ANC in South Africa, PMDB in Brazil and Justicialist (Peronist) party in Argentina are those kind of parties which do everything to keep the power in their hands, even doing a 180º turn in their ideologies.

Every time I've gotten into a fight I act extra nice before I decided to beat the fuck out of them.

Im probably not the only one.

He said he would protect the human rights of the migrants, not that it was a human right to enter illegally. Everyone ate that clickbait though

PRD was with PAN (Meade), not with Morena (AMLO).

All the actors were faggots already. They literally need to suck dick in order to advance their career

yeah, that's him. No surprise that the guy promising to ship as many Mexicans as humanly possible out of Mexico wins the election.

Of course he congratulated him and gave some platitudes. That's how it works. Even Hillary fucking congratulated Trump.

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AMLO claims he will end corruption but that's simply impossible with his stance on statism, you don't decrease corruption by increasing money flow and ghost jobs across the government.

He likes to do the same facial expressions that Trump does, comparisons between the two are common

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AMLO is a literal retard.
And so are those who elected him.

Mexico needs civil war now.

I hate (((old school conservatives))) too.

Based Ivan

Thanks for the F5, Mexico. But Morena is also at Foro de São Paulo, as Partido del Trabajo. You are still fucked and I keep what I said.

>but he's nationalistic
So is Bernie.

>American President wants America First
>Mexican President wants Mexico First
Isn't this exactly what we wanted?

Yep. Hope the Beans get a better country. Good luck Mexanons.

No shit, the world is starting to realize globalization is bullshit and electing leaders that feel the same.. why wouldn't Trump be happy about that?

We want borders, we want nations competing again.

Trump is love
Trump is life
He has made me so proud to be American this month. We're fucking killing it and Eurocucks fucking wish they were on the Mayflower so bad.

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This timeline is fantastic isn't it? I feel your feel too user.

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desu i would still rather my ancestors stayed in their homeland.

>first leftist president in decades
Yeah, like four lmao

Is anyone else tired of our cucked president yet?

Kek, Germs are a lost cause. Fuck off this site you cuck.

Trump like him because he will weaken Mexico's position. Geopolitics is a zero-sum game.

The key here is the likely emboldening of the "destroy America for the sake of Mexico" agenda. "Never stop your enemy from making a mistake" is a big thing. The minute you have Mexicans going around beating the shit out of people and amping up the whole Viva La Raza and Reconquista rhetoric, the game is over. Because then the Left is just going to bleed out on the pavement trying to defend its stances.

It's common courtesy.

>you cant really be this naive. the left doesnt concede
Yeah, they just go quiet. LOL

His party is MORENA and PT, which are affiliated to this Foro.

If Mexico improves it means fewer migrants trying to come here to the USA.

If Mexico gets worse it makes socialism look shitty.

We can't lose.

>Mexico was a gang infested shithole before the election.
>Mexico will still be a gang infested shithole after the election.

>Because he's going to hopefully fix all of the problems in Mexico and ease the situation for the poor down there

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Fox is from the PAN and he was celebrated because he brought the first defeat of the PRI in 70+ years.

Look at me guy with 4 names. Are you looking at me new fag? We fren now.

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The last non-leftist Mexican president was like 110 years ago.

Time to take that job offer in Alabama and never come back.

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There's so much meta-trolling in that picture that I can scarcely process it.

Can some Mexican posters redpill me on this guy? Will he wreck your shit or stop corruption?

He is afiliated with a commie party AND a anti fag christian party, he is pragmatic, and unlike the rest of the candidates, actually know mexico and its problems from travelling from town to town

And in 20 years the stablishment couldn't find shit about him (otherwise he would be out of the presidency race )

Sounds alright to me. What's the middle class think of him? Will he work well with Trump. I think two nationalists will be better than a globalist and a nationalist.

>And in 20 years the stablishment couldn't find shit about him (otherwise he would be out of the presidency race )
how was it he managed to not be murder like the other 300 guys who were considering it and ended up full of bulletholes?

The middle clas is ass blasted about him, because unlike niggus in us, the ones receiving gibs are middle classers AND upper classers, its pathetic really

I'm more pissed off at retarded Leftists who praise Mexico first, but hate America first.

What do you predict will happen in the future?

But why didn't the cartels or other corrupt business men assassinate him. Isn't communism bad for these people.

You have to understand murder here is not like in africa, here it has to be easy, and considering people actually likes him, it would ensued a masive chimp out, or in the worst case an autodefensa

Actually an ex-president tried to jail him out of a loop hole, but couldnt because he was know enough to just get his ass easily to jail

He is pragmatic as i told you, and some business men need him to strength the inner market

Like what?

Not much, expect an educational and police reform, some industry subsidies and the like, he has people with hom that actually know what they are doing, so i would not even worry about nothing

This is what kind of has me confused. Many a SJW voted for him - I'm talking of the type that believes in transgender/LGBQQ, gay marriage and worships Che Güevara

The Mexican commie getting elected in Mexico is good for Republicans in the midterms.

He's demanding open borders, telling Mexicans they're entitled to border hopping.

Obrador will be a useful idiot.

Those dichotomies are not valid in Mexico.

We need a stronger right. Not more leftist shit

They see him as a crowdpleaser

Hmmm this kinda makes sense.

mostly likely because from what i heard of AMLO he seems stupid enough to get mexico in a war with the USA which will result in the US military wiping out the cartels as well as the corrupt goverment.

How is Brazil faring now with commies in jail?

But if he's conservative wouldn't he fundamentally be against them?

Fundamentally yes. But they don’t really see that or want to.

There has been already some resistance against PES in social media and sjws lambasting others for voting for them.